
January 2012

Former ISU VP Wayne Moore dies

Former ISU vice president Wayne Moore, 92, died Jan. 29 at the Green Hills Health Care Facility in Ames. A visitation will be held Thursday, Feb. 2 (3 p.m. to 5 p.m.) at Grandon Funeral and Cremation Care, 414 Lincoln Way, Ames. A private burial service will follow on Friday, Feb. 3. A celebration of Wayne's life and his contributions to Ames and Iowa State University will be held in April. Moore  held the position of Iowa State vice president for business and finance for 18 years and then served as vice president for planning and development for another 5 years. Memorials may be directed to ISU Foundation Research Park and Wesley Hospice Care. Send online condolences to Grandon Funeral.

Spring career fair is Feb. 8

The colleges of Business, Human Sciences, and Liberal Arts and Sciences will hold their joint spring career fair Feb. 8 (noon-6 p.m., Hilton). It is open to the public. More than 100 companies have registered and are looking to fill internships, co-ops and full-time positions. Students should bring their ISU ID to the fair to receive a professionally printed name tag. Current ISU students also may register on ISU's Career Management Service site for the lunch being held prior to the fair at Johnny's in Hilton.

Research participants sought for online investment simulation

Participants (24 years and older, with investment activity in the last five years) are sought for a 1-hour online simulation that involves completing an investment decision-making exercise and answering questions about your experience with investments and financial statements. Simulations will be held Feb. 7 and 8 (5:15 p.m., 2148 Gerdin); register for a session online. Each person who completes the simulation will be compensated $25.

Tearoom adds Tuesday, Thursday evening meals

Beginning Jan. 26, the Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom, 23 MacKay, will serve an evening meal (5:30-6:30 p.m.) on Tuesdays and Thursdays during spring semester. Reservations are required; call 4-3330. The menu and price ($6.50) are the same as that served at the noon seating. Tearoom To-Go, the Tearoom's carry-out option, also is available during Tearoom evening hours. It includes drinks, small items and sides, such as wraps, sandwiches, soups, pasta and fruit salads, and baked items. All food items are prepared on site by HRI 380 students.

Media spokesperson training

News Service provides media spokesperson training for faculty, staff and administrators who regularly serve as expert media sources, as well as those who would like to interact and communicate more effectively with reporters. Sessions are being offered Feb. 15 (afternoon) and Feb. 28 (morning). There's no fee to attend the workshops, but space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Plan on a time commitment of 3 hours. Sessions for several members of a department or unit also may be arranged upon request. If you have questions or are interested in attending one of the February sessions, e-mail

Ethics hotline reminder

Iowa State contracts with a third-party hotline vendor, EthicsPoint, to allow anonymous reporting of activities that may involve criminal, unethical, noncompliant or unsafe behavior impacting ISU. You may submit a report online or by calling (toll-free) 866-384-4277.

Civic Center discounts available to university community

Discounts are available to Iowa State students, faculty and staff for many Civic Center of Greater Des Moines productions, including the  Willis Broadway Series, Temple Theater Series, Live at the Temple, and Dance Series. Go to and enter the pass code "ISU" for a list of available productions.  Select the show you want to attend, click "find tickets," and enter special offer code "BEST." Tickets will be e-mailed to you.

Annual key audit under way

The university's 2012 key audit begins Jan. 23, when individual key holders will receive an email about the keys in their possession. Department key coordinators will have access to their department information beginning Feb. 6. The staff in building access services will complete the audit and have it available for department deans, chairs and administrative officers by April 15.

Ames snow ordinance in effect at 1 p.m. Friday

The City of Ames Snow Ordinance will go into effect at 1 p.m. Friday, Jan. 20.  Vehicles parked along snow routes (marked by red, white and blue signs) must be moved or they will be ticketed and towed. Vehicles should be moved to off-street parking or to streets that are not designated snow routes.  To assist in plowing efforts, all Ames  residents are asked to remove parked vehicles from residential streets. However, only those on snow routes are required to move them. The snow ordinance remains in effect until the streets are completely plowed from curb to curb, AND it has stopped snowing.

Panel discussion will look at impact of women's studies on women's lives

A conversation about the history and impact of women's studies will take place Jan. 26 (3:30-5 p.m., MU Gallery). Panelists include faculty members Cornelia Flora, Madeleine Henry, Kathy Hickok and Brenda Daly; and program alumnae including Lisa Ossian. They'll explore what is unique about women's studies and how the discipline has affected women's lives. All are welcome; refreshments will be served. This is part of a series this year recognizing the 35th anniversary of Iowa State's women's studies program.

Recognition program for academic advisers is Jan. 19

The University Academic Advising Committee is hosting a recognition event for all academic advisers on Thursday, Jan. 19 (7:30-8:45 a.m., MU Campanile Room). A light breakfast will be available, and a short program will begin at 8 a.m. Feel free to come and go as your schedule allows. An RSVP is requested, but not required, to

University launches proof of concept initiative

A proof of concept initiative, launching this month at Iowa State, provides resources for innovative research and helps facilitate and accelerate the transfer of the university's innovative research to the marketplace. A common application process will streamline evaluation for funding from several sources. Awards typically will range from $10,000 to $100,000, and projects must be complete within six to 12 months. Collaborators are: the ISU Research Park, Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship, ISU Research Foundation and the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development. More information about the process, including the application form, is online at the ISU industry relations website.

Employee wellness presentation focuses on super foods

"Super Foods -- Enhance Your Eating" is the topic of an employee wellness presentation open to all faculty and staff on Jan. 26 (10-11 a.m., 192 Parks Library). Sally Barclay, clinician in food science and human nutrition, will lead a discussion about the most nutrient-dense foods with antioxidants and how to incorporate them into your daily diet. No preregistration is required.

Register now for March 24 Veishea Service Day/Stash the Trash

Help clean up the Iowa State campus and Ames community during the annual Veishea Service Day/Stash the Trash on March 24 (8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., meet at the Reiman Gardens parking lot). Volunteers may work alone, with a group or an organization. Volunteers will receive free lunch and free admission to Reiman Gardens. Trash bags and gloves will be provided. If you're interested in participating, register online

Controller's department seeks internal candidates for accounting manager position

The controller's department seeks qualified candidates for an accounting manager position in the sponsored programs accounting (SPA) office. This is an internal search open to current faculty, P&S (continuous or term) or permanent merit employees. Additional information about this vacancy (ID 120040) is available on the employment opportunities website.

University Honors Program seeks fall seminar proposals

The University Honors Program invites proposals for Honors seminars for fall semester from experienced instructors at any level. Proposals are due Feb. 8. Honors seminars, offered on a satisfactory/fail basis, are small (up to 17 students) one- or two-credit courses that give Honors students an opportunity to examine topics of special or current interest in an active learning environment. The Honors program will allocate $500 to seminar instructors to be used for professional development. More information, including the proposal form, is online. Questions may be directed to Honors faculty director Susan Yager, 4-4372.

Luncheon discussion looks at outcomes of ISU ADVANCE

Women faculty in the STEM fields are invited to a luncheon discussion Jan. 24 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., MU Campanile Room) to reflect on how things at Iowa State have changed since the inception of the ADVANCE program six years ago.  This free event is hosted by the ISU ADVANCE program and the office of the executive vice president and provost. RSVPs for lunch are requested by noon Jan. 19.

Student Employee of the Year nominations due Feb. 10

Nominations will be accepted through Feb. 10 for the 2012 ISU Student Employee of the Year award. The award recognizes a student's reliability, quality of work, initiative, professionalism, interpersonal skills and unique contribution to his or her employer. Nominees must be undergraduates employed on campus part-time for a minimum of six months between June 1, 2011, and May 31, 2012 (anticipated). The nomination guidelines and application are online; for more information, contact Julie Arnold in the Office of Student Financial Aid, 4-0103.

CESMEE hosts Jan. 24 STEM brown bag seminar

The Center for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education (CESMEE) is hosting a free STEM (science, technology, mathematics, engineering) brown bag seminar Jan. 24 (noon-1 p.m., N047 Lagomarcino) with Carol Heaverlo, outreach program coordinator for the Program for Women in Science and Engineering. Her talk,  "STEM Development: Factors That Influence 6th-12th Grade Girls' Interest and Confidence in Science and Mathematics," will feature the results of a comprehensive assessment of the Taking the Road Less Traveled Career Conference program. All faculty, students and staff are welcome to attend, and to bring their lunch. Please RSVP to Tracie Miller.

Study Abroad Fair is Jan. 26

The Study Abroad Center will host the Study Abroad Fair Jan. 26 (11 a.m.-2 p.m., MU Great Hall). Representatives of programs from around the world will answer questions and share opportunities with students. Contact the Study Abroad Center, 4-6792, with questions.

CPR, AED and first aid training offered

Environmental Health and Safety will hold a day-long training session Jan. 26 (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., 1230 Environmental Health and Safety Service Building) for those who wish to be certified in CPR, first aid and automated external defibrillator (AED). Cost is $55 per person. Send payment by Jan. 19 to EH&S, 2809 Daley Dr., or fax intramural to 4-9357. Cancellations must occur by 48 hours prior to the training or the registration fee will not be refunded. Register online at the EH&S Learning Center

Classes recessed, offices closed Jan. 16 for King holiday

Iowa State classes will not meet and university offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 16, to observe the national holiday honoring civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

Faculty asked to complete survey on provost's office as part of review

As required in the Faculty Handbook (Section 5.7.5), a committee of the Faculty Senate is reviewing the office of the executive vice president and provost this year. To help with that assessment, Iowa State faculty are asked to participate in an online survey that will be available Jan. 18-31. Faculty will receive an email with a link to the survey. The senate requests that all faculty complete the brief survey and submit comments as appropriate. Questions may be directed to Mike Owen, Faculty Senate past president and chair of the review committee.

W-2 forms are available online

W-2 forms for ISU employees are available now in AccessPlus (click on "employee" tab and "W2" in left column). To save on mailing costs, the university encourages employees to print the electronic version of their W-2s. Employees who haven't gone into AccessPlus and elected the electronic copy by Jan. 25 will receive a paper copy in the mail postmarked Jan. 31.

Work weekend planned for African children dressmaking

The Workspace in the Memorial Union is hosting a work weekend to benefit the non-profit organization, Little Dresses for Africa. Volunteers can assist with making dresses from pillow cases. Tasks include cutting, sewing and ironing; come for an hour or two or longer. Hours are Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m., and Sunday-Monday 1-4 p.m. To date, the Workspace has sent more than 400 dresses. Preregistration is not needed. The Workspace will provide the supplies, but volunteers are welcome to bring new or gently used pillowcases or notions.

Open forums scheduled for writing help center director candidates

The Dean of Students Office has selected four finalists for the director's post in the Writing and Media Help Center, 300 Carver. Candidates will be on campus for open forums Jan. 19-24. A list of the finalists and their open forum schedules is  online. Each candidate's forum presentation will address the question, "What are the current issues facing university writing centers while supporting writing-across-the-curriculum efforts and how can they be addressed while developing the skills of a diverse student population?"  

Proposals due March 1 for women's and diversity grants

Iowa State's Women's and Diversity Grants Program (combining formerly separate grant programs) supports initiatives that enrich the experiences of women and diverse faculty, staff and students. Up to $50,000 is available for 2012-13 for either one-time programming or seed money. Grant proposals, due March 1, may be submitted by individuals or teams (at least one team member must have faculty or staff status). Collaborative proposals, especially among academic departments and other campus units, are encouraged. Repeat programs are not eligible. Program guidelines, timeline and the application form are online in PDF form. Questions about the application process may be directed to Ruth Caccia-Birch, 4-5882.

OPPTAG offers summer teaching opportunity

The Office of Precollegiate Programs for Talented and Gifted (OPPTAG) is seeking faculty, graduate students and local teachers to teach talented and gifted students in grades 3-11 this summer. Individuals should be passionate about their field of study and have the skills to work with engaged and curious elementary, middle or high school students. If interested, contact Carmen Flagge.

Women's center interim director to speak at next P&S Council open forum

Chris Fowler, interim director of the Margaret Sloss Women's Center, will speak at the Professional and Scientific Council's open forum Thursday, Jan. 12 (noon-1 p.m., MU Gallery). Her talk will address the center's current projects and events, resources available to the campus community and how the center's mission connects to ISU's commitment to women and social justice on campus. All are welcome to attend; feel free to bring your lunch.

Get healthy with Live Healthy Iowa

The Live Healthy 100-day Wellness Challenge kicks off Jan. 23 and runs through May 1. Teams of two to 10 people may register online at Live Healthy Iowa. The registration fee for each team member is $20, which includes a T-shirt, weekly health and nutrition tips, chances to win monthly incentives, recipes and more. Get $5 off the fee with a coupon from Hy-Vee. Registrations will be accepted through Feb. 29. Iowa State's group ID number is LHISTATE.  

Student team leaders sought for August's Destination Iowa State

Do you know a student who would make a great leader? Encourage him or her to be a team leader during Destination Iowa State, Aug. 16-18. This is a great way for current students to show their Cyclone pride, be part of a team, develop leadership skills and earn up to $250. Each team leader will mentor a group of approximately 12 students through the Destination Iowa State experience. More information and the application are online. Questions may be directed to Amy Tucker, new student programs, 4-6660.

Next Swim & Gym session begins Feb. 7

Enrollment is open for the spring Swim & Gym after-school program. The 10-week session meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45-5:30 p.m. in the Forker Building. The program provides an hour of gym time and a half hour of swimming lessons. The spring session begins Feb. 7 and runs through April 19. Cost is $85 for one child; additional children are charged on a sliding fee scale. Additional information, including a registration packet, is available online. 

Volunteer judges needed for science and technology fair

Volunteers with a major, degree or background in science, engineering or technology are needed for the State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa March 30-31 at the Iowa State Center. Approximately 350 to 400 judges are needed to evaluate middle and high school students' projects. Registration forms are available online. Filling out the form is a commitment to judge; no other confirmation will be provided until closer to the event. Contact Vicki Speak, 4-5738, with questions. 

Nominations for homecoming awards due Feb. 1

The ISU Alumni Association is seeking homecoming award nominations by Feb. 1. Awards will be presented to outstanding ISU alumni and friends at homecoming this fall. Awards include the Alumni Medal, Alumni Merit Award, Outstanding Young Alumni Award, Impact Award, Alumni Service Award and the James A. Hopson Alumni Volunteer Award. Nomination forms are available online.

Osborn Club lecture is Jan. 9

Aaron Sadow, associate professor in chemistry and a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory, will present "Metal Compounds for Synthetic Chemistry and Energy-Related Catalysis" at the Jan. 9 Osborn Club public lecture (7 p.m., 1420 Molecular Biology Building). The free lecture follows the club member dinner.

Campus clinic offers reading tutoring for 1-12 grade students

The Fred Duffelmeyer Reading Improvement Clinic, under the umbrella of the College of Human Sciences, will offer one-on-one reading tutoring for students in first through 12th grade this spring (5:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Feb. 7-April 26, Lagomarcino Hall). Each child is paired with a graduate student studying education. More information is online or by contacting Marissa Vermeer.

Carillon concert kicks off Martin Luther King Jr. holiday events

ISU carilloneur Tin-Shi Tam will perform a carillon concert beginning at 11:50 a.m. Jan. 11 in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. This is the first of several events planned in January and February to honor the civil rights leader.

Vote for Ames in Blue Zone Community campaign

You can help make the city of Ames a Blue Zones community as part of the governor's healthiest state initiative. City and campus organizers are asking residents to pledge their support by voting for Ames online. Only 10 Iowa communities will be selected for the project, which will provide resources and programs to help citizens enjoy longer, better lives.