Task force members
Co-chair: Dave Holger, associate provost
Co-chair: Keith Robinder, interim dean of students
- Lequetia Ancar, multicultural liaison officer, Engineering student services
- Claire Andreasen, Faculty Senate
- Ashton Archer, graduate and professional student senate
- Tonia Baxter, Professional and Scientific Council
- Cameron Campbell, associate dean, College of Design
- Cinzia Cervato, Morrill Professor, geological and atmospheric sciences
- Laura Doering, registrar
- Pete Englin, director, residence
- Patrice Feulner, senior associate director, athletics
- William Jenks, chair, chemistry
- Gralon Johnson, University Innovation Alliance fellow, student affairs
- Joel Johnson, director, Engineering student services
- Roberta Johnson, director, student financial aid
- Liz Kurt, director, new student programs
- Jen Leptien, interim director, learning communities
- Matt Pistilli, director, student affairs assessment and research
- Nicci Port, project director, diversity and inclusion
- Mark Rowe-Barth, director, student wellness
- Zoey Shipley, student government
- Amy Slagell, associate dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Kelsey Smyth, advising professional development coordinator, Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
- Judy Strand, program coordinator, Graduate College
- Marlene Strathe, director, School of Education
- Katharine Suski, director, admissions
- Howard Tyler, co-chair, university academic advising committee
- Deb Vance, interim director, international students and scholars
- Susan Vega-Garcia, Faculty Senate
- Cody West, student government
- Karen Zunkel, director, undergraduate programs and academic assessment
Steering committee members
- Cameron Campbell
- Dave Holger
- Gralon Johnson
- Keith Robinder
- Kelsey Smyth
- Katharine Suski