
June 2024

Tuition reimbursement program moves to Workday

Iowa State's tuition reimbursement program for merit and P&S staff has moved from AccessPlus to Workday. Starting with fall 2024 coursework, employees will submit their applications through the request process in Workday. Eligibility requirements, program details and step-by-step instructions are available in a how-to article; here's a summary:

  • Type "Create Request" in the Workday search bar.
  • Select the "Create Request" task.
  • Under "all" in the "Request  Type" box, choose "Tuition Reimbursement Application" and click "OK."
  • Fill out the application and submit.

The fall semester application window opened June 17 and closes at 11:59 p.m. Friday, Aug. 23. Course reimbursements are processed within three weeks of final grades posting. University human resources will do all future communications about the program through Workday notifications. Questions about the program may be emailed to tuition reimbursement.

Deposit option available for football game in Ireland

The Cyclone football team will play Kansas State in the Aer Lingus College Football Classic next summer (Aug. 23, 2025) in Dublin, Ireland. The athletics department has a Deposit Only package for fans who know they want to attend the game but still need to choose a travel package. Place a $500/person deposit by Aug. 1 to secure a game ticket in the Iowa State section and be contacted by a sales representative from On Location in the coming weeks who'll answer questions about the various packages. Deposit Only packages must be converted to a full travel package by Aug. 15 (airfare is not in the packages and will be available as an add-on about 10 months prior to the game). In early 2025, remaining game tickets will go on sale for fans interested only in purchasing tickets to the game.

Find the Cyclone artists at the Des Moines Arts Festival

A half dozen College of Design students and alumni are among 190 professional and emerging artists selected to participate in the Des Moines Arts Festival Friday-Sunday, June 28-30 (Western Gateway Park, downtown, 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; until 5 p.m. Sunday). Enjoy live music, food vendors and art activities; admission is free.

Reminder: Morrill Road section closes July 1 for LeBaron project

On Monday, July 1, Morrill Road (between Osborn and Union drives) will close to through vehicle traffic for about two years, while LeBaron Hall is demolished and replaced. Two-way traffic will be allowed on the south end of the road, up to a short closed section of Morrill adjacent to LeBaron. A turnaround at the Morrill Hall and Hub service driveway will be available for drivers making deliveries and employees who park along Morrill Road. Morrill Road's westside sidewalk will remain open for pedestrians and bicyclists. CyRide's orange route/campus circulator was rerouted May 13 and travels south on Bissel Road instead. Morrill Road closure map and project details.

Renew your parking permit before July 1

Faculty and staff are reminded that their campus virtual parking permits expire on June 30. They can renew (and purchase) fiscal year 2025 General Staff permits ($205) and renew Reserved permits ($642) in the ISU parking portal. Update vehicle information there, too.

Nominations due Aug. 1 for two alumni association awards

The ISU Alumni Association is accepting nominations through Aug. 1 for two of its highest honors:

  • Distinguished Alumni Award, the highest honor given to alumni by the university through the alumni association. It honors ISU alumni who are nationally or internationally recognized for preeminent contributions to their profession or life's work. Nomination form.
  • Honorary Alumni Award, the highest honor given by the university through the alumni association to individuals who are not Iowa State graduates and have made significant contributions to Iowa State's welfare, reputation, prestige and pursuit of excellence. Nomination form.

Questions may be directed to Katie Lickteig.

Volunteers sought for July at the SHOP food pantry

With many student volunteers away from Ames for the summer, the SHOP food pantry, 1306 Beyer Hall, seeks faculty and staff volunteers so it can remain open during the summer for students in need. Most of the July volunteer times have vacancies. On the SignUp Genius site, volunteers may select their shifts (Monday, Wednesday and Friday).

Volunteers sought for state fair exhibit

The office of university marketing is recruiting faculty and staff volunteers to assist at the university's main exhibit at the Iowa State Fair, Thursday, Aug. 8, through Sunday, Aug. 18. Volunteers may select from two assignments: roll and hand out 2024 Cyclone football posters or hand out Iowa State bags and waterless tattoos (visitors apply the tattoos on their own). Volunteers receive a complimentary state fair admission ticket for the day of their shift and a themed T-shirt to wear during their shift. They arrange their own vehicle parking.

The Iowa State exhibit in the air-conditioned Varied Industries Building is open 9 a.m.-8 p.m., and three volunteer shifts daily are each about four hours long:

  • 8:45 a.m.-1 p.m.
  • 12:45-4:30 p.m.
  • 4:15-8 p.m.

ISU conference planning and management is managing the volunteer registration process this summer. The volunteer registration form is first come, first served, and volunteers may select more than one shift. Register by July 7 to guarantee your shirt size; details about shirt and ticket pickup will be shared in mid- to late July.

Visitors to this year's exhibit, "Catch the Cyclone Vision," will enjoy multiple 360-degree video experiences from campus such as the spring football game, Fashion Show or the carillon room near the top of the campanile. Questions may be directed to Angie Strotman, university marketing, 515-294-0338. Questions about the volunteer form, including requests to change a scheduled shift, may be directed to Kim Abels, conference planning and management, 515-296-3435.

Children invited to propose new ice cream flavor for ISU Creamery

Children 12 years and younger are invited to propose a new ice cream flavor for the ISU Creamery . . . via a coloring sheet. The sheets can be picked up at the ISU Creamery, 2955 Food Sciences Building, or downloaded from the ISU Creamery website and printed at home. Contestants will color and name their proposed flavor -- which can't already exist in the ISU Creamery's ice cream flavors lineup. (Parents may help them describe their flavor on the separate entry form.) Entries are due in the store by 5 p.m. Saturday, July 6. The ISU Creamery team will announce the winning flavor at noon Wednesday, July 10, on the creamery's Facebook and Instagram pages. The winning ice cream will be made at the creamery and sold for a limited time in the store, starting Saturday, July 27. Summer hours at the store are: noon-5 p.m. Monday-Saturday.

Innovation Lunch Club's next gathering is June 28

The June installment of the Innovation Lunch Club will feature Megan Graettinger, assistant director of the Pappajohn Center for Entrepreneurship; Peter Hong, director of the ISU Startup Factory; and Alex Andrade, program director at CyBIZ Lab, who will share ways their programs can assist faculty and staff. The lunch, hosted by the Office of Economic Development and Industry Relations, is Friday, June 28 (11:15 a.m.-12:30 p.m., executive board room, ISU Economic Development Core Facility, 1805 Collaboration Pl.). RSVP for this free event to

No open house at the dairy farm this summer

The 2024 open house at the ISU Dairy Farm south of Ames, typically held in June, was canceled due to storm damage at the farm. The event will return in 2025.

Horticulture farm is selling produce

The Horticulture Research Station community produce sale has strawberries, kale and butterhead lettuce. It also has honey and whole, frozen chickens. Orders can be placed from noon on Tuesdays through noon on Thursdays. Curbside pickup is Fridays (11 a.m.-1 p.m.) in the Meat Lab parking lot (northwest corner of lot 39) off N. University Boulevard. Payment is by cash, check or credit card at pickup.

Memorial service for retired faculty member Lisa Larson to be livestreamed

A June 8 memorial service for Lisa Larson, University Professor emeritus in psychology, will be livestreamed on the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder's YouTube channel. It begins at noon (CST). Larson died May 31 in Boulder, Colorado, following a bicycle accident. She was an ISU faculty member fro 1998 to 2021. Obituary.

Faculty-staff training offered on mental health, substance use first aid

Student Health and Wellness is sponsoring a one-day, mental health and substance use first aid training for faculty and staff twice this summer (8 a.m.-4 p.m., 1101 Hach). The dates are Tuesday, June 18, or Wednesday, July 17. ISU Wellbeing will provide a light breakfast and lunch at each training. Register for either date. Participants will learn:

  • Common signs and symptoms of mental health challenges.
  • Common signs and symptoms of substance use challenges.
  • How to interact with a person in crisis.
  • How to connect a person with help.
  • Additional content on trauma, substance use and self-care.

Sign up to help out at College Creek cleaning

In recognition of June as National Rivers month, you're invited to volunteer at the 15th annual College Creek cleanup on Saturday, June 22 (10 a.m.-2 p.m., check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Forker Building parking lot). Small groups will walk designated sections of the creek and pick up trash along the banks. No time commitment is required, and all help is appreciated. Volunteers should dress for the weather and wear closed-toe shoes. Supplies (bug repellent, sunscreen, gloves, bags and trash grabbers) will be provided (or bring your own if you prefer). Refreshments also will be provided. Pre-registration is requested to ensure adequate quantities of supplies. This event is hosted by the Live Green! initiative in the office of sustainability.