September 2015
Gain insights into careers in ag industry
Three representatives from the agricultural industrial sector with diverse backgrounds (agriculture, chemistry, engineering) will present on cutting edge technologies and careers in industry (and answer questions) on Wednesday, Oct. 14 (1-3 p.m., MU Campanile Room). This event is open to all but provides a particularly good opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to gain insight into careers in industry. The presenters are team leaders at BASF, Bayer CropScience and DuPont Pioneer.
Walk as one on Oct. 7
On Wednesday, Oct. 7, Iowans will participate in one-kilometer walks around the state to represent their dedication to making Iowa the healthiest state in the nation by 2016. Iowa State faculty, staff and students will show their unified commitment to healthy living in a Walk as ONE hike across central campus at 12:15 pm. that day. Meet near the Beardshear steps at 12:05 p.m. Register now. When the Healthiest State Initiative began in 2011, Iowa ranked 19th and currently sits at 16th.
ISU Coming Out week is Oct. 5-11
Oct. 11 is recognized across the United States as National Coming Out Day. The Iowa State Pride Summit, a collective of LGBTQ student organizations, the LGBTQA+ Faculty and Staff Association and the LGBT Student Services Center, is sponsoring a week of events to raise awareness, educate, engage in dialogue and celebrate the coming out process. All are encouraged to attend. Updates on events will be posted on the LGBTSS Facebook and Twitter sites.
Rate My Professors list tabs ISU at 16th
Iowa State University ranks 16th on Rate My Professors' annual list of "highest rated universities." On the Rate My Professors website, students rate and review their instructors. They also rate their schools in such areas as reputation, campus life, social activities and Internet quality. The "highest rated universities" list is based on both rankings.
Seminar takes a different approach to conflict
ISU ombuds officer Elaine Newell will present "Turning Conflict Inside Out" on Tuesday, Oct. 13 (2-3 p.m., MU Campanile Room, also streamed live), as part of the P&S Council's seminar series. The usual approaches -- avoidance, silent suspicion or contentious emails, for example -- don't really work. Newell's talk will focus on shifting your own perspective about the conflicts you face to help reduce the stress they generate and increase the chance for resolution. All are welcome.
Learn how to track your research impact at library workshop
University Library is sponsoring a workshop, "Altmetrics: New Metrics for Your Research Impact," on Thursday, Oct. 8 (3-4:30 p.m., location provided at registration). Learn how to track your research impact beyond citations, including page views, social bookmarking, tweets, subscribers, downloads, databases, slideshows, videos and more. Seating is limited; preregistration is required. More library workshops.
Oct. 1 Cyclone lunch features AD Pollard
Iowa State athletics director Jamie Pollard is the scheduled guest speaker at the Ames and Story County Cyclone Club luncheon on Thursday, Oct. 1 (doors open at 11:30 a.m., Reiman Ballroom, ISU Alumni Center). A $10 lunch is catered by Hy-Vee. Cyclone lunches are open to the public; no preregistration is required.
Museums' 40th anniversary book is on sale
University Museums' newest publication, Campus Beautiful: Shaping the Aesthetic Identity of Iowa State University, contains more than 400 images. Over a decade in the making, it shares the origins and development of the campus landscape, architecture and public art collection from 1858 to the present. The cost is $100 ($75 for University Museums members); the book may be purchased in the museums' office, 290 Scheman.
Lake LaVerne water quality event is Saturday
The research team that piloted a water-quality improvement project on Lake LaVerne this summer will share initial results in a public outreach event on Saturday, Sept. 26 (1 p.m., north shore of the lake). Team members will describe the project and demonstrate how the installation of vegetated floating islands can be a practical measure to reduce contaminants and maintain healthy nutrient levels in ponds and lakes on farms and in corporate campuses and housing developments.
Fall career fairs start next week
College-sponsored fall career fairs are coming up. They include:
- Engineering Career Fair, Sept. 29 (noon-6 p.m., Hilton Coliseum)
- Business, Industry and Technology Career Fair, Sept. 30 (noon-6 p.m., Hilton Coliseum)
- People to People Career Fair, Sept. 30 (1-5 p.m., Scheman Building), careers in social services, education, health/wellness, government and hospitality
- Agriculture and Life Sciences Career Day, Oct. 20 (9 a.m.-3 p.m., Lied center)
ISU component to Russian chamber orchestra concert
Several of the musical pieces in an Oct. 8 concert by the Chamber Orchestra Kremlin will include choral accompaniment by the Iowa State Singers, Ames Chamber Artists and Des Moines Choral Society. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. in Stephens Auditorium. Tickets, $25-59 ($25 for youth and ISU students) plus fees, are on sale via Ticketmaster. Options to the evening include:
- Overture dinner, (6 p.m., Scheman Building, social at 5:30 p.m.), music department chair Michael Golemo will detail the concert repertoire, adults $30 ($15 youth), purchase dinner tickets via Ticketmaster by Sept. 30
- Concert preview (7 p.m., Celebrity Cafe), with radio personality and musician Hollis Monroe, free to all ticket holders
Next Cyclone Central tailgate is Oct. 3
The ISU Alumni Association is holding a tailgate indoors on Oct. 3, prior to the 11 a.m. kickoff between the Cyclones and Kansas Jayhawks. Bring the whole family to the Alumni Center from 8-10:30 a.m. and enjoy refreshments, watch games on the big screen or relax on the terrace. All are welcome free of charge. However, you must preregister by Sept. 30 if you'd like to purchase a catered breakfast from HyVee.
Mark your calendars for the benefits open change periods
The annual benefits open change periods for nonsupervisory merit (NSM) staff and ISU Plan participants are quickly approaching. The open change period for NSM employees is tentatively scheduled for Oct. 5 (9 a.m.) through Nov. 23 (5 p.m.). The ISU Plan open change period is planned for Nov. 2 (9 a.m.) through Nov. 20 (5 p.m.). Look for more information about benefits changes here and in upcoming editions of Inside Iowa State.
Learn how to set up, fund an undergraduate learning community
Interested in deveIoping a new undergraduate learning community? Get details about starting a new learning community, including the application process for funding. Contact Doug Gruenewald, director, or Jen Leptien, program coordinator, of ISU Learning Communities to set up an appointment. More information about learning communities is online.
"Holloway" auditions are Oct. 6
Iowa State's Focus Artist Grant Program is holding auditions on Oct. 6 (6:30-9 p.m., 102 Music Hall) for Holloway, a new, contemporary musical. The production is based on the true events surrounding the disappearance of Alabama teenager, Natalie Holloway, in Aruba in 2005. Auditions are open to the public. For more information, including audition materials, email
Units raising money for United Way with university-wide events
As part of United Way of Story County's 2015 fundraising campaign, several colleges and units have planned university-wide activities. Inside compiled a list of events the campus community is invited to participate in, including auctions, book and bake sales, and a chess challenge.
Speed networking sessions planned for AMR researchers
The office of the Vice President for Research is hosting speed networking sessions to highlight AMR (antimicrobial resistance) research in various departments and to facilitate interdisciplinary collaborations. Each session will be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m.; about 45 minutes of presentations (3 minutes each) will be followed by a reception to allow participants to network. To participate, submit the online registration, attaching to it a researcher profile. (The profile and an information page are on the VPR's forms page under "Research Groups.") Each 3-minute talk should summarize a scientist's research and collaboration needs. Questions may be directed to Jamy Rentschler, 294-4222. The four sessions are:
- Sept. 24 (3306 Elings), AMR fundamental mechanisms and systems biology
- Oct. 19 (1204 Kildee), Ecology, transmission and mathematical modeling of AMR
- Nov. 3 (1204 Kildee), New antimicrobials, alternatives to antibiotics and novel intervention strategies
- Nov. 16 (1204 Kildee), Novel detection, socio-economic impact and risk assessment of AMR
Forum this week for student health center finalist
- Students are invited to meet Baldwin and ask questions Thursday, Sept. 17 (4:10 p.m., Memorial Union Gold Room).
- At a one-hour public forum Friday, Sept. 18 (9 a.m., Memorial Union Gold Room), Baldwin will discuss the role of student health in the education of a student and answer questions.
Campus fire safety event is Sept. 23
As part of Campus Fire Safety Month, Environmental Health and Safety will host a fire safety event on Wednesday, Sept. 23 (8:30-11 a.m., between Kildee and Lagomarcino halls). Put out a simulated fire, learn fire safety tips, meet Ames fire fighters and receive a free T-shirt and coupon from a local restaurant. Video.
Events planned for postdoc appreciation week
Sept. 21-26 is National Postdoc Appreciation Week. At Iowa State, more than 300 postdocs contribute to the university's research, outreach and teaching missions. Postdocs are invited to these events:
- Cupcakes, coffee and conversation, Sept. 21 (3:30-5:30 p.m., 2030 Morrill), register by Sept. 18 (to help with food order)
- Postdoctoral scholar orientation, Sept. 22 (3-5 p.m., 3150 Beardshear), information about resources and policies, register by noon Sept. 19
- Portrait photoshoot, Sept. 24 (11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., 1156 Pearson), receive a free digital portrait for professional use, reserve a time slot by Sept. 23 (additional date could be scheduled)
- Professional development workshop, Sept. 26 (8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Hach Hall), register by Sept. 19
EH&S learning management system restored Thursday AM
UPDATE: Environmental Health and Safety's learning management system, which went offline Tuesday afternoon for updates, has been restored ahead of schedule. Users are able to use the system as of Thursday morning (not Friday, as anticipated).
Silent auction for United Way is Sept. 15-Oct. 1
The College of Engineering is hosting an online silent auction to benefit the United Way of Story County. The auction is open through noon on Oct. 1. You may view items under "Auctioned items" in the left column.
Register now for Sept. 28 veterans conference
Registration is open for the 2015 Iowa Statewide Veterans Conference, held Sept. 28 in the Memorial Union. The event includes a keynote speech by Maj. Gen. Timothy Orr, Iowa National Guard, and a lunchtime talk about WWI and WWII Native American code talkers by Cmdr. Don Loudner and tribal members. Breakout sessions, a resource fair and a post-conference reception also are planned. Online registration is required. Cost is $30 for the general public, and free for student veterans, military personnel and their families. Contact the Veterans Center for more information (, 294-9801).
Record number of ISU alumni living in Iowa
The number of Iowa State alumni currently living in the state of Iowa recently reached a milestone, topping 100,000. A total of 100,223 alumni reside in the state. That's the highest number of alumni living in Iowa from any institution of higher education
Personalize your NCBI account
Parks Library will host a new workshop, "Personalizing NCBI" (National Center for Biotechnology Information) on Thursday, Oct. 1 (3-4:30 p.m., Parks Library, location shared at registration). Subject librarian Heather Lewin will explain: setting up an NCBI account, personalizing search results, creating a bibliography, and creating background pages for NIH and NSF grants. Registration is free but required.
Exhibit features students' spring Rome projects
Projects by fourth-year architecture and landscape architecture students who studied in Italy last spring will be on display through Oct. 3 in the College of Design's Gallery 181. The show includes sketches, renderings, watercolor paintings, architectural drawings, photographs and multimedia videos created by 37 architecture and 11 landscape architecture students.
Family picnic for student parents is Sept. 18
ISU Child Care and Family Resources will host the Parents As Students Support (PASS) group's family picnic on Friday, Sept. 18 (5-7 p.m., Brookside Park). ISU student parents and their children are invited for networking, food and fun. RSVP by Sept, 14 to; include the number of guests attending and ages of children.
Fine dining dates are set
Students in this fall's fine dining management class have announced four Wednesday dates for themed dinners in the Tearoom, 23A MacKay. Dinner service begins at 6:30 p.m.; doors open at 6:15 p.m. The price is $30 per person ($35 with wine), payable by cash, check, credit card or CyCash. Guests may bring their own bottle of wine but there will be a corking fee. For menu details or to reserve seats, contact the student listed for each event:
Tearoom opens Sept. 10
The Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom, a restaurant/classroom operation in 23A MacKay, reopens for the academic year on Thursday, Sept. 10. Lunch is served from 11:50 12:50 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; cost is $6.50. Menus are online. Reservations are required and can be made by calling 294-3330 (7:30 a.m.-2 p.m.). Dinner will not be served this fall, but returns for the spring semester.
Memorial service for Helen Herrnstadt is Sept. 19
A memorial service celebrating the life of Helen Herrnstadt, former academic adviser in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (1968-91) will be held Saturday, Sept. 19 (4:30 p.m., main gallery, Octagon Center for the Arts, 427 Douglas Ave.). Herrnstadt died July 8 in Tucson, Arizona, at the age of 87. She was the spouse of retired faculty member Richard Herrnstadt (English) and the mother of University Professor of industrial design Steven Herrnstadt.
Join the LGBTQA+ Faculty and Staff Association
LGBTQ faculty, staff and allies are invited to become members of Iowa State's LGBTQA+ Faculty and Staff Association. Activities planned for this semester include a welcome potluck (sponsored by the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost), coordination of the ISU Pride Summit and input into the university’s strategic plan. For more information, contact Nicci Port.
Forums this week for student health center finalist
Shelley O'Connell, director of the student health clinic at the University of Northern Iowa, is a finalist for the Thielen Student Health Center director. She will meet with members of the university community during two forums this week:
- Students are invited to meet O’Connell and ask questions Thursday, Sept. 10 (4:10 p.m., Memorial Union Gallery).
- At a one-hour public forum Friday, Sept. 11 (9 a.m., Memorial Union Gold Room), O’Connell will discuss the role of student health in the education of a student and answer questions.
The second candidate’s name and information, as well as the public forum schedule, will be shared on Tuesday, Sept. 15.
Study Abroad Fair is Sept. 17
Iowa State's Study Abroad Center is hosting a Study Abroad Fair on Sept. 17 (10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., MU Great Hall). The fair gives students, faculty and staff the opportunity to learn about more than 1,000 study abroad programs. Call 294-6792 with questions.
Settlement payments credited to TIAA-CREF accounts
A "plan servicing credit" of $57 was transferred to qualifying employees' TIAA-CREF accounts Sept. 2 or 3 and will appear in upcoming quarterly statements. The payment stems from a 20-state lawsuit settlement with Standard and Poor's Rating Services over misleading investment advice prior to the 2008 financial crisis. Approximately $2.5 million was distributed among Iowa's regent university employees who were employed in the regents system for any time from September 2004 to October 2007 and still have an active TIAA-CREF account. That amounted to more than 58,000 employees. As part of the settlement, $10 million also was to be added to the state's IPERS fund.
Local Food Festival planned for Sept. 18
ISU Extension and Outreach, the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, Live Green and ISU Dining are sponsoring the first annual Local Food Festival: An Adventure in Eating on Sept. 18 (10 a.m.-2 p.m., central campus). The event will feature educational displays, samples, recipes using local foods developed by ISU Dining chefs, locally grown and produced products for sale by vendors and ISU clubs, free bike tune-ups and reuseable shopping bags.
Childcare assistance for student parents
The Childcare Assistance Program (CAP) is a scholarship that assists student parents with their childcare expenses while they're attending Iowa State. Applications for the 2015-16 academic year are due Sept. 30; more information and the the application packet are online, or contact ISU Child Care and Family Resource Services via email or phone, 294-3149. All student parents are encouraged to apply.
"Last Comic Standing" tickets are on sale
Tickets for a Sept. 30 performance (7:30 p.m., Stephens Auditorium) of NBC's comedy competition, Last Comic Standing, are on sale now. Season 9 of the television show launched in late July, with finalists to be chosen Sept. 9 for a nationwide tour. Tickets are $25-59 (ISU students $25 and $48) plus fees, and available via Ticketmaster.
Series to explore applying business analytics to university systems
The College of Business and Information Technology will host a series of seminars to explore the potential for integrating business analytics into the university’s business practices. The initial seminar (Sept. 16, 3:10 p.m., 3164 Gerdin Business Building) will feature a panel of business faculty discussing the college’s new master of business analytics program, what business analytics is all about, and how it may apply to university business systems. Space is limited to 32 attendees. Seminar participants can sign up here. Space is limited to 32 attendees.
Honors program seeks spring seminar proposals
The University Honors program is seeking proposals for spring 2016 Honors seminars. These one- or two-credit courses explore various topics of current or special interest. Seminars are pass/fail, with enrollment usually limited to 17. A grant of $500 per semimar supports the professional development of the instructor(s). More information, including a proposal form and guideines, is available online. Proposals are due Sept. 18.
Funding applications for fall student events due Sept. 11
Recognized student organizations can apply to receive funds for events during the academic year through the student affairs division's Student Organization Sponsorship program. Events must fall under one of these tracks: service, fundraising, entertainment, academic showcase, student organization recruitment or athletics/recreation (tournaments, activities). More information, including the application form, is online. Questions may be directed to Kathleen Harrison, office of the vice president for student affairs, 294-0322. Application deadlines are:
- Fall 2015 events: Sept. 11
- Spring 2016 events: Oct. 12, Jan. 15, 2016
Bigger, better ClubFest is Sept. 9
More than 360 student clubs and organizations will be on central campus for ClubFest on Wednesday, Sept. 9 (11 a.m.-4 p.m.), rain or shine. The event will showcase opportunities for student involvement with displays, demonstrations, giveaways and information from participating groups. A volunteer fair for nonprofit agencies also will be held during ClubFest. A list of participants, including a map of exhibit locations, will be available online.
Sept. 10 "Inside" to be delayed a day
The Sept. 10 edition of Inside Iowa State will be posted on Friday, Sept. 11, so that staff can include coverage of President Steven Leath's annual address Thursday evening (7 p.m., MU Great Hall).
Grants Hub funding workshop is Sept. 10
Research faculty and staff are invited to attend a free Grants Hub workshop, "Finding Funding Opportunities," on Sept. 10 (9-10:30 a.m., MU Gallery). Participants will learn how to use the COS Pivot searchable database to broaden their funding portfolios and increase interdisciplinary opportunities. Please bring a laptop. Register online by Sept. 8.
Energy center's grant application moves online
Beginning Sept. 1, applicants for the Iowa Energy Center's opportunity grants, matching grants and planning grants will apply online. The new process will make it easier for applicants to submit and track their applications. For now, applicants to the center's special project grant program will continue to apply via email.
Iowa State and the A-bomb
Iowa State’s role in producing the atomic bomb destined for Hiroshima was so secret that then-college president Charles Friley was never told any details. On Sept. 9, Ames Laboratory documentarian Steve Karsjen and former Memorial Union marketing director Kathy Svec will reprise their popular Ames Historical Society program on the Manhattan Project and the Iowa State scientists who developed a process to refine uranium. Svec’s father Harry was on the research team, led by Frank Spedding and another key player Harley Wilhelm. The program, open to the public, begins at 7 p.m. in the Ames Public Library.