Ames' snow ordinance takes effect at 11 p.m. Thursday
The city of Ames' snow ordinance will go into effect at 11 p.m. Thursday, March 6, and remain in effect until 8 a.m. Saturday, March 8 -- but may vary depending on plowing conditions. Crews most likely will make multiple passes on streets Friday until the snow stops falling. Vehicles on city snow routes (identified by red and white signs) should be moved to off-street parking or to streets not designated as snow routes. To assist with the plowing effort, owners are asked to not park vehicles on any residential street, particularly on circles and cul de sacs; however, only vehicles parked on snow routes risk being towed.
With warmer temperatures anticipated next week, the snow is expected to melt rapidly. Residents can help prevent street ponding and overnight refreezing by making sure storm sewer intakes near their property remain clear of snow, slush and brush.
Daylight saving time starts March 9
Daylight saving time returns at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 9, providing light later in the evening and less light in the morning. Adjust clocks forward one hour before retiring on Saturday night.
Call for participation in fall Cyclone Family Weekend
Cyclone Family Weekend 2025, scheduled for Oct. 10-12, aims to help families strengthen their connection to Iowa State while spending valuable time with their student. University departments and units are invited to participate in several ways:
- Organize a tour. Showcase your college, department or facility with a guided tour for Cyclone families. Highlight unique features, programs and opportunities at ISU, giving families an insider's perspective of campus life. Tours typically are ticketed events, and capacity and number of tours are the host's discretion.
- Host a reception or social event -- an open house, meet-and-greet or cultural showcase that creates opportunities for meaningful connections and interactions.
- Facilitate family-friendly activities such as workshops, demonstrations, recreational outings and more.
The staff in Parent and Family Programs can assist with planning, collaborate on events and include your event in the official schedule of events. To participate in Cyclone Family Weekend as a campus partner, complete this form by April 1. Questions may be directed to Parent and Family Programs.
Nominations sought for youth program annual awards
Nominations are open through March 28 for three annual Youth Programs Awards to be presented at Risk Managment's virtual Youth Programs Symposium on April 15. The awards recognize exceptional contributions by those who have made a lasting impact on youth programming during the 2024 calendar year:
- Youth Program Leader of the Year: Recognizes an individual who has created impactful and memorable experiences for youth participants and volunteers, inspiring growth, fostering a positive environment and contributing to the overall success of the program.
- Outstanding Youth Program of the Year: Celebrates a program that has delivered exceptional youth programming, and stands out for its creativity, effectiveness, culture of safety and overall positive contribution to youth development.
Youth Program Staff Member of the Year: Honors an employee or volunteer who has demonstrated exceptional dedication and effort within a youth program. The individual consistently exceeds their responsibilities, ensuring events run smoothly and supporting the program's success in every way.
Wednesday update: Classes move online, campus partially closed
Due to the forecast for blizzard conditions, Iowa State will partially close and classes (day and evening) will meet virtually on Wednesday, March 5. Students should check email and Canvas for additional information from their instructors. All academic buildings will be locked; those who need access should contact the ISU Department of Public Safety, 515-294-4428. Parks Library, the Memorial Union and Rec Services facilities will be closed. Classes will resume in-person instruction on Thursday, March 6. Updates will be posted on the ISU Alert website.
Supervisors should provide maximum flexibility for their employees to work remotely or take leave. If remote work is not an option, consider training opportunities that employees can complete remotely. During a partial closure, the university will maintain the following services: police/public safety, power plant, residence halls, food service, health care, animal care and critical maintenance, including ongoing research projects.
Grad Mixer Wednesdays partners with colleges this spring
Grad Mixer Wednesdays is collaborating with a different college each Wednesday of March and part of April to address important topics for graduate students. Ivy College of Business is hosting "Growing Your Professional Skillset" on March 5 (1-4:30 p.m., 4237 Student Innovation Center) with topics such as building your brand and the student perspective on academic versus industry job seeking. The College of Engineering will host "Engineering the Future: Innovation, Collaboration and the AI Revolution" on March 12, and the College of Health and Human Sciences will discuss "Shaping the Future: Advancing Research, Teaching and Funding" on March 26.
P&S classification, compensation structures are focus of March seminar
The P&S Council will continue its professional development seminar series on Thursday, March 13 (2-3 p.m., virtual) with a presentation of Iowa State's P&S classification and compensation structures by Emma Mallarino Houghton, director of compensation and talent acquisition, university human resources. The session will cover topics such as managing and updating the structures, organizing jobs in the compensation structure, and how a market-based approach is used to build the compensation structure. Register online to receive the link.
Spring break week volunteers sought for SHOP pantry
The SHOP food pantry in Beyer Hall is in need of faculty and staff volunteers Monday-Wednesday afternoons, March 17-19 (during spring break week). Use the SignUp Genius site to select your volunteer shift(s). You can always email to get the link as well.
ISU three-peats on working parents designation
For the third consecutive year, Iowa State has earned the Best Place for Working Parents® designation from the Iowa Economic Development Authority. The designation recognizes the university's commitment to supporting working parents through family-friendly policies and practices. Assessed criteria include flexible work arrangements, paid time off, onsite child care and parenting resources. The recognition especially reflects the work done by two teams in university human resources, child care and family services and ISU Wellbeing, to ensure ISU parent employees have adequate resources and support.
Applications due March 28 for 2025-26 undergrad research match
The office of student financial aid is accepting applications for the 2025-26 undergraduate research assistantship (URA) program. The program encourages outstanding juniors and seniors to pursue graduate study by offering hands-on experience in a formal research environment to help them make career decisions and learn more about graduate education and fellowships. Work study funding subsidizes the student's payroll. Submitting an application does not guarantee an assistantship. Questions may be directed to Julie Arnold, 515-294-0103. Faculty/staff applicants must:
- Complete the online URA application (soft deadline of March 28 for spring interviews)
- Interview student(s) and make offers of employment
- Complete Letter of Intent
- Once approved, hire student in Workday for the appropriate term in the work-study job profile
March 29 workshop targets would-be business owners
The Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, with the Ames Regional Economic Alliance and Iowa Small Business Development Center, will host a free Smart Start Workshop on Saturday, March 29 (9 a.m.-4 p.m., ISU Research Park Core Facility). The day is a "crash course" for anyone considering starting a business. Local business professionals will cover topics such as banking basics, insurance, business organization, intellectual property, registration, marketing and operations. Registration is required; half-day registration is available.
Annual water conference seeks presentation proposals
The Iowa Water Center seeks presenters and poster presenters for its 19th annual water conference Sept. 9-10 in Ankeny (preconference activities on Sept. 8). More information about submitting a proposal is online. Presentation proposal abstracts are due April 30; the poster submission deadline is Aug. 22. Both should connect to one of the conference's six focus areas:
- Water and agriculture
- Water and health
- Water and recreation
- Stormwater/Urban water
- Water quantity
- Water science communication
VPR site provides updates on federal funding changes
The office of the vice president for research (VPR) will provide guidance, updates and links to relevant resources to help Iowa State's research community navigate the evolving landscape for federal funding. The VPR team created a federal funding page on the VPR website, which it will update and date-stamp as agencies share more direction and guidance with their research partners. Researchers are encouraged to check this page frequently in the weeks ahead. Changes potentially could impact both awarded projects and those awaiting funding from federal agencies or sponsors.
Conflict management training scheduled for June
Iowa State ombuds Laura Smythe will offer training for faculty and staff leaders on conflict management over three half-days, June 9-11 (8:30 a.m.-noon daily). The training is interactive and designed to address scenarios that participants find occur repeatedly yet they approach with uncertainty or discomfort. Participation is limited to 25 individuals and registration is first come, first served; contact Kay Mwanza, 515-294-0165, to register. Each day builds on the prior day, so registrants are asked to commit to attending all three days.
Registration is open for digital scholarship symposium
Registration has opened for the second annual Digital Scholarship Symposium on Wednesday, March 26 (9:45 a.m.-4 p.m., 199 Parks). The symposium will feature two panel discussions: "Public Digital Arts and Humanities: Community Impact Through Digital Projects" and "Digital Pedagogy: Expanding Digital Literacy and Creativity in the Classroom." Panelists will discuss examples of using digital methods to open research to a wider audience and developing digital literacy skills in the classroom. Registration is free and includes lunch.
Encourage research students to present at April women's and gender studies conference
Faculty and staff working with students conducting research within the fields of gender, sexuality and women's studies are asked to encourage them to present at Iowa State's Women's and Gender Studies student conference on Saturday, April 12 (9 a.m.-4 p.m., Student Innovation Center). Undergraduate and graduate students are invited to attend and/or present at this free conference. Proposals are due by 11:59 p.m. March 28. Students may submit their proposal or register to attend on the conference website.
Help identify fall 2025 juniors for the Roy J. Carver scholarship
The student financial aid team asks for faculty and staff help in identifying students who might qualify for the Carver Scholarship from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust. Twenty awards of $6,000 each (renewable for one additional year) will be awarded for the 2025-26 academic year. Online applications are due to the Carver Trust on April 1. The scholarship eligibility criteria are:
- U.S. citizen
- Graduate of accredited Iowa high school or Iowa resident for five years
- At least junior classification by fall semester 2025
- Enrolled full-time (12 or more credits)
- Cumulative GPA of at least 2.80
- Demonstrated financial need on basis of the 2025-26 FAFSA
- Evidence of unusual barriers to attending college full-time
Questions may be directed to Julie Arnold, 515-294-0103.
Workshop presenters sought for June 4-H state conference
Faculty and staff are invited to to lead educational workshops for youth delegates (approximately 400 8th-12th graders from across Iowa) at ISU Extension and Outreach's annual Iowa 4-H Youth Conference, June 24-26 on campus. Presenters explore academic and career paths in hands-on, interactive sessions while showcasing their department's expertise and building connections with future students. The conference aligns with 4-H's national Beyond Ready campaign. Workshops are 90 minutes long for 15-20 participants. Proposals are due March 15. Questions may be directed to Madeline Bretey-Smith, Iowa 4-H.