September 2013
Students invited to pitch a proposed or startup business
Iowa State students are invited to participate in the fall CEO Pitch Competition Oct. 10 (6 p.m., Delta-Upsilon house, 117 Ash Ave.), hosted by the Entrepreneurship Innovation Learning Community and ISU Entrepreneur Club. The top candidate will be entered in the National CEO Pitch Competition (all expenses paid), Oct. 31-Nov. 2, in Chicago. There's room in Ames for up to 30 student entries, who can pitch any concept, new business idea, new product, new application or new technology. Pitches can be for a new idea or an existing startup business. Three $100 cash prizes will be awarded; participants will be judged for the innovative quality of their idea and the delivery of their pitch. Registration is required and closes on Oct. 8; email Teal Richard.
Affordable Care Act: Health insurance Q&A available online
A key component of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), called the Health Insurance Marketplace (often called the "exchange"), begins open enrollment on Oct. 1 for coverage that goes into effect Jan. 1, 2014. Iowa State's human resources services office has posted more information online, including a Q&A (PDF).
Reminder: Flu shot clinic begins Oct. 7
Occupational medicine staff will administer flu shots at no cost to employees (while supplies last) weekdays Oct. 7-18 (10 a.m.-4 p.m., 205 Technical Administrative Service Facility). No appointment is necessary. Be sure to bring your ISU ID card or your university ID number to the shot clinic.
Register for Oct. 18 interdisciplinary research conference
Registration is open for the the annual Technology for Second Language Learning Conference, Oct. 18 (1-7 p.m., Memorial Union). This year's topic, "Technology and Teaching Writing for Academic Disciplines," is part of the ISU Presidential Initiative for Interdisciplinary Research, "The Language of Writing in STEM Disciplines" project. Cost is $60 ($30 for students) prior to Oct. 7; $75 and $45 after the deadline.
EAP training: Dealing with Difficult People
University human resources, in conjunction with Employee and Family Resources, is offering professional development classes to benefits-eligible employees. The next class, "Dealing with Difficult People," is Oct. 9 (9-11 a.m., MU Gallery). There is no cost to attend. Register via AccessPlus (Employee tab > "HRS Training"). Space is limited.
No elevator service in Student Services Building
The elevator in the Student Services Building will be out of service from Monday, Sept. 30 (beginning at 8:30 a.m.) through Tuesday, Oct. 8 (at approximately 9 a.m.).
"Stuff the Bus" donation drive is Oct. 5
The annual "Stuff the Bus" donation drive is seeking nonperishable food items and cleaning supplies to benefit MICA and Food at First. Donation day is Oct. 5 (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) at the following seven Ames locations:
- Hy-Vee Lincoln Center
- Hy-Vee West
- Dahls
- Fareway (downtown)
- Fareway (north)
- Sam's Club
- Wheatsfield
Volunteers are still needed. If you wish to help, sign up online.
Faculty, staff award recipients to be honored on Oct. 2
Recipients of the university's most distinguished faculty and staff awards will be honored during a ceremony Wednesday, Oct. 2 (3:30 p.m., MU Sun Room). A reception will follow; the university community is invited.
Book sales will benefit United Way campaign
Staff in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences have organized two used book sales, with proceeds going to the university's 2013 United Way contribution. Sale dates are Oct. 2 (10 a.m.-2 p.m., Harl Commons, Curtiss) and Oct. 3 (10 a.m.-2 p.m., Molecular Biology atrium).
Security and fire safety report available online
Iowa State's annual security and fire safety report (PDF), "Safety and You," is available online. The report, required by federal law, contains policy statements as well as crime statistics and fire safety information for the university. A printed copy of the report is available at ISU's department of public safety, 55 Armory Building, or by calling 4-4428. Questions about the report may be directed to the same phone number.
Memorial service for Dan Woodin is Sept. 30
Dan Woodin, an information systems leader in IT Services, died Sept. 24 after a 14-month battle with lymphoma. He was 62. A celebration of life service is planned for Monday, Sept. 30 (7 p.m., First United Methodist Church, Ames). Visitation will precede the service (3-6:30 p.m., also at the church).
Third finalist named for associate vice president for human resources
A third finalist has been added to the list of candidates for the associate vice president for human resources position. Julie Nuter, associate vice president, human resouces, DePaul University, will participate in a public open forum on Sept. 27 (1:30-2:15 p.m., MU Pioneer Room). One candidate, Mychal Coleman, assistant vice president human resources and executive director, Center for Strategic Initiatives and Continuous Improvement, University of Idaho, interviewed on campus yesterday. Harvey Lineberry II, assistant dean for human resources, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Medicine, will participate in an open forum on Sept. 25 (1:30-2:15 p.m., MU Room 3558). All three candidate resumes are available online.
Leath will be a radio show guest on Sept. 30
President Steven Leath is scheduled to be a guest on Iowa Public Radio's River to River program on Monday, Sept. 30 (noon-1 p.m., 640 AM and 90.1 FM in central Iowa). Leath will be interviewed live in the first half hour of the program.
HeartReach Mobile Lab will visit campus Oct. 16
The HeartReach Mobile Lab will stop at Iowa State on Oct. 16 (7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., parking lot #29) and conduct heart and stroke screenings. Costs vary depending on which screenings you choose. Call 866-935-5432 to make an appointment. More information, including costs, is available online.
Iron Dog Fun Run is Oct. 12
Runners, walkers and their dogs are invited to participate in the Iron Dog Fun Run Oct. 12 Ada Hayden Park. The 5K run is sponsored by the College of Veterinary Medicine chapter of the Iron Dog Fund and will raise funds to assist those who cannot afford care for their pets. The run begins at 9 a.m. Online registration is $25 through Oct. 10.
ISU Major Fair is Oct. 1
Students deciding on a major or contemplating a new degree program are invited to the 2013 ISU Major fair (10 a.m.-2 p.m., MU Great Hall). The fair gives students a chance to explore all ISU majors in one place, with representatives from over 100 majors available to provide information and answer questions.
Nominations sought for 2014 Women Impacting ISU calendar
Nominations are being accepted for the 2014 Women Impacting ISU calendar. The calendar was develped as a tribute to current students, faculty and staff who have distinguished themselves through their accomplishments at ISU. More than 1,000 calendars are distributed each year. The nomination form (PDF) is online. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. Sept. 30.
Glassdoor ranks ISU fifth-best university to work for
The jobs and career website Glassdoor recently ranked Iowa State the fifth-best U.S. university to work for. The report is based on employee feedback on the Glassdoor site over the past year. President Steven Leath earned a 100 percent approval rating in the same report. See Glassdoor overview of Iowa State.
You're invited: MU birthday party is Sept. 23
In celebration of the Memorial Union's 85th birthday this year, MU staff are hosting a birthday bash on Monday, Sept. 23 (4:30-6:30 p.m., MU Sun Room). Chili, cheese soup and birthday cake will be served and admission is free. Bring your Memorial Union memories and your appetite. The Memorial Union opened in 1928 as a memorial to Iowa Staters lost in World War I.
Employee orientation session added on Oct. 23
Due to an increase in new employees, university human resources has added another employee orientation session on Oct. 23 (8 a.m.-2 p.m., MU Pioneer Room). Register for this session via AccessPlus (click on the "Employee" tab) or call the learning and development office at 4-3753.
Funeral service for former faculty member Roger Coulson is Sept. 21
A funeral service for Roger Coulson, 92, professor emeritus in human development and family studies, will be held Saturday, Sept. 21 (10:30 a.m., Collegiate United Methodist Church, Ames), with burial following in the ISU Cemetery. Coulson died Sept. 17. A visitation will be held Friday, Sept. 20 (5-7 p.m., Adams Funeral Home). Memorial contributions may be made to Collegiate United Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation. Coulson was an ISU faculty member from 1968 until his retirement in 1988. Obituary.
Host families needed for visiting Japanese teachers
Host families in the Des Moines-metro area are needed for Japanese teachers of English from Jan. 4-25, 2014. The teachers will be assisting ESL teachers in Des Moines-area schools. Hosts must be able to tranport the teachers to their assigned schools. A stipend is available. The teachers are visiting Iowa as part of the MEXT program, which is working with Iowa State's Intensive English and Orientation Program (IEOP) to help the Japanese teachers improve their English-teaching techniques. Contact Alex Johnston with questions about hosting.
Survey will query undergrads on the student experience
A committee looking for ways to improve the student experience will ask 6,600 undergraduates to rate their student experiences in and out of class. The students will be invited to complete an online survey, rating such things as quality of instruction, academic support, advising, classroom facilities, career services, dining, recreational opportunities, student organizations, wireless networks, parking and safety. "We hope the selected students can spare 10 to 15 minutes to complete the survey," said Tahira Hira, who leads the Student Experience Enhancement Council (SEEC). "Students are the experts in these topics. Their input will greatly influence what we do to improve the experience this year and in the future." President Steven Leath created SEEC, charging the council with helping to ensure that Iowa State maintains a high-quality student experience, given the last several years of record enrollment.
Volunteers sought who'd like nutrition counseling
ISU dietetic students are seeking healthy volunteers to participate in nutrition counseling. Volunteers will meet with senior-level dietetic students three times during the semester. The students will evaluate your eating habits, and help you set goals to improve your eating patterns. Volunteers cannot have any specific health concerns, such as diabetes. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Sally Barclay.
Latin American Film Festival opens Sept. 18
A Latin American film series will be screened in the Soults Family Visitor Center, Memorial Union, every Wednesday night beginning Sept. 18 and running through Oct. 16. Showings will begin at 7 p.m.; doors open at 6:30 p.m. Admission is free and the public is welcome. All films will have English subtitles. The Latin American Film Festival is sponsored the department of world languages and cultures, World Film Studies program and the Student Union Board.
Campus walk is Oct. 9; Sign up to be counted
The “Healthiest ISU” walk, part of the Healthiest State Walk, will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 9 (noon). Walk with students, co-workers and friends on the 1-kilometer (.62 mile) jaunt across campus. There are nine campus routes to choose from, or just follow your feet and walk for 15-20 minutes. Sign up online to be included in the state count.
President's annual address is online
Videos of President Steven Leath's Sept. 13 annual address to the university community is available on the president's website. The president reflected on university highlights over the past year and discussed his priorities and goals going forward.
President's annual address is Friday morning
President Steven Leath will share his priorities and goals for the 2013-14 academic year during his annual address on Sept. 13 (8:15 a.m., MU Great Hall). The university community is invited; refreshments will be available at 8 a.m. Those who can't attend will be able to view a livestream of the address from the president's website.
Receive hands-on fire extinguisher training Sept. 20
ISU Environmental Health and Safety and the Ames Fire Department are offering hands-on fire extinguisher training Sept. 20 (9 a.m.-noon). Stop by the group’s display between Kildee and Lagomarcino halls in the northeast part of campus to learn how to use a fire extinguisher and receive fire safety information. T-shirts and coupons from local restaurants will be given away while supplies last.
Volunteers needed for breast cancer awareness video
Mary Greeley Medical Center and McFarland Clinic are joining forces to create a "Pink Glove Dance" video to raise awareness about breast cancer. Iowa State's Thielen Student Health Center is co-sponsoring the event. About 500 volunteers from the Ames and Iowa State communities are needed to participate in the video's filming at 5 p.m. on Sept. 17 in Jack Trice Stadium. Parking will be available in Lot E85. Additional information is available online.
Student-produced fine dining dates announced
Students in the fine dining event management class this fall will host five dinner experiences in the Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom, MacKay (6:30 p.m., doors open at 6:15 p.m.). The cost per guest is $30 ($35 with wine), payable by check, cash or CyCash only. The dates, cuisine themes and student contacts for dinner reservations are:
- Oct. 23: The Mediterranean, Kelsey Stoffel
- Oct. 30: Mexico, Tyler Rich
- Nov. 6: Southern United States, Steph Ferguson
- Nov. 13: France, Katie Fuller
- Nov. 20: California, Natasha Honkomp
Questions may be directed to hospitality management assistant professor Lakshman Rajagopal, 4-9740.
'Road Less Traveled' fall conference for girls announces dates
The Program for Women in Science and Engineering has announced the dates for its fall "Taking the Road Less Traveled" career conference for girls in grades 6 through 12. The conference exposes girls to career paths within science, technology, engineering and math. More information, including the registration form and suggested pre- and post-conference activities, is online. The three dates (all Thursdays) are:
- Oct. 17: Grades 9-12
- Oct. 24: Grades 6-8
- Oct. 31: Grades 6-8
Questions may be directed to PWISE outreach coordinator Carol Heaverlo, 4-5883, or conference assistant Erin Jackson, 4-5319.
Single-show tickets on sale for Stephens' season
Tickets for single events in the 2013-14 Performing Arts Series at Stephens Auditorium went on sale Sept. 9 at the Iowa State Center box office and through Ticketmaster. Guests who purchase to three or more events through the ticket office still qualify for some "subscriber" benefits.
Open house at research service unit is Sept. 18
Following three moves and several name changes, staff in the Survey and Behavioral Research Services unit are hosting an open house Sept. 18 (4-6 p.m.) in their new space at the ISU Research Park, first floor of the CPMI Building, 2321 N. Loop Dr. A recent merger between the data collection units of the Institute for Social and Behavioral Research and the Center for Survey Statistics & Methodology (previously known as the "Stat Lab") formed this research service unit. SBRS staff can assist researchers on and off campus with a variety of survey needs, including survey and question design, sampling, data collection and data coding/processing. Meet the staff and learn more about their services at the open house.
Two events at ISU Alumni Center on Sept. 13
The ISU Alumni Association is hosting two free public events on Sept. 13. Stop by the ISU Alumni Center, 420 Beach Avenue, for the T Galaxy garage sale (11 a.m.-7:30 p.m., first floor). A variety of ISU T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats and winter apparel will be available at reduced prices. Then, Beat Iowa FAC (Friday at the Center) kicks off at 5:30 p.m. (through 7:30 p.m.). All guests will receive a souvenir "Beat Iowa" cup to be used at the Olde Main beer garden on the terrace (root beer and water also available).
Energy use peak expected today; officials urge reduced use
High heat and humidity today is expected to put very high demand on electric services in the area. Ames and university officials urge residents to reduce electricity use to help reduce costs and improve system reliability during the sweltering weather. Energy conservation is particularly helpful during peak usage hours, generally from 2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Here are some tips for reducing electricity use:
- Turn thermostats up a few degrees
- Shut off lights that are unnecessary; use task lighting instead of area lighting
- Shut off or unplug equipment that's not in use
- Avoid using major equipment during the hottest part of the day
- Reduce openings and closing of exterior doors
- Close blinds and drapes to block the sun
Short section of Pammel Drive will be closed Tuesday morning
A short section of Pammel Drive in front of Wilhelm Hall will be closed Tuesday, Sept. 10 (9:45-11:30 a.m.) for an Ames Laboratory recognition event. Traffic will be able to flow through the parking lots north of Pammel, but drivers are asked to avoid this area if possible.
Fulbright lunch and learn seminars kick off Sept. 13
Kimberly Zarecor, associate professor of architecture, will present the first Fulbright lunch and learn seminar (PDF) of the academic year on Sept. 13 (12:10-1 p.m., MU Gold Room). She will present "Preparing a Project Proposal and Planning a Fulbright Stay: A Faculty Perspective." All faculty and staff with an interest in the Fulbright Fellowship Program are invited to attend.
Security alert: Blackboard scam
ITS security officials are monitoring a suspicious email that has been received multiple times on campus in the past week. A link in the email goes to a screen that mimics Blackboard learn and asks for a School User ID, email address, and password. Don't click on the link, and don't send your information to this website.
Register now for Oct. 3 grant-writing seminar
"Writing Winning Grant Proposals" will be offered on Oct. 3 (8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., MU Sun Room). The emphasis will be on idea development and valuable tips and strategies for presenting your case to reviewers. The instructor is John Robertson of Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops. Registration is free, but participants must purchase a workbook ($75). More information, including registration, is online. Questions may be directed to Laurie Engleen, 4-6344.
P&S Council professional development seminar is Sept. 10
The Professional and Scientific Council has made a few changes to its P&S open forum format. The forums now will be called P&S Council professional development seminars with the slogan, "Second Tuesday at Two." The slogan reflects a change in seminar times from 2-3 p.m.
The first seminar using the new format will be presented by Cathann Kress, vice president for Extension and Outreach, on Sept. 10 (2-3 p.m., MU Campanile Room). She will talk about "How to Survive and Thrive in a Complex Organization." All are invited to attend. The forum also will be broadcast live; to view, log in as a guest with your name.
Proposals for publication support grants are due Oct. 7
The fall deadline for Iowa State's publication subvention grants program is Oct. 7. The subvention is an endowment to be used to help publish the scholarly writings and other worthy original works of ISU faculty and staff. Any fulltime faculty member or P&S staff member at the rank of P37 or above may apply. More information, including application directions, is online.
Funeral service for longtime chemistry professor John Corbett is Friday
The funeral service for Distinguished Professor John Corbett, 87, will be held at 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. 6, at St. John’s by the Campus, 2338 Lincoln Way in Ames. Corbett, who died Sept. 2, was on the ISU chemistry faculty and U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory staff for more than 60 years and also was a member of the National Academy of Sciences. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. John’s Anglican Episcopal Church or the Youth and Shelter Services Inc., both in Ames.
Regents' Sept. 6 public hearing will precede Sept. 10-11 meeting
The Board of Regents will hold a public hearing Sept. 6 (noon-1 p.m.) in the board office at 11260 Aurora Ave., Urbandale. The hearing will allow individuals to comment on items scheduled for the Sept. 10-11 board meeting. Materials for that meeting will be available for review on the Regents website at approximately 1 p.m. Sept. 4. Those who can't attend the hearing can comment on the September agenda by providing written comments via the regents website. The regents will begin scheduling similar public hearings on the campuses of the regents universities and schools, prior to the Oct. 23-24 meeting, as part of a series of transparency measures adopted by the regents in August. All public hearings will be video recorded and posted to the Regents website. See Regents release on the hearings (PDF).
EAP training: The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership
University human resources (formerly human resource services), in conjunction with Employee and Family Resources, is offering professional development classes to benefits-eligible employees. The next class, "The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership," is Sept. 10 (8-11 a.m., MU Gallery). There is no cost to attend. Register via AccessPlus (Employee tab > "HRS Training"). Space is limited.
Online wellness opportunity
Iowa State employees may participate in an online positive lifestyle program called "Living Well ... It's Up to You." The fall session begins Sept. 18 and runs each Wednesday (12:10-12:55 p.m.) for eight weeks. Cost is $25, but $20 is reimbursed with successful completion of the program. For more details and to register, contact Sally Barclay.
Harl Commons, Global Cafe open in Curtiss Hall today
The new Harl Commons, ISU Dining's Global Café and east courtyard entry to Curtiss Hall opened today (Sept. 3). Remaining finish work on the project will be completed during off hours and weekends.
Bacon Expo tickets go on sale Sept. 6
Tickets for the first Iowa State Bacon Expo (1-5 p.m. Oct. 19, Scheman Building courtyard) go on sale at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 6, through Ticketmaster. The Bacon Expo is a family event organized by students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. It will feature student club exhibits, vendor samples, T-shirt sales and a bacon-eating contest. Admission tickets (1,200 of them) cost $8. Visitors will purchase bacon samples with punch cards, to be sold for $10 at the event.