April 2012
Campus community may access green building website
To encourage course development, research projects and increased knowledge at ISU on sustainability and the environment, Facilities Planning and Management is subscribing to campus-wide access to BuildingGreen Suite, an authoritative source on environmentally responsible building design and construction. From any campus computer, go to BuildingGreen Suite for green concept summaries and in-depth articles, building case studies, green product evaluations and a sample course syllabus.
Volunteers sought for Special Olympics May 17-19
Volunteers are needed to help with the Iowa Special Olympics summer games, which will be held on campus May 17-19. Volunteers will work half-day shifts. There are various duties, including staging area attendant, escort, awards presenter and music coordinator. To volunteer, sign up online via the Ames Convention and Visitors Bureau website.
Campus interviews set for university registrar finalists
Five finalists have been named in the search for Iowa State's next university registrar and they'll visit campus in the next two weeks. Their campus interviews include a one-hour open forum in the MU Gold Room. The finalists' resumes are available on the VP for Student Affairs website. A downloadable form with which to evaluate the finalists also is online; all evaluation forms should be returned by 5 p.m. Monday, May 14, to Rose Wilbanks, 2350 Beardshear.
The finalists and their open forum dates are:
- Marla Herron, senior associate registrar, University of Kansas; May 3, 3-4 p.m.
- Tammy Aagard, university registrar, University of Wyoming; May 8, 3-4 p.m.
- Laura Doering, senior associate registrar and director of transfer relations; Iowa State; May 9, 3-4 p.m.
- Earl Hawkey, director of registration and records, University of Nebraska, Lincoln; May 10, 3-4 p.m.
- Karen Jarrell, assistant provost and university registrar, University of Texas, Dallas; May 11, 3-4 p.m.
Video of provost finalists' forums online
Video of the open forums for all three finalists for the senior vice president and provost position is now available online. Follow the links below:
- David Manderscheid, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska, April 24 forum
- Carlo Montemagno, dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Cincinnati, April 27 forum
- Jonathan Wickert, dean of Iowa State's College of Engineering, April 23 forum
For more information on the finalists and the search, go to the senior vice president and provost search site.
Regents approve faculty promotion and tenure awards
The state Board of Regents approved promotion and tenure awards for 68 Iowa State faculty members for the 2012-13 academic year at its April 26 meeting in Cedar Falls. That figure includes 39 promotions with tenure and 29 promotions to full professor for previously tenured faculty.
Evaluation forms for Dean of Students candidates are due May 3
Campus interviews are under way for four finalists for Iowa State's dean of students post. All evaluations of the finalists should be submitted to Rose Wilbanks, 2350 Beardshear, by noon on Thursday, May 3. The form is available online and at each open forum. The finalists and details about their open forums are:
- Adam Goldstein, associate dean of students at Florida State University, Tallahassee; April 24 (3 p.m., MU Pioneer Room)
- Miron Billingsley, associate vice president for student affairs at Prairie View A&M, Texas; April 27 (3 p.m., MU Campanile Room)
- Pamela Anthony, assistant dean of students at Georgia State University, Atlanta; May 1 (3 p.m., MU Cardinal Room)
- Terry Mena, associate dean of students at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton; May 2 (3 p.m., MU Cardinal Room)
Winning garments at fashion show on exhibit through the summer
An exhibition opening April 30 in Morrill Hall's Textiles and Clothing Museum will feature the winning garments from the April 14 student fashion show. The exhibition runs through Aug. 24; museum hours are 11 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays. An opening reception will be held April 30 (5-6 p.m., 1015 Morrill).
Outdoor Rec equipment on sale Thursday
A public sale of Outdoor Recreation program equipment will take place Thursday, April 26. Small items (such as tents, paddles and camping equipment) will be sold immediately, while large items (such as canoes, bikes and kayaks) will be sold through a sealed bid process. Sealed bids will be accepted from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in State Gym. Contact Jerry Rupert (4-4774) or the Outdoor Rec program (4-8200) for more information. A list of sale items (PDF) is available on the rec services website.
English learning opportunity this summer for international residents of Ames
A special class for learning English through culture and technology will be offered this summer for three weeks, June 25-July 12 (1-2:50 p.m., Monday through Thursday). Classes will be taught by ISU and visiting English teaching professionals who are part of the U.S. Department of State project, "Engaging Material for Global English." The cost is a small fee to cover materials. For more information, contact Joan Chamberlin, ISU English department.
Register now for CPR, first-aid training
Environmental Health and Safety is offering adult, infant and pediatric CPR training as well as first aid and automated external defibrillator (AED) training on May 11 (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Room 1230, Environmental Health and Safety Services Building). Cost is $55 per person. Self-register through the EH&S Learning Center (select the "Learning Center" link).
P&S Council election is under way; vote by May 2
Professional and scientific employees are encouraged to cast their votes by May 2 for 12 members of the 36-member Professional and Scientific Council. Candidate profiles and an overview of the election process is online. To vote, log in to AccessPlus, select the "Employee" tab and click on "Votes and Surveys" in the left column. You only will be able to vote for candidates from your representation area. Seven positions are open in academic and research, and one position is available in each of the following: business and finance, IPRT/Ames Lab, ISU Extension and Outreach, president's office and student affairs.
Gear up for ExerCYse April 25
The second annual ISU ExerCYse is Medicine event will be held April 25 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., central campus). Activities include a campus wellness walk, a flash mob, an obstacle course challenge, disk golf, bike tune-ups, a jump rope competition and more. T-shirts also will be available for purchase. This free event is open to all faculty, staff and students.
Recyling of personal electronics moved to April 24
Due to inclement weather April 19, local collection and recycling of personal electronics was moved to Tuesday, April 24. Ames-area state and federal employees are invited to recycle their personal electronics from 7 a.m. to noon, at the Iowa Department of Transportation, 800 Lincoln Way. Most items (such as batteries, copiers, DVD players, fax machines, handheld electronics, laptops, printers and video games) can be recycled free. Recycling fees for monitors and TVs range from $7 for 18-inch or smaller screens to $27 for 41-inch or larger screens. The recycling event is sponsored by the DOT Green Team and Department of Natural Resources Iowa Waste Exchange Program.
Campus forums for three provost finalists are April 23-27
Three finalists have been named in the search for Iowa State's senior vice president and provost. They are David Manderscheid, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Carlo Montemagno, founding dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Cincinnati; and Jonathan Wickert, dean of ISU's College of Engineering. Each will meet with members of the university community and participate in an open forum. The forum schedule is:
- Wickert, Monday, April 23, 10:30 a.m., MU Pioneer Room
- Manderscheid, Tuesday, April 24, 1:30 p.m., MU Pioneer Room
- Montemagno, Friday, April 27, 10:45 a.m., MU Gallery
Those who wish to comment on finalists should submit an online evaluation by noon on Monday, April 30.
Veishea honors Earth Day
As you enjoy the Veishea activities this weekend, remember that Sunday, April 22, is Earth Day. Live Green! will have an entire village within Veishea Village (central campus) on Saturday, April 21. Ten groups, including Closets Collide, The Green Umbrella and the ISU Council on Sustainability, invite visitors to stop by their booths to learn about their "green" programs. You also may have an opportunity to win sustainable prizes.
ISU BioBus Club hosts birthday, Earth Day celebration
Students from the ISU BioBus Club, who convert used vegetable oil from ISU Dining into biofuel for a CyRide bus, invite all faculty, staff and students to a birthday/Earth Day celebration April 22 (4 p.m., Commons, Gerdin). The event will celebrate the club's one year of operation and also support Earth Day. RSVP to Mariah Wright.
Honors poster event is April 25
Spring and summer University Honors program graduates, as well as other Honors students, will answer questions about their Honors projects during the annual poster presentation and reception April 25 (3-5 p.m. MU Great Hall). All are welcome.
Iowa State students among outstanding young volunteers
Iowa State's student chapter of Associated General Contractors, Dance Marathon organizers and Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority are among ISU students who will be recognized at the 6th annual Story County Youth Volunteer Awards event April 24 (7 p.m., MU Sun Room). The event celebrates great volunteers in Story County under the age of 25 years. A sundae bar reception follows the award presentations. All are welcome to attend.
Library display highlights Asian American heritage
In celebration of Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month in April, the University Library has created a display (Fireplace Room, first floor of Parks Library). It includes a selection of books and films by and about Asian Americans. As always, the books in the display can be checked out. If you see a book that interests you, simply bring it to the circulation desk.
"The Princeton Review" recognizes Iowa State's green efforts
Iowa State has been selected for inclusion in "The Princeton Review's Guide to 322 Green Colleges: 2012 Edition." The free, downloadable book is published in partnership with the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). Schools were selected based on their "green rating," a numerical score from 60 to 99 compiled from a 50-question survey given to college and university administrators about their school's environmental and sustainability-related commitments and initiatives. A complete list of all colleges and universities in the guide is available online. Visit Iowa State's Live Green! website for more information about the university's sustainability initiatives.
Air Force ROTC event open to public for first time in 10 years
Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend the Air Force ROTC Cadet Change of Command Ceremony and Spring Pass in Review Parade on April 19 (5 p.m., central campus, north of the campanile). This is the first time this event has been open to the public in nearly 10 years. The 20-minute event is the official transfer of command from the outgoing to the incoming cadet wing commander, who is the top senior-level cadet charged with ensuring the training, mentoring and operations of the entire Air Force ROTC Detachment. The cadets also will demonstrate skills they have learned.
Reserve materials for summer and fall semesters now
Instructors who wish to place required materials on reserve at Parks LIbrary for summer or fall semesters should submit their requests now. Forms are available online.
Student awards, Hoiberg address highlight Veishea opening ceremony
The Student Activities Center and the division of Student Affairs will honor student award recipients and Cyclone men's basketball coach Fred Hoiberg will give the keynote address at the Veishea opening ceremony April 17 (4-6 p.m., MU Sun Room). Refreshments will be served beginning at 4 p.m.; the program will begin at 5:15 p.m. The event kicks off the 90th Veishea celebration; the public is invited.
Register now for April 19 MBA informational lunch
The College of Business will hold an informational lunch on its MBA program April 19 (noon-1 p.m., 1360 Gerdin). Lunch is provided and registration is requested. Questions may be directed to Jenny Reitano.
BIGMAP Symposium is April 18
"Agricultural Biotechnology Regulations, Trade and Co-existence" is the theme for Iowa State's ninth annual Biosafety Institute for Genetically Modified Agricultural Products (BIGMAP) Symposium on April 18 (8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m., Gateway Hotel and Conference Center, Ames). Catherine Woteki, USDA chief scientist and under secretary for research, education and economics, will deliver the keynote address. Mukta Tomar, consul general of India, will be the luncheon speaker. Registration is free for ISU faculty and students. Contact Jody Larson to register.
Annual Staniforth lecture is April 26
Research ecologist Jon Marshall, director of Marshall Agroecology Ltd., Great Britain, will present the 23rd annual Staniforth Memorial Lecture on April 26 (4:10-5 p.m., 1131 National Swine Research and Information Center, reception follows in the Agronomy Hall commons). Marshall's talk is titled "Field Weeds, Field Margins and Biodiversity: Ecological and Geographical Perspectives."
School of Education open forum is April 17
Pamela White, dean of the College of Human Sciences; and Carl Smith and Dan Robinson, School of Education implementation committee co-chairs, will host an open forum to provide an update on progress toward the July 1 opening of the School of Education. The forum will be held April 17 (3:30-4:30 p.m., 0102 Science Hall). All are welcome.
Volunteers sought for IT Olympics April 27-28
Faculty, staff and students are sought to assist at the IT Olympics April 27-28, a competition for high school teams in the areas of robotics, game design and cyber defense, held in Hilton Coliseum. Volunteers help students with their projects, judge a venue, assist a venue director or help in areas of general support such as registration or serving pizza and pancakes. You may volunteer online. The university's Information Assurance Center is one of the partners behind IT Adventures for high school students. Questions may be directed to Doug Jacobson, director of IT Adventures, 4-8307.
Veishea buttons on sale at Memorial Union
Veishea buttons -- your ticket to lunch on central campus April 16-20 -- are on sale on the first floor of the Memorial Union (April 9-13, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.). A $5 button will buy you breakfast Monday, April 16, and lunch the rest of that week on central campus. Buttons also can be purchased during the central campus cookouts (8:30-2 p.m. April 16 and 11 a.m.-2 p.m. April 17-20).
Faculty session: How to work with VRAC
The Virtual Reality Applications Center (VRAC) and graduate program in Human Computer Interaction seek a wider range of faculty collaboration on grants and projects. VRAC staff will hold an informational session April 17 (4:30-6 p.m., 1620 Howe) that includes: an overview of VRAC and how to collaborate, tour of C6 and other VRAC facilities, time for Q&A. More information is online or by contacting Eliot Winer.
Register now for alumni association's May 18 awards dinner
The ISU Alumni Association will honor Elizabeth Beck, James Hoover (posthumously), F. Wayne Klaiber, Richard Manatt, Frank Randall and Dana Schumacher at its annual Inspiration Awards and Recognition Dinner May 18 (5:30 p.m., Alumni Center, 420 Beach Ave.). The evening includes the annual meeting, dinner, awards presentations and desert reception. Alumni and friends are invited, but are asked to register, online or by phone (4-6525), by May 3.
Review of budget model is progressing
The committee reviewing the university's Resource Management Model (RMM) this year has completed a draft report for executive vice president and provost Elizabeth Hoffman. Hoffman is reviewing the draft and also forwarded a copy to the senior leadership team (deans and vice presidents), and leaders of the Faculty Senate and Professional and Scientific Council. Review committee members will meet with each of these groups during April to discuss the draft report. The goal is to incorporate the groups' input into a final report that would be ready for Hoffman by early May.
Iowa State units first used the RMM budget model for the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2009. The committee that adapted and led its implementation recommended a review of the model after three to five years of use. The review began last summer. Resource Planning and Management Associates, Nashville, has assisted the committee with components of the review process.
Register online or text to help Ames become a Blue Zones community
Ames remains in contention to become a Blue Zones community, one of several Iowa cities that will be awarded extra resources and programs to become a model of health and well-being. But the contest is drawing to a close and competition among 11 cities is tight. You can help Ames by registering online or texting.
Small campus prairie to be burned April 7
The small reconstructed prairie between Science I and II halls will be the site of a planned burn this Saturday, April 7 (10-11 a.m.), coordinated by faculty in the department of natural resource ecology and management. The team has a burn permit from the city and has coordinated with campus facilities staff to turn off air intakes in nearby buildings during the burn period. Questions may be directed to Rolf Koford, 4-3057.
ISU's Wells on NBC News' "Rock Center with Brian Williams" April 4
Distinguished Professor of psychology Gary Wells will appear tonight (April 4) on NBC News' Rock Center with Brian Williams in a story about how police photo lineups are being challenged. The show airs in central Iowa at 9 p.m. on WHO-TV 13.
Spring food drive runs through April 12
ISU Student Volunteer Services is sponsoring its annual spring food drive, "Feed the Need," through April 12. Nonperishable food items may be donated at drop boxes in Curtiss, Kildee, LeBaron, Carver and Hamilton halls, the MU, Parks Library and the College of Design. Donations will go to The SHOP (Students Helping Our Peers) in the Food Sciences Building, and to Mid-Iowa Community Action, which serves families in a five-county area. Questions may be directed to Sara K.
Register now for Ignite Ames event on April 19
Ignite Ames, a networking event for technologists, DIYers, entrepreneurs and creative knowledge seekers, will hold its next event April 19 (7-11 p.m., Howe Hall atrium). The purpose is to connect people, create job opportunities in Iowa and have fun. Presenters and attendees are welcome and there is no cost, but you must register to attend.
Research collaboration is May 1 lecture topic
Holly Falk-Krzesinski will present a public lecture, "The Science of Team Science," on May 1 (4:45 p.m., MU South Ballroom). Falk-Krzesinski is the director of research team support and development at Northwestern University's Clinical and Translational Science Institute, and a founder of what evolved into the National Organization of Research Development Professionals. She has expertise in collaboration, cross-disciplinary research and grantsmanship for collaborative opportunities.
April 20 seminar concludes 100-year anniversary series
The university community is invited to the final seminar in a series celebrating the 100th anniversary of agricultural education at Iowa State. On April 20 (2-3 p.m. 13 Curtiss), guest lecturer Antoine Alston will discuss "Preparing 21st Century-Ready Global Agriculture Leaders: Current, Issues, Future Challenges and Outstanding Potential Opportunities -- The Disciplinary Obligations for Agricultural Education." Alston is a professor of agricultural education and interim associate dean for academic studies, North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro. A reception follows his talk in 224 Curtiss.
Statewide tornado drill is at 10 a.m. Wednesday
A statewide tornado drill will occur at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 4, as part of Severe Weather Awareness Week. The exercise will consist of a tornado watch being issued around 10 a.m., followed by a tornado warning. Environmental Health and Safety encourages ISU buildings to participate. You may choose to not evacuate your building, but consider implementing your building's notification plan when the warning alert is received.
Branstad, others to discuss beef issue on campus April 10
Gov. Terry Branstad will be among speakers addressing the lean, finely texture beef issue during an April 10 program on campus. The program, titled "The Truth: Lean Finely Textured Beef," is organized by students in the animal science department and the ISU Block and Bridle Club. It will begin at 2:30 p.m. in the Kildee Hall pavilion. Other speakers are Jim Dickson, ISU animal science and meat science professor, and Nancy Degner of the Iowa Beef Industry Council.
Recycle personal electronics April 19
Ames-area state and federal employees are invited to recycle their personal electronics Thursday, April 19, 7 a.m. to noon, at the Iowa Department of Transportation, 800 Lincoln Way. Most items (such as batteries, copiers, DVD players, fax machines, handheld electronics, laptops, printers and video games) can be recycled free. Recycling fees for monitors and TVs range from $7 for 18-inch or smaller screens to $27 for 41-inch or larger screens. The recycling event is sponsored by the DOT Green Team and Department of Natural Resources Iowa Waste Exchange Program.
Celebration of life April 7 for former VP Moore
A celebration of Wayne Moore's life and contributions to Ames and Iowa State University will be held April 7 (2-4 p.m.) at The Gateway Hotel. A program will begin at 2:30 p.m. The former vice president of Iowa State died Jan. 29 in Ames at the age of 92. Moore was vice president for business and finance for 18 years and vice president for planning and development for another 5 years. Among his key contributions to university life were the creation of the Research Park, CyRide and The Gateway Hotel, and construction of Jack Trice Stadium. Memorials may be directed to ISU Foundation Research Park and Wesley Hospice Care.