Want to know more?
FAQs for improved service delivery and ISD transition are available online. Questions can be submitted online or by email, ISD_transition@iastate.edu.
Yes. No. Maybe. All professional and scientific staff and merit employees are asked to respond with an answer to the online interest survey emailed Jan. 9.
The employee interest survey is the next step in filling finance and human resources specialist positions on 11 teams that power the improved service delivery (ISD) models introduced last fall. Qualified current staff will be considered for an estimated 180 specialist roles before public searches are opened.
Staff must respond "yes" or "maybe" no later than 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 18, to be considered for a specialist role, and can withdraw from the process at any time. A "no" answer will end the survey and remove the employee from consideration.
By the numbers
More than 600 employees -- including many supervisors -- signed in at the Jan. 8 job showcase to learn more about the specialist positions in the human resources (HR) and finance ISD models. Recordings of the showcase presentations will be available on the ISD website later this week.
About 125 finance positions need to be filled, including three finance managers, up to four assistant finance managers and a roughly equal balance of specialists in finance, procurement and expense, and grants finance. Heather Paris, who last week was named associate vice president for finance and support services, will guide implementation of the ISD structure.
Associate vice president for human resources and strategy Dwaine Heppler will lead HR's ISD transition. The service teams will need about 55 HR specialists, including four senior HR partners. The bulk of the hires -- about 60 percent -- will be HR coordinators, followed by HR partners (30 percent) and staff recruiting specialists (10 percent).