January 2017
Nominations open for gender and sexuality equity awards
Nominations for the Gender and Sexuality Equity Awards, presented by the Margaret Sloss Women's Center and the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Student Services Center, are due Feb. 17. Nominees may be individuals and groups demonstrating leadership, involvement or scholarship advancing gender and sexuality equity. Recipients will be honored at an awards reception on March 22 (noon-2 p.m., Hach Hall atrium).
VITA offers free tax assistance
Iowa State accounting students will be offering free tax preparation services through the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program this season. Taxpayers with household incomes of $54,000 or less are eligible for basic return preparation services. Free electronic filing (e-filing) of eligible federal and state returns also is available. Services are available Feb.15 through April 10, except for the week of spring break (March 13-17). All sessions are held in 1127 Gerdin on Mondays (4:10-8:45 p.m.) and Wednesdays (4:10-6:25 p.m.); appointments are necessary. More information, including how to schedule an appointment, is online.
Candidates for ISSO director interview next week
Three candidates for director of the international students and scholars office (ISSO) will take part in public open forums as part of their campus interviews next week. Résumés and candidate evaluation forms are available online. The ISSO reports to the dean of students office in student affairs and assists Iowa State's international students with enrollment, academic, social, wellness, employment and travel issues. Finalists and forums include:
- Feb. 6: Sara Thurston, Kansas State University, Manhattan (11 a.m.-noon, MU Soults Family Visitor Center)
- Feb. 7: Roopa Rawjee, Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts (11 a.m.-noon, MU Soults Family Visitor Center)
- Feb. 8: Krista McCallum Beatty, Ohio University, Athens (11 a.m.-noon, MU Soults Family Visitor Center)
Poster, award deadline is Feb. 22 for campus green event
Iowa State's 8th annual Symposium on Sustainability will be held Feb. 27-28 in the Memorial Union. Students, faculty, staff and campus and community organizations are encouraged to participate in the poster and table display reception on both evenings; applications will be accepted through Feb. 22. Space is limited. Nominations also are being accepted through Feb. 22 for the Live Green! Awards for Excellence in Sustainability.
Training for youth program leaders is Feb. 9
The offices of Risk Management, Extension and Outreach, and Conference Planning and Management will offer training that provides youth program leaders, administrators and student organization officers information regarding youth-related policies, procedures and forms for successfully conducting youth programs at ISU. The two-hour training session, offered monthly during spring semester, is for anyone responsible for planning and supervising youth programs or providing administrative support for one. It will be offered 1-3 p.m. on Feb. 9 (1020 4-H Extension Building), 10 a.m.-noon March 8; and 2-4 p.m. on April 6 and May 10. Preregistration is required; send an email to at least 2 days before the session you wish to attend.
Two upcoming research opportunities for undergrads
Undergraduate students who wish to showcase their research efforts have two opportunities in the near future. The Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium and Research in the Capitol both are seeking applications from undergraduates interested in sharing their research. An optional information session about the Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium is on Feb. 2 (3-4 p.m., 127 Curtiss). The application deadline for both opportunities is Feb. 9. Additional information and application forms are available at the links above.
Walk-in consultation program available to students
Student counseling service and the multicultural student affairs and international students and scholars offices are working together to bring students Let's Talk, a walk-in consultation program. The goals of the program are for students to:
- Explore what it's like to talk to a counselor
- Gain a counseling perspective, without the requirement of ongoing counseling
- Get support for a specific problem (i.e., academic stress, depression, relationship conflicts)
- Obtain help or information for a friend they are concerned about
- Obtain referrals to other campus resources
Students may drop by the Multicultural Center (Reflection Room #1) in the MU Mondays through Fridays, 3:10 to 5 p.m. The service is confidential and students may remain anonymous.
Spring enrollment is a record
Enrollment is up 449 students from last spring. Here's a college-by-college look at the numbers.
Where's the land-grant land? Not Ames
Many Iowa Staters mistakenly believe their campus is sitting on land-grant land. Actually, most of the historic parcels are in northwest Iowa.
Wellness programs work together for greater good
Staff members Stephanie Downs and Mark Rowe-Barth work together to ensure the wellbeing of Iowa State's employees and students.
OPPTAG summer proposal deadline extended to Feb. 3
The Office of Precollegiate Programs for Talented and Gifted (OPPTAG) seeks faculty, staff, graduate students and local teachers to teach summer camp courses for talented and gifted students in grades 3-11. Proposals for classes, especially in the STEM fields, also are being accepted. The course proposal deadline has been extended to Feb. 3. An application for proposals and more information is available online.
Spring career fairs kick off Feb. 1
Spring career fairs are scheduled during February and May:
- Feb. 1 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m., MU Great Hall), Agriculture and Life Sciences Career Day
- Feb. 7 (noon-6 p.m., Hilton Coliseum and Scheman Building), Engineering Career Fair
- Feb. 8 (noon-6 p.m., Hilton Coliseum), Business, Industry and Technology Career Fair
- Feb. 8 (noon-6 p.m., Scheman Building), People to People Career Fair (careers, internships in social services, health and wellness, government and hospitality)
- March 2 (noon-5 p.m., MU Great Hall), Design Career Fair
- March 6 (1-5 p.m., ISU Alumni Center), Teacher Education Career Fair
Early bird rate for P&S conference ends Jan. 31
Registration closes Feb. 10 for the annual Professional and Scientific professional development conference, "Cultivate Your Adventure," on Tuesday, Feb. 28 (7:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m., Scheman Building). Register by Jan. 31 for $80; after that the fee is $95. Sessions will focus on cultivating your professional — as well as your personal — life through learning categories such as leadership, health and wellness, professional resources and human interactions. Participants also may have a professional headshot taken, browse books recommended by conference speakers, participate in an ISU trivia contest and watch inspiring TED talks. Questions may be directed to Tera Lawson.
Sorority for STEM majors is recruiting this month
Alpha Sigma Kappa, a sorority for women in the STEM majors, is recruiting new members with a series of activities. Questions may be directed to Emily Smith. Bring your ISU ID; activities are in 0274 Carver Hall unless indicated, and include:
- Jan. 25 (7 p.m.): Bingo
- Jan. 26 (6 p.m.): Cupcake decorating
- Jan. 30 (7 p.m., 0305 Carver): Informational session
- Jan. 31 (6 p.m.): Twister
- Feb. 1 (6 p.m.): Pizza eating contest
- Feb. 2 (7 p.m.): Trivia night
Proposals sought for Women's and Diversity Grants Program
The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is accepting grant proposals for the Women's and Diversity Grants Program, which supports initiatives that enrich the experiences of women and diverse Iowa State faculty, staff and students. Up to $50,000 in grant funding is available to support women's and diversity initiatives for either one-time programming or as seed money to stimulate additional funding from other sources. Proposals are due March 1 and may be submitted by faculty or staff, as individuals or teams. Guidelines, an application form and timeline are available online.
Walkers, bikers, drivers wanted for Welch/Union survey

Planners are seeking help in determining the future use of Welch Road (east of Friley Hall) and Union Drive (north of Friley and Union Drive Community Center). A 2018 reconstruction project will replace the stretch of campus roadway between Bissell Road and Lincoln Way, with an eye on pedestrian safety, greenscapes and bicycle accommodations. The campus community is invited to complete a short, five-question survey by Monday, Jan. 30. Survey input will be used in upcoming planning sessions and public forums.
Conference helps students hone leadership skills
Students are encouraged to attend the Iowa State Leadership Experience on Jan. 28 (10 a.m.-4 p.m., Memorial Union). The annual conference will help new and existing student leaders on campus improve their leadership skills and abilities. Keynote speaker is Opal Tometi, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement. Register online to attend.
Web accessibility workshop is Feb. 3
Information Technology is hosting a free web accessbility workshop series this semester. The first, Intro to Digital Accessibility, will be held Feb. 3 (noon-1 p.m., 206 Durham). Learn how universally designed digital content can be both a business asset and accessible to all users. Bring your laptop; this is a hands-on session. Register online.
Signing day event is open to the public
Iowa State's Cyclone Gridiron Club will host a "Cyning Day Celebration" on Feb. 1 (4:30 p.m., Sukup End Zone Club, Jack Trice Stadium) to announce incoming football student athletes. The event is free and open to the public.
Services pending for former dean Pamela Anthony
Pamela Anthony, who served as ISU's dean of students from 2012 to 2016, died Jan. 17 in Dallas after battling cancer. Funeral and memorial services are not yet scheduled. Anthony left Iowa State to become vice president for student affairs at Southern Methodist University. Her career in higher education also included stops at Georgia State University, Atlanta; Spelman College, Atlanta; and University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
Join ISSO for dinner
The International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) invites faculty, staff, students and community members to participate in any of its spring semester events, including four group trips and a series of dinners in Des Moines. Registration is required. The "Dinner in Des Moines" series includes free transportation (participants must pay for their meals):
- Jan. 20: Tacopocalypse
- Feb. 3: A Dong Vietnamese Restaurant
- Feb. 17: Mi Patria Ecuadorian Restaurant
- March 3: Fong's Pizza
- March 24: Namaste India
- April 7: Lemongrass Restaurant (Lao and Thai)
- April 21: Zombie Burger + Drink Lab
Group outings include ski trips on Jan. 29 (Seven Oaks Resort, Boone) and Feb. 11-12 (Mount Kato, Mankato, Minnesota), and a kayaking trip on April 8 (Brushy Creek, Lehigh). Details for a spring break trip to St. Louis still are being developed. Contact the ISSO for more information (294-1120,
Dead week policy changes are under consideration
Quizzes, tests and exams would not be given on Thursday and Friday during dead week in proposed policy changes introduced at a recent Faculty Senate meeting.
Input sought on the future of Bissell Road
Facilities planning and management is seeking input on the future use of Bissell Road during two Jan. 25 open house sessions: 12:30-2 p.m. in the College of Design atrium, and 2:30-4 p.m. in the Sukup Hall atrium. Utility work for upcoming construction projects will require the demolition and reconstruction of Bissell, from Osborn Drive to Union Drive. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to share feedback about possible roadway configurations, including pedestrian safety, traffic and overall campus character considerations.
Dance Marathon is this weekend
Dance Marathon 2017, an ISU student fundraising event to benefit the University of Iowa Children's Hospital, will be held in the Memorial Union Great Hall on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 20-21 as two individual events. The first event is from 7 p.m. Friday to 7 a.m. Saturday, and the second event is from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday. Last year, students raised nearly $363,000.
Regents return to two-day meetings
The state Board of Regents approved a 2017 meeting schedule on Jan. 17 that returns to the practice of clustering committee and full board proceedings into a two-day event. However, recommendations coming out of committee on the first day of a meeting will be voted on by the full board the next month, rather than the next day. The intent, said board president Bruce Rastetter, is multi-pronged:
- Give both board members and the public time to read and become more informed prior to the vote
- Be "less cumbersome" on university and board office staffs who prepare for, and travel to, meetings across the state
- Provide greater transparency to board proceedings
The board had tried a schedule in which committee meetings preceded the full board meeting by several weeks. The board will meet seven times during 2017, two of which are scheduled as telephonic meetings.
Deadline to order Valentine fudge is Jan. 28
The ISU Food Science Club will make and sell half-pound boxes of fudge for Valentine's Day. Flavors are milk chocolate, peanut butter, cookies 'n cream and Cyclone (peanuts, mini marshmallows and Valentine M&Ms). The price is $6, or two boxes for $10. Pre-orders are due Jan. 28; pick up your orders in 206 MacKay on either Feb. 10 (10 a.m.-3 p.m.) or Feb. 13 (11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.). Payment (cash or check) will be collected at pickup.
Honors program seeks seminar proposals for fall
The University Honors program seeks proposals for Honors seminars to be offered in Fall 2017. These 1- or 2-credit courses explore topics of current or special interest. Seminars are pass/fail, with enrollment usually limited to 17. A grant of $500 per seminar supports the professional development of the instructor(s). More information, including proposal guidelines and a downloadable proposal form, is online. Proposals are due Friday, Feb. 3.
Submit feedback for senate review of president's office
The Faculty Senate's task force charged with reviewing the president's office is accepting comments and suggestions from the university community. Feedback from faculty, staff, students and public can be submitted confidentially through an online form through Jan. 30. University Professor and senate past-president Suzanne Hendrich is chair of the task force. Other members include faculty representatives Tim Derrick, Micheal Owen, Lori Brunner Stone, Denise Vrchota, and Ames community representatives Steve Goodhue and Dan Culhane. The senate conducts reviews of the university's top administrative offices on a regular, rotating basis.
Lactation spaces open in Heady, Lagomarcino halls
As part of a coordinated effort to expand the inventory of lactation spaces across campus, two new locations have opened this semester: 365 Heady Hall and W0061 Lagomarcino Hall. For more information, contact Child Care & Family Resources, 294-8827.
MU poster sale runs Jan. 23-27
The Student Activities Center is hosting the Memorial Union's annual poster sale Monday-Friday, Jan. 23-27 (9 a.m.-6 p.m. daily, Cardinal Room). Selections include art prints, movies, music and pop culture. Most posters are priced $8-$12, and proceeds support art programs at the Memorial Union.
DNCE concert is April 5 at Hilton
Tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 20, via Ticketmaster for an April 5 concert at Hilton by the funk pop band, DNCE. Tickets are $30 ($35 on the floor) for the public and $20 ($25 on the floor) for ISU students with I.D. Students may purchase one ticket at the student price. Seats are general admission within a zone; doors open at 7 p.m. for the 8 p.m. concert.
Ceramics alum returns as artist-in-residence
Alumnus and ceramics designer Jonathan Castro, who now lives and works in New York City, will visit Iowa State as an artist-in-residence Jan. 30-Feb. 4 at the College of Design and the Memorial Union. His return will include public as well as classroom lectures, a studio residency and open studio time. He'll also lead an evening wheel pottery class in the MU's Workspace that's open to the public.
Walk safe this winter
With freezing rain and sleet expected this weekend (Jan 15-16), environmental health and safety staff are reminding everyone to take care when walking across campus this winter. Contact EH&S (294-5359) or facilities planning and management (294-5100) to report problem sidewalks or entrances (needing treatment or snow removal). Review the winter preparedness website for more information.
Jan. 24 panel discussion looks at legal rights of immigrants in Iowa
The office of the vice president for diversity and inclusion will host a panel discussion, Know Your Rights (PDF), on Jan. 24 (6-8 p.m., MU Great Hall). The forum will focus on the legal rights of all immigrants living in Iowa, including undocumented residents and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) students. How to address hate incidents and available resources on and off campus also will be shared. Panelists will represent Iowa State, Iowa Department of Human Rights, Justice for Our Neighbors, American Friends Service Committee, One Iowa and ACLU of Iowa. All are welcome to attend this free event. For more information, contact Consuelo Liz Mendez-Shannon, project director for Hispanic/Latinx affairs.
FY17 state appropriations to be reduced
University leaders are preparing for a mid-year reduction -- of uncertain size -- in state funding support.
New building will be a student-centered collaboration zone
Construction on the Student Innovation Center begins this year. The glass-encased building will be an eye-catching feature in the west campus landscape.
Student affairs associate VP finalists interview next week
Four finalists will be available for public open forums and "meet and greet" receptions Jan. 17-20.
Finalists for assistant VP, chief of police
Four finalists for Iowa State's assistant vice president and chief of police post will visit campus over the next couple of weeks. Candidates' names, interview times and locations will be shared just prior to their arrival on campus. Interviews are scheduled for Jan. 17, 20, 23 and 25. During their visits, candidates will:
- Provide brief presentations and answer questions during open forums scheduled from 2:50 to 3:50 p.m. on each interview day
- Meet with identified student, faculty and staff groups and community leaders
The search committee was appointed by Kate Gregory, senior vice president for university services; and is chaired by Maureen De Armond, associate university counsel. The committee is assisted by the Spelman Johnson recruiting firm. Gregory encourages the campus community to meet the "highly qualified candidates" and provide feedback, which "will be critical to the success of the search and selection."
Students sought for pilot financial literacy program
Iowa State University is seeking 500 freshman or new (as of fall 2016) transfer students to participate in a pilot financial literacy program in spring 2017. Peer mentors and financial literacy experts will guide participants through the material. Students in the pilot also will be entered into drawings for cash prizes after completion of each module and training evaluation. The enrollment period is open until Jan. 22. Details are available on the Cyclone CashCourse site.
The pilot is the forerunner to a joint Iowa State, University of Iowa and University of Northern Iowa-developed course to help students make smart financial decisions now and after college. The Iowa Board of Regents requested the course, and Tahira Hira, Professor Emeritus of human development and family studies at Iowa State will lead the initiative.
Reminder: Professional development resources available through NCFDD
As an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) network, all ISU faculty, academic staff, postdocs, and professional and graduate students may access for free the network's virtual mentoring and professional development resources. Some examples of available resources include monthly core curriculum and guest expert webinars, private discussion forum for peer-mentoring and problem-solving, and access to the career center and member library. Request an institutional sub-account to access the online resources.
Student government purchases online access to NY Times
The ISU Student Government has purchased a school-wide subscription through December to The New York Times online newspaper, including international editions and mobile apps. President Cole Staudt said student senators believe this will "enrich the academic experience of our students." And, in an era where anyone with internet access can produce "news," Staudt said "access to real journalism is important." All employees and students with an email address can create a free account:
- Visit Create an account using your university email address.
- Check your email inbox for a confirmation message. Click on the link in your confirmation message to validate your email address and claim a pass. If the confirmation email hasn’t arrived, check your spam folder.
- You have successfully claimed a pass when you see the Start Your Access screen.
- Download New York Times mobile apps on a separate site.
Faculty also may use The New York Times in Education website. To obtain access, follow the "register" button in the upper right hand corner of the page.
Four microscopy facilities are merging
The university's Confocal and Multiphoton Facility, Image Analysis Facility, Microscopy and NanoImaging Facility and Roy J. Carver Laboratory for Ultrahigh Resolution Biological Microscopy are merging to form the Roy J. Carver High Resolution Microscopy Facility. Existing services will continue uninterrupted. Margie Carter, Tracey Stewart and Curtis Mosher will manage the new facility, which will be administered by the Office of Biotechnology. More information is online.
Consider a CELT program this spring
CELT is offering nearly 70 hours of professional development programming this semester, including three presentations in the "award-winning faculty" series, a panel on the scholarship of teaching and learning, four learning communities for faculty/staff, a workshop series in online course design, four faculty development workshops in the inclusive classroom series and three discussions on teaching inclusively. All CELT programming is designed to support and enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning. Download CELT's Spring 2017 Event Schedule (PDF) or, for most the up-to-date schedule, go to CELT's events and registration website. Register for CELT programs via Learn@ISU.
UCC offers child care program opportunities, place for sick kids
University Community Childcare, 2623 Bruner Dr., has openings in the following child care programs. A sliding fee scale is available for qualified families. For more information or to enroll your child(ren) in the following programs, call 294-9838 or email
- Rock Stars is an afterschool program for children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Kids may ride the school bus from most schools to the center.
- Cheerful Cheetahs is a preschool program for kids ages 2.5 to 5 years old. Sessions are from 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
- The Comfort Zone is a get-well center for mildly ill children, infants through 5th grade. Care is given by a registered nurse and professional child care staff. Preregistration is required. More information is available online or by emailing
Change of date for Celtic Fire performance
Due to a schedule change in tour dates, the Celtic Fire performance slated for March 9 at Stephens Auditorium has been changed to March 20 (7:30 p.m.). Tickets for the show are $25 to $55 and available at the Iowa State Center ticket office or through Ticketmaster.
Nominations for six alumni awards are due Feb. 15
The ISU alumni association seeks nominations for six awards that will be presented during Homecoming weekend (Oct. 27-29). Nominations are due Feb. 15. The six are the Alumni Medal, Alumni Merit Award, Alumni Service Award, Outstanding Young Alumni Award, James A. Hopson Volunteer Award and the Impact Award. More information about each award, including previous recipients and the nomination form, are online. Questions may be directed to Katie Lickteig.
Group fitness event is Jan. 12
ISU students and rec pass holders are invited to the group fitness "Insanity Live Launch Party," Jan. 12 (6-7:30 p.m.) in State Gym. The free event includes a 50-minute, music-pumping workout with instructors. Campus fitness and wellness groups will be available with information on ways to live healthy at Iowa State. Participants will be eligible for prize giveaways. Check-in begins at 6 p.m., the workout is at 6:30 p.m. Find out more on the Facebook event page.
Workspace hosts Sole Hope event on Jan. 16
The Workspace in the east basement of the Memorial Union will host a volunteer day for Sole Hope on Monday, Jan. 16 (2-10 p.m.) as part of the MLK Day of Service. Volunteers will cut shapes out of denim jeans to form a shoe. These will be shipped to Uganda, where local shoemakers will craft shoes that are given out at medical clinics to help prevent foot-related diseases caused by jigger bugs. Donations of jeans can be dropped off in advance at The Workspace. Sole Hope encourages a $10 donation per pair of shoes, but it is not required to attend.
Training for youth program leaders is Jan. 18
The offices of Risk Management, Extension and Outreach, and Conference Planning and Management will offer training that provides youth program leaders, administrators and student organization officers information regarding youth-related policies, procedures and forms for successfully conducting youth programs at ISU. The two-hour training session, offered monthly during spring semester, is for anyone responsible for planning and supervising youth programs or providing administrative support for one. It will be offered 10 a.m.-noon on Jan. 18 (1155 Administrative Services Builidng), Feb. 7 and March 8; and 2-4 p.m. on April 6 and May 10. Preregistration is required; send an email to at least 2 days before the session you wish to attend.
Singers participate in Metropolitan Opera auditions Jan. 7
Up-and-coming opera singers will participate in the Metropolitan Opera National Council auditions on Jan. 7 (noon, Tye Hall, Music Building). Singers from New York and California as well as Iowa will perform two of five prepared arias representing different styles and languages. Winners from Saturday's event will advance to the Upper Midwest Regional competition Feb. 19 at Bethel University in St. Paul, and winners of that competition will perform in New York March 12 on the Met stage. The Ames event is free and open to the public.
Hurte named dean of students
Vernon Hurte was named Iowa State's next dean of students, which was elevated to an associate vice president post in student affairs last summer. His start date is July 3.
Failor named ISU state relations officer
Kristin Failor began serving as state relations officer for Iowa State this week. She is employed by the state Board of Regents to coordinate state government relations for ISU.
Study Abroad Fair is Jan. 19
The spring edition of the Study Abroad Fair will be held Thursday, Jan. 19 (10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., MU Great Hall). Learn about interning, studying and volunteering abroad in experiences ranging from one week to one year. Students can enter their names for a chance to win study-abroad scholarships.
Bookmobile adds campus stop
In partnership with the university library, the Ames Public Library's Bookmobile will add an Iowa State stop to its weekly schedule. Beginning Jan. 12, the Bookmobile will park in the turnaround driveway between Parks Library and Morrill Hall from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursdays. Items from the Ames Public Library (for all ages) can be checked out, returned or reserved in advance for pick up. A complete schedule of Bookmobile stops is available on the library website. Special events and appearances are planned for the Bookmobile's Jan. 12 campus stop.
Change to procurement approvals in E-Forms Approval system
A change in how approvers for the requisitioning, purchasing card and cyBUY systems are established in the Eâ€Forms Approval system went into effect on Oct. 24. As an update, there is a new (optional) purchasing (PUR) document type available in Kuali Financial System (KFS) for assigning delegates to be approver proxies, specifically for procurement e-forms. Establishing PUR account delegates is an option for departments to assign approvers different from their KFS delegate list. For more information, visit the procurement services website.
Reminder: Diversity course proposals are due Jan. 16
Funding proposals for the Diversity Course Development Initiative are due Jan. 16. New and modified courses must be offered initially in the fall 2017, spring 2018 or fall 2018 semesters. More information, including the request for proposals and proposal template, is on the CELT website. Funding decisions will be announced in February.
Blackboard Users Group is now Online Learning Community
The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) has changed the former Blackboard Users Group (BUG) to the Online Learning Community (OLC). Open to faculty, staff and graduate teaching assistants, the group will share best practices from across campus to improve online teaching and learning, see how others are using the university's learning management system (LMS) to create innovative learning experiences, inform the campus about web-based instructional technologies, and participate in new technology testing and evaluation. The group also will seek to leverage staff and instructor LMS experiences and share training resources from university support units. In addition, this group will inform future activities surrounding ISU’s migration to a new LMS software product. More information about the process and timeline is on ISU’s Learning Management System website.
The OLC will meet on the following Fridays: Jan. 13, Feb. 10, March 24 and April 14 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., 2030 Morrill). Registration is required at least one day prior to the session via Learn@ISU.
Plant-based economy topic of Jan. 9 Osborn Club lecture
Emily Heaton, associate professor in agronomy, will present "Perennial Power" at the Osborn Club lecture on Jan. 9 (6 p.m., following club social at 5:30 p.m., Hach Hall atrium). Her talk will explore the rationale and potential for transition from a fossil-based to a plant-based economy. The lecture is free and open to the public. Cost for the social is $15 ($10 for students).
Jan. 13 hearing precedes regents' Des Moines meeting
If you'd like to comment on any items scheduled for discussion at the state Board of Regents Jan. 17 meeting in Des Moines, you have several options:
Attend one of six public hearings held at the regents institutions and board office Jan. 12-13. Iowa State's hearing is Friday, Jan. 13 (noon-1 p.m.), Gold Room, Memorial Union. All public hearings will be video recorded and posted to the regents' hearings website. Transparency officer Shirley Knipfel will preside at the meeting.
Provide written comments to regents transparency officer Josh Lehman,
Meeting materials and an agenda for the January meeting will be posted to the regents meeting site by Jan. 10.
GIS facility hosts MLK Day service event on Jan. 16
Iowa State's Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Facility and IowaView are hosting a Martin Luther King Jr. Day service event on Jan.16 (10 a.m.-1 p.m., 206 Durham). All are invited to volunteer; no experience is necessary. Attendees will participate in Open Street Map, a crowd-sourced map of the world that is open source, free and available for any use. OSM provides online web mapping tools for users to map roads, buildings, water bodies and features of interest using satellite imagery as a base. Past projects have worked with the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders to create new maps in areas of the world dealing with disasters and emergencies. Send an email to by Jan. 13 to register; list your pizza preference and whether you need a laptop computer. Additional information is online.
Heisman Trophy recipient joins 'Chicago' cast
1995 Heisman Trophy winner and former NFL player (Tennessee Titans) Eddie George has joined the cast of Chicago the Musical in the role of hustling lawyer Billy Flynn. Performances at Stephens Auditorium are scheduled for Friday-Saturday, Feb. 24-25 (7:30 p.m.) and Sunday, Feb. 26 (2 p.m.) Tickets are available through Ticketmaster.
Saturday matinees this month at Reiman Gardens
Every Saturday in January, Reiman Gardens will show movies for children at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., indoors. Admission is free for all kids age 17 years and younger; adults pay $8 (member adults and ISU students are free). Popcorn, candy and soda will be available for purchase. The film lineup is:
- Jan. 7, Finding Nemo
- Jan. 14, March of the Penguins
- Jan. 21, Free Willy
- Jan. 28, Finding Dory
Volunteer for an Ames Lab Science Bowl
Ames Laboratory's regional Science Bowl seeks 150 volunteers, both scientific and nonscientific, for its 2017 competitions on campus: a high school event on Saturday, Jan. 28, and middle school event on Saturday, Feb. 25 (8 a.m.-5 p.m. each day). In shifts ranging from four to eight hours, volunteers serve as moderators, judges, timekeepers and scorekeepers in the fast-paced, game-show style competition. Volunteers receive a free lunch and T-shirt. Sign up via the online volunteer form; questions may be directed to Deb Samuelson, 294-9557.