November 2013
Longtime thesis editor LaDena Bishop dies
Former Iowa State thesis editor LaDena Bishop, 91, Nevada, died Nov. 25. Memorial services were held Monday, Dec. 2, at Chet Ryan Mortuary in Nevada. Bishop was the university thesis editor from 1961 to 1991.
Legislature seeks input on improving efficiencies at state universities
The Iowa Legislature seeks input from faculty and staff at Iowa State and the other two state universities on ways to improve efficiency, modernize processes, eliminate duplication, reduce costs and increase accountability at State Board of Regents institutions. Comments should be submitted by Dec. 18 through this feedback form.
The Knoll is on Ames holiday home tour
The Knoll, home to Iowa State University presidents, is one of five featured stops on Ames Altrusa's annual holiday home tour. Tours are from 1 to 5 p.m. Dec. 7 and 8. Tickets ($12 in advance, $15 at the homes) can be purchased at the Ames/ISU Information Booth and three Ames flower shops -- Everts, Coe's and Mary Kay's. Money raised will go to Mainstream Living, Emergency Residence Project and the Friday Backpack Project.
More polished phishing scams headed for your inbox
Information technology services reports an increase in phishing (spam) emails that attempt to obtain ISU passwords through well-crafted messages using university logos and, occasionally, the names of local places, people or services. Remember that ITS and Iowa State will NEVER ask for your password or personal information. Don't click links from a sender you don't know. If you do know the sender, verify his or her address before clicking.
UHR adds employee orientation session on Dec. 17
Due to increased demand, university human resources has added another employee orientation session on Dec. 17 (8 a.m.-2 p.m., MU Gallery). New employees can register for the class on AccessPlus (Employee > HRS Training). Space is limited.
EAP training: Managing Change in a Changing Workplace
University human resources, in conjunction with Employee and Family Resources, is offering a professional development class, "Managing Change in a Changing Workplace," on Dec. 10 (9-11 a.m., MU Gallery). Space is limited. Register via AccessPlus (Employee tab > "HRS Training").
No. 1 on the A-List
Iowa State grabbed the No. 1 spot nationally in a new college ranking that assesses schools on affordability, accessibility and academic quality. CollegeAtlas, an online directory of colleges and universities, put Iowa State at the top of its A-List of schools that deliver the best academic and economic value to students, while admitting a high percentage of applicants.
"Experience Hendrix Tour" tickets go on sale Nov. 22
The latest edition of the "Experience Hendrix Tour" will make a stop in Ames on March 15, 2014 (7:30 p.m., Stephens Auditorium). Tickets for the concert, which pays tribute to the music and legacy of Jimi Hendrix, go on sale Nov. 22 at 10 a.m. Tickets prices are $55, $68 and $78, and are available at the Iowa State Center ticket office and through TIcketmaster.
Canned food drive runs Dec. 2-6 in LeBaron foyer
The Kappa Omicron Nu and Phi Upsilon Omicron human sciences honor societies are sponsoring a Hunger's Heroes food drive Dec. 2-6 (8 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, LeBeron Hall foyer). Place your nonperishable canned food items in the labeled box in the foyer; they will be delivered to Ames' Emergency Residence Project, which serves individuals and families who are homeless or in transition.
Payday is Nov. 27
Iowa State's payday this month will be Wednesday, Nov. 27. By definition, payday is the last work day of the month. The late occurance of Thanksgiving this year and the university's two-day Thanksgiving holiday moves payday forward two days. ISU Payroll's website includes a calendar of pay-related dates and deadlines.
Individuals can comment on regents agenda at Nov. 21 public hearing
Members of the public will have an opportunity to provide early input on agenda items for the state Board of Regents Dec. 4 telephonic meeting. Those who wish to comment are invited to attend one of the six public hearings that will be held at the regents institutions and board office. (See schedule.)
The public hearing at Iowa State is Thursday, Nov. 21, 6-7 p.m., Memorial Union Campanile Room. All public hearings will be video recorded and posted to the regents hearings website.
Meeting materials and an agenda for the December meeting will be posted to the regents homepage by Nov. 19.
Madrigal Dinner tickets available Dec. 2
Tickets go on sale Dec. 2 for the music department's 49th annual Madrigal Dinners, planned for Jan. 17-18 (5:30 p.m., social hour; 6:30 p.m. dinner, MU Great Hall). Cost is $42 ($38 for students, senior and groups of 10 or more). Tickets are available online; at the MU ticket office (11 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday); by mail (PDF); or by phone, 4-8349.
Central Stores units closed afternoon of Nov. 21
All Central Stores operations (including Central and Material Stores, ISU Surplus and trucking and deliveries) will be closed from 1 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 21. All staff in those units are participating in a training session.
Associate dean of students candidates interview this week
Four finalists will interview on campus next week for the associate dean of students post. Their visits will include an open forum with the campus community, all in 136 Union Drive Community Center. Candidates resumes are online. The candidates and open forum dates are:
- Jane Birkholz, University of Wisconsin -- Marathon County, Wausau, Nov. 18 (11 a.m.-noon)
- Wendy Robinson, Des Moines Area Community College, Ankeny, Nov. 19 (10-11 a.m.)
- Keith Robinder, ISU student assistance and outreach services, Nov. 20 (2-3 p.m.)
- Debra Sanborn, ISU Hixson Opportunity Awards and National Student Exchange programs, Nov. 21 (1:30-2:30 p.m.)
Noon seminar looks at women's leadership in veterinary medicine
A women's leadership seminar, "Sharing Solutions and Closing the Gap," will be presented Monday, Nov. 18 (noon-1 p.m., 2532 Vet Med) by Julie Kumble, Women's Fund of Western Massachusetts; and Donald Smith, dean emeritus of Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine. Their talk, based on data and interviews with women leaders from all areas of the veterinary medicine profession, will examine topics such as critical mass, the "leaky pipeline," perfection complex and institutional factors that thwart women's leadership in the field. All are welcome.
Employee wellness: "Healthy Holiday Eating Guide," Nov. 18
All employees are welcome to attend an upcoming employee wellness event, "Healthy Holiday Eating Guide," Nov. 18 (noon, 192 Parks Library). No reservation is required; feel free to bring your lunch.
OPPTAG seeks teachers for 2014 summer classes
ISU's Office of Precollegiate Programs for Talented and Gifted (OPPTAG) seeks faculty and graduate students interested in teaching talented and gifted students in grades 3-12 during summer 2014. Individuals with a passion for their field of study and the skills to work with elementary, middle or high school gifted students are sought. The OPPGTAG staff also is looking for exciting new classes to add to its repertoire (last summer's courses are online). Interested individuals should contact the OPPTAG office at or 294-1772.
Tickets on sale for Dec. 5 Kacey Musgraves concert
Tickets are on sale for a campus concert by rising country music star Kacey Musgraves on Thursday, Dec. 5 (8 p.m., MU Great Hall, doors open at 7 p.m.). Tickets are $25 ($20 with an ISU student ID) at MIDWESTIX; a 3 percent fee is applied to online purchases. Tickets also may be purchased at the Maintenance Shop box office in the Memorial Union in person or by phone (515-294-8349), weekdays 11 a.m.-5 p.m. A $1 per-ticket fee is applied to phone orders, and all tickets additionally are subject to a $2 MIDWESTIX fee. Musgraves was named new artist of the year at the 47th annual Country Music Association Awards on Nov. 6.
Capital Cities and Fitz and The Tantrums concert is Nov. 19
The pop/rock bands Capital Cities ("Safe and Sound") and Fitz and The Tantrums ("Out Of My League") will present a joint concert on Tuesday, Nov. 19 (7:30 p.m., Stephens Auditorium, doors open at 6:30 p.m.). The Los Angeles-based electronic/dance band Beat Club will open the show. Tickets are $35 at all Ticketmaster locations; ISU students with ID pay $25 at the Stephens ticket office only.
Submit library course reserves for spring now
Instructors who wish to place required materials on reserve for spring semester at Parks Library should submit requests now. The forms are online.
Fullfill wishes at five Giving Tree locations
The YWCA Ames-ISU, Faculty Senate and the Ames school district are hosting the 14th annual Giving Tree through Dec. 2 to support more than 100 local children. Five Giving Trees across campus are decorated with tags that contain the children's special wishes. To participate, remove a tag from a tree, purchase that item and return it (unwrapped) to: 103 Lab of Mechanics, 2101 Agronomy, Vet Med Small Animal Hospital desk, 101 Hamilton or 306 MacKay. Cash donations also are welcome in the YWCA office, 210 Lab of Mechanics. Checks should be payable to the YWCA Ames-ISU. Receipts are available when requested. The Business college also is sponsoring a food drive for families represented on the Giving Trees. The trees are in these campus locations:
- 103 Lab of Mechanics (Faculty Senate office)
- Commons outside 2101 Agronomy
- Glass hallway, Vet Med Large Animal Hospital
- First floor foyer, Hamilton Hall
- Breezeway connecting LeBaron and MacKay halls
For more information, contact Angela Merrick, 4-0043; or Sherri Angstrom, 4-9717.
YWCA's "Just Desserts" fundraiser is Nov. 13
The YWCA Ames-ISU's annual 'Just Desserts' fundraiser will be held Wednesday, Nov. 13 (7-8:30 p.m., Reiman Ballroom, ISU Alumni Center). Ten local vendors will provide a variety of desserts, vying for the "Best Dessert in Ames" vote. Tickets, $35 each or $50 for two, may be reserved through the YWCA office, 210 Lab of Mechanics, 4-0043. Proceeds support YWCA Ames-ISU programming.
Learn to be a leader
Additional spots still are available in university human resources' Leadership at Any Level professional development series. The group will meet during two-hour sessions (9-11 a.m.) on Jan. 14, Jan. 28, Feb. 11, Feb. 21 and March 11. Topics include: impact of attitudes on leadership performance; role of emotional intelligence in leadership development; process of group development; responsibilities and practices of effective leadership; and tools for addressing change effectively. Cost is $250. Contact Ruth Appleton (4-3753) or Don Broshar (4-2278) for more information.
2014 benefits are topic of next P&S Council seminar
Mike Otis, director of university human resources, will present an overview of Iowa State's 2014 benefits at the next Professional and Scientific Council's professional development seminar on Nov. 12 (2-3:30 p.m., MU Campanile Room). All are invited to attend this free seminar.
Destination Iowa State is looking for team leaders
If you know students who would make great leaders, encourage them to be team leaders during Destination Iowa State, Aug. 21-23, 2014. It's an excellent way for current students to show their Cyclone pride, be part of a team, develop leadership skills and earn up to $250 for their work. Each team leader mentors a group of approximately 15 students through the Destination Iowa State experience. More information and the application are online; applications are due Friday, Feb. 7. Questions may be directed to Kasie Von Haden, New Student Programs, 4-6660.
Register now for financial aid conference
The Office of Student Financial Aid will host its 16th annual Financial Aid Conference for Campus Partners on Dec. 11 (8 a.m.-noon, MU Sun Room and South Ballroom). The purpose of the conference is to inform Iowa State professionals about the financial aid process and other pertinent financial aid issues/situations affecting students on campus. ISU faculty and staff are encouraged to attend. Admission is free. Register online.
Bid on postcard prints through Nov. 7
The University Print Society is hosting Temptation: 13th Annual International Postcard Print Exchange exhibition and silent auction through 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 7, in Gallery 181, College of Design. The show features the work of 318 artists from 33 U.S. states and six other countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, South Korea and United Kingdom. All prints on display are for sale through a bidding process that's explained in the gallery. This is an opportunity to collect interesting pieces of art or purchase unusual gifts. Proceeds help print club students attend national printmaking conferences. Bidding ends at 5 p.m. Thursday; winners will be notified by email and arrangements made for them to pick up their prints the week of Nov. 11.
Tickets for Dave Chappelle's Friday show are on sale today
Comedian Dave Chappelle makes a stop at Stephens Auditorium on Friday, Nov. 8 (7:30 p.m.). Tickets ($55, no student discounts) go on sale at 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 4 via Ticketmaster, including the Iowa State Center ticket office. Chappelle's show will include two 15-minute openers and no admission.
Course material selections due to bookstore before Dec. 12
Faculty are reminded to turn in their course material adoptions to the University Book Store before the end-of-term textbook buyback begins on Dec. 12. Information on submitting your textbook adoption is online.
Student-athletes hope to can hunger at Homecoming football game
The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee and Iowa State student-athletes will be collecting non-perishable food items prior to the Nov. 9 Homecoming football game (11 a.m. kickoff). All donations to CyCans will be picked up by student-athletes in the paved tailgating lots starting at 9 a.m. to benefit the Food Bank of Iowa. The Cyclones' goal is to collect 10,000 pounds of canned food to fight hunger.
Sign up soon for Nov. 15 marketing summit
The fall semester University Marketing Summit for faculty and staff is set for Friday, Nov. 15 (2:30 - 4:45 p.m., Pioneer Room, Memorial Union). The summit will include:
- A keynote speech by MK Seipke, former vice president of integrated marketing for Oprah Winfrey's Harpo Productions.
- Unveiling of the new creative direction for the next wave of the adventure campaign collateral materials, which can be customized for communications with prospective students. The new promotional merchandise toolkit website will be demonstrated and updates about the university's visual identity system will be provided.
E-mail reservations to by noon, Thursday, Nov. 7.