
June 2012

Electrical fire contained in Metals Development Building

Ames fire fighters extinguished a fire in a second floor electrical equipment room in the Metals Development Building this morning (June 29). There were no injuries. The fire was confined to the electric equipment and didn't involve chemicals or dangerous substances.

Power was cut briefly to the Metals Development Building and Spedding Hall, which is across the street, as fire fighters assessed safety issues. It has since been restored.  Both buildings are part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory.

Electrical fire contained in Metals Development

Ames fire fighters extinguished a fire in a second floor electrical equipment room in the Metals Development Building this morning (June 29). There were no injuries. The fire was confined to the electric equipment and didn't involve chemicals or dangerous substances.

Power remains out at the Metals Development Building and Spedding Hall, which is across the street. Both buildings are part of the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory.

A portion of Pammel Drive (between Morrill Road North and WOI Road) will be closed through mid-morning as fire fighters do safety checks.

Homestay hosts sought for Japanese teachers this summer

Ames-area host families still are needed to provide a 3-week homestay for 14 visiting teachers of English from Japan. The teachers will attend classes on campus and live with their hosts July 28-Aug. 18. A stipend is available. For more information, contact Alexandra Johnston, homestay coordinator in the Intensive English and Orientation Program.

Ames fireworks show moved to July 3

The Ames Jaycees, sponsors of the Independence Day fireworks show in Ames, announced they will set off fireworks the evening of Tuesday, July 3, on Iowa State property east of Jack Trice Stadium. Due to difficulties securing an electronic shoot technician, the Jaycees moved the fireworks to July 3 from the holiday itself. The show will begin at dusk, which typically has occurred between 9 and 10 p.m. The rain date for the fireworks is Saturday, July 7.

Reminder: Summer youth programs must be registered

By this fall, Iowa State will have a new policy establishing safety standards for any university program involving youth under 18 years old. In the meantime, university units or affiliates offering a youth camp or pre-collegiate program this summer must:

The Youth Camps and Pre-Collegiate Programs website provides more information and links to forms. Please share this information with anyone planning a youth program for this summer.

Andreotti, Tuggle receive 2012 Bailey awards

Amy Andreotti, professor of biochemistry, biophysics and molelular biology; and Chris Tuggle, professor of animal science, are the 2012 recipients of the Bailey Research Career Development Award out of the Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development. The award, established with an estate gift from Carl and Grace Bailey, fosters research by ISU full or associate professors that is innovative and has practical applications. The award this year is $50,000/year for 2-3 years, beginning July 1.

Registration is open for youth dance workshop July 9-28

Registration is open for Kids' Co'Motion, a three-week dance workshop for youth ages 8-18 years, during which participants receive training in modern dance techniques, improvisation and choreography. The workshop is held Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. July 9-27. The first two weeks are held in the Forker Building, the last week in the Ames City Auditorium, where participants will perform on July 27-28. Tuition is $200. Co'Motion Dance is in residence in the kinesiology department.

Curtiss west entrance to close for step replacement

The (limestone) west steps of Curtiss Hall will be replaced with cast stone steps this summer. As a result and in light of other construction in the building, acess to Curtiss will be only at the north and south doors from Monday, July 2, through approximately Friday, Aug. 17.

Curtiss Hall is without elevator service starting June 26

As part of the new student commons construction project in Curtiss Hall, the building's elevator will be replaced. Beginning June 26, the building will have no elevator service until January. From January until the completion of Harl Commons -- sometime next summer -- the new elevator temporarily will require a human operator and service will be by appointment only, to accommodate students and employees with disabilities, custodial needs and deliveries to the upper floors. If construction stays on schedule, Harl Commons will be completed sometime during the summer of 2013.

Registration closes June 29 for high school Design camp

A few spaces still are available for Design Condensed, an intensive one-week summer camp (July 8-14) on campus and at the Iowa 4-H Center near Luther. The camp is open to high school students who will be sophomores, juniors or seniors this fall; they need not be 4-H members. Register online by 5 p.m. June 29. Questions may be directed to Debra Satterfield or Malinda Cooper. The camp is offered by the College of Design and ISU 4-H Youth Development.

Reminder: Mixed paper pickup is June 20-21

Campus services teams will pick up boxes of mixed paper for recycling Wednesday-Thursday, June 20-21. Buildings that submitted pickup requests are reminded to have boxes (of a size and weight that one person could lift) at the specified outdoor location by 7:30 a.m. Wednesday (Thursday for those buildings with a promised Thursday pickup). More information about this recycling effort is online; questions may be directed to Sue Mallas in facilities planning and management, 4-0692. 

Call for volunteers for dress-making workshop June 30-July 1

The Workspace, east ground floor of the Memorial Union, is hosting a work weekend for the non-profit organization "Little Dresses for Africa" Saturday and Sunday, June 30-July 1 (1-4 p.m. both days). Volunteers can assist with making children's dresses from pillow cases; tasks include cutting, ironing and sewing. The Workspace will provide the supplies, however donations of new or gently used pillowcases and notions may be brought that day. To date, the Workspace has donated more than 400 dresses. 

Emergency repair will slow Lincoln Way traffic Wednesday-Thursday

Wednesday morning, city crews began emergency repairs to a sanitary sewer south of campus. The work closed eastbound lanes of Lincoln Way from Lynn to Beach avenues and rerouted all traffic into the westbound lanes. Vehicle access to Lincoln Way will be maintained through head-to-head traffic between Lynn and Beach avenues.  However, vehicles will not be allowed to cross Lincoln Way from the north or south at these intersections: Lynn, Ash and Gray avenues, Knoll Road and Union Drive. The repairs may continue into Thursday. Drivers are asked to use caution in the area, reduce speed and be prepared to stop.

Volunteer at the university's State Fair exhibit

Volunteer shifts still are available to roll football posters and apply Iowa State tattoos at the university's State Fair exhibit in the Varied Industries Building Aug. 9-19. There are two volunteer shifts, 8:45 a.m.-3 p.m. or  2:45-9 p.m. Contact Sarah Hangsleben in the university marketing office, 4-3969, by July 3.

Ames Intermodal Facility ribbon cutting is June 9

The Ames Intermodal Facility will be opened with a public ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday, June 9, at 11:30 a.m. The event will feature Federal Transit Administration administrator Peter M. Rogoff, elected officials and local leaders. The event will be held at 129 Hayward Ave., near the corner of Chamberlain Street. A program will begin at noon.

New EH&S course focuses on Biosafety Level 2 labs

Employees who work in or provide administrative oversight for a Biosafety Level 2 lab are invited to take a new classroom course being offered by ISU Environmental Health and Safety on June 14 (9-10:30 a.m., EH&S Building). In Biosafety Level 2 Laboratories and You, participants will learn about procedures and techniques they should be aware of while working in a lab. Register at EH&S' Learning Center (once logged in, click on "schedule" in the left column to see June events).

Wellness presentation will focus on fiber, whole grains

Sally Barclay, manager of the Nutrition Clinic for Employee Wellness, will give a free presentation, "Whole Grains and Fiber for Good Health," on June 13 (1:30 p.m., 192 Parks Library). No RSVP is needed. Barclay also is making summer appointments with employees who want to work on healthy lifestyle changes. Contact her to get started.

Chemistry Stores closed June 11-12

Chemistry Stores in Gilman Hall will be closed for inventory on Monday-Tuesday, June 11-12. On each of these days, dry ice and liquid nitrogen will be available at two times: 9:30-10 a.m. and 12:30-1 p.m. Gas cylinders will be delivered both days. Regular deliveries resume on June 13.

Highway 69 north of Ames closes June 11 for the summer

Employees and students commuting to Ames from the north are advised that U.S. 69 north of Ames (between 190th Street and 0.5 mile south of county road E-18)  will close Monday, June 11, and remain closed until late September, weather permitting. The Iowa DOT is coordinating a project to reconstruct the road. Traffic will be detoured to a route that includes E-18, Interstate 35 and 13th Street in Ames.

Register now to participate in WelcomeFest on Aug. 22

The Student Activities Center is accepting registrations for the 2012 WelcomeFest Aug. 22 (5:30-9 p.m., MU Great Hall), designed to introduce more than 4,000 students to Iowa State departments and Ames businesses. (Student organizations have this opportunity at ClubFest.) The registration fee is $100 by July 20; $150 after that. Booths will be assigned on a first-registered (and paid) basis. More information, including registration, is online. Questions may be directed to George Micalone, 4-8081.