June 2016
July 14 hearing precedes regents' meeting
If you'd like to comment on any items scheduled for discussion at the state Board of Regents July 18 telephonic meeting, you have several options:
- Attend one of six public hearings held at the regents institutions and board office July 14-15. Iowa State's hearing is Thursday, July 14 (noon-1 p.m.), Oak Room, Memorial Union. All public hearings will be video recorded and posted to the regents' hearings website. Transparency officer Shirley Knipfel will preside at the meeting.
- Provide written comments to regents transparency officer Josh Lehman,
Meeting materials and an agenda for the July meeting will be posted to the regents homepage by July 12.
Fireworks enthusiasts asked to dispose of sparkler wires
The trash item that campus service teams deal with most frequently in ISU's east recreation fields after July 4th is fireworks remnants, particularly sparkler wires. To both keep Iowa State beautiful and ensure the safety of all who use or work in the fields, facilities leaders encourage firework enthusiasts to assist in cleanup efforts. Disposing of sparkler wires can be easy; fill a coffee can, soup can or yogurt container part-way with sand or dirt and bring it with you to dispose of used sparkler wires. The Ames fireworks display is scheduled for dusk on Sunday, July 3.
Clinical faculty proposal, entrepreneur degree go to regents committee
In preparation for the full state Board of Regents meeting on July 18, the board's academic and student affairs committee will meet on campus on Wednesday, July 6 (1-4 p.m., MU Gold Room). Among the ISU items the committee will review:
- Proposed policy on NTE clinical faculty
- New B.S. program in entrepreneurship, College of Business (transitioning from a track in the management program)
- Accreditation reports: University (Higher Education Commission); programs (4) in music, industrial technology/agriculture system technology, hospitality management and financial planning
The committee also will review an update from the University of Iowa on the four undergraduate programs it will offer this fall at the Iowa Center for Higher Education, formerly the AIB school, Des Moines. The full board takes action on these items on July 18.
Hotel furniture to be sold at July 14 'garage' sale
Furniture (including king and queen bed sets) from the Hotel Memorial Union guest rooms will be sold at a 'garage' sale in the MU Great Hall on Thursday, July 14. As announced in April, the residence department will equip the rooms for student occupancy this fall. The sale will have a cash-and-carry format. Watch for more details in the July 7 Inside Iowa State.
Volunteer at the fair
University Marketing has 14 volunteer spots remaining at its Iowa State Fair exhibit, Aug. 11-21. Represent Iowa State by applying temporary tattoos or rolling and distributing athletic team posters. Volunteers receive a specially designed T-shirt, full day fair admission and fair parking, all free! There are two shifts daily, 8:45 a.m.-3 p.m. and 2:45-9 p.m. The online signup form is closed; call or email Maggie Feldmann in university marketing, 294-3969, to learn more about available shifts.
Part-time director sought for Teaching as Research projects
The Graduate College and the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching's CIRTL team are looking for a research-oriented staff person or a lecturer to act as director for graduate student/postdoc Teaching as Research (TAR) projects. This would involve an estimated 10 hours per week during the semester, so the position may suit someone looking for additional work, or who would like to complement his or her current responsibilities with a teaching buyout. Funding is available for one year; additional funding is being sought. Applications are due July 15.
North entrance to MU ramp to close for several months
The north entrance to the Memorial Union parking ramp will close Thursday, July 7, to secure a staging area for crews who will replace the slate roof on the Memorial Union's tallest central section. A crane will be used to lift scaffolding to the work area; assembling the scaffolding system will take several weeks, with roof work to begin around July 25. The roof project is scheduled for completion in early November, at which time the ramp's north entrance will reopen.
Osborn Drive will reopen Thursday
Osborn Drive, an east section of which closed June 6 for underground utilities work associated with the Bessey Hall east addition, will reopen at 6 a.m. Thursday, June 30. At that time, the barricades will be put back in place on Stange Road in front of Lagomarcino Hall, and CyRide busses will return to their normal routes.
Three offices relocate to Kingland Building on June 20
The staff in three more university offices will move to the Kingland Building second floor on Monday, June 20. During the one-day transition, staff members will not be available by phone or email. Offices will reopen on Tuesday, June 21, in their new locations:
- Office of Institutional Research, Suite 203 (formerly 3410 Beardshear)
- Office of Responsible Research, Suite 202 (formerly 1138 Pearson)
- Office for Research Integrity, Suite 202 (formerly 1138 Pearson)
These moves complete the university's occupancy of the second floor of the Kingland Building, 2420 Lincoln Way.
Session on web image, color accessibility June 23
ISU web accessibility coordinator (WAC) Zayira Jordan and Dena Fife, instructional development coordinator at the Brenton Center, will offer brief training and answer questions on making website images and colors accessible in a live video session Thursday, June 23 (3-4 p.m.). You can connect to the "Ask the WAC" Zoom videoconferencing session from your own computer by going to (If you don't already have Zoom software on your computer, get the free download from this site ahead of time.) You also can join the conference on the phone by dialing (646) 558-8656 or (408) 638-0968; use meeting ID: 320 849 102.
Try the distracted driving simulator June 21
Can you really multitask while driving? To find out, try out the MiniCym distracted driving simulator outside Parks Library June 21 (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.). The event is hosted by environmental health and safety as part of National Safety Month. Rain date is June 28 (10 a.m.-4 p.m). Visit the Share the Roads Safely website for information on how to minimize your risks.
Mental health first aid training offered in July
The Student Counseling Service will offer three sections of the 8-hour Mental Health First Aid training next month for any ISU faculty, staff member or administrator who wants to learn more about how to respond to students or colleagues experiencing a mental health crisis or developing a mental health problem. Registration costs $50 (intramural voucher or personal check). To register, email the instructor, ISU licensed psychologist Erin Pederson, preferably by June 30 (indicate your preferred session). All sections meet in the Hach Hall atrium; dates and times are:
- Tuesdays, July 12 and 19 (noon-4:15 pm.)
- Thursdays, July 14 and 21 (8 a.m.-12:15 p.m.)
- Tuesday and Thursday, July 26 and 28 (noon-4:15 p.m.)
Pammel Drive repair, restriping project to begin June 24
A previously announced project to repair and resurface Pammel Drive between Stange and Bissell roads, and paint it as a two-lane road with center turn lanes and striped medians, is scheduled to begin Friday, June 24, and take up to five weeks. For the first two weeks, crews will work on the two westbound lanes, completing asphalt removal, concrete patching, subdrain and curb replacement, and paving. The eastbound lanes will remain open, with a single lane of traffic in each direction. Parking lots north and south of Pammel will remain accessible except for intermittent periods as the work passes lot driveways.
When the westbound lane work is complete, work will shift to the eastbound lanes. Access to lots north of Pammel and most lots south of Pammel will remain accessible except for intermittent periods. Entrances to lots 36 and 37 will be closed for five to six days to complete necessary patching and drainage work. When all four lanes are paved, Pammel Drive will be closed for a couple of days to complete the road striping. The goal is to schedule most of the closure over a weekend.
Considering retirement this year or next? This session is for you
Employees thinking about retiring in 2016 or 2017 are encouraged to enroll in a 2-hour class led by ISU benefits staff, "Prepare for Retirement/Insurance." Separate sessions are held for non-supervisory merit and for faculty, P&S or supervisory/confidential merit staff, with six sessions scheduled in June and July; the first for each employee group are June 14 and 17, respectively (more will be offered this fall). Employees should enroll online via Learn@ISU (sessions are listed under University Human Resources).
Kids summer dance workshop has openings
There are still spots available for Kids Co’Motion, a three-week dance program for kids aged 8-18 that runs Monday through Friday, July 11-29 (10 a.m.-2:30 p.m) and culminates in two professionally produced performances at the Ames City Auditorium. The first two weeks are held in the Forker Building; the last week at the city building. Kids learn choreography, modern dance technique and theatrical improvisation. Cost is $210.
State Fair volunteers sought
There still are volunteer shifts available in the university's State Fair exhibit Aug. 11-21. There are two shifts each day: 8:45 a.m.-3 p.m. and 2:45-9 p.m. Volunteers receive parking, free admission to the fair and an ISU State Fair T-shirt in return for their assistance applying temporary tattoos or rolling athletics posters. Sign up online by midnight Friday, June 10, to guarantee shirt size. Questions may be directed to Maggie Feldmann, 294-3969, in the university marketing office.
ISU has an ethics hotline
The ISU Compliance and Ethics Hotline allows anyone to anonymously report concerns regarding compliance with laws, regulations and policies at ISU. Get more information on the hotline website. Concerns may be submitted online or by leaving a voice message at 515-294-7119.
Central stores closed June 8-10
Central stores will be closed Wednesday, June 8, through Friday, June 10, while staff conduct an inventory. Those with emergency needs should contact central stores director Norm Hill,, 4-5752.
8th annual College Creek cleanup is June 25
Volunteers are sought for Iowa State's 8th annual cleanup of designated campus segments of College Creek on Saturday, June 25 (10 a.m.-2 p.m., checkin begins at 9:30 a.m. in Forker parking lot). Volunteers may come and go as their schedules allow. Gloves, bags, trash grabbers, bug repellant, sunscreen and lunch are provided; volunteers should wear clothing and closed-toe shoes appropriate for cleanup in the creek and on the wooded creek bank. Online registration is requested so organizers purchase enough supplies.
Take precautions prior to European travel
The U.S. Department of State issued a travel alert for Americans in Europe that's in effect May 31-Aug. 31. In light of this, ISU faculty and staff embarking on international travel for university business are reminded to enroll in Cultural Insurance Services International for basic and emergency medical insurance and security evacuation services. Travelers also are encouraged to review these additional reminders and helpful websites on emergency preparedness.
Insect Zoo seeks crowdfunder support
The entomology department's Insect Zoo outreach program is raising funds to bring the Bug Chef (The Eat-A-Bug Cookbook author David George Gordon) to campus on Aug. 27 for its 2nd annual Bug Village. Donations from $5 to $250 can be made on the zoo's crowdfunder page with the ISU Foundation. Any additional funds raised beyond the $4,000 goal will be used to purchase new enclosures for Insect Zoo species.
Summerfest in Campustown is June 4
The campus community is invited to the 6th annual Summerfest in Campustown celebration on Saturday, June 4 (3-9:30 p.m., 200 block of Welch Avenue). The event features free familiy activities (inflatables, petting zoo, face painting, bingo and more) and live music in the beer garden.