Student Announcements

June 2024

Deposit option available for football game in Ireland

The Cyclone football team will play Kansas State in the Aer Lingus College Football Classic next summer (Aug. 23, 2025) in Dublin, Ireland. The athletics department has a Deposit Only package for fans who know they want to attend the game but still need to choose a travel package. Place a $500/person deposit by Aug. 1 to secure a game ticket in the Iowa State section and be contacted by a sales representative from On Location in the coming weeks who'll answer questions about the various packages. Deposit Only packages must be converted to a full travel package by Aug. 15 (airfare is not in the packages and will be available as an add-on about 10 months prior to the game). In early 2025, remaining game tickets will go on sale for fans interested only in purchasing tickets to the game.

Find the Cyclone artists at the Des Moines Arts Festival

A half dozen College of Design students and alumni are among 190 professional and emerging artists selected to participate in the Des Moines Arts Festival Friday-Sunday, June 28-30 (Western Gateway Park, downtown, 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; until 5 p.m. Sunday). Enjoy live music, food vendors and art activities; admission is free.

Reminder: Morrill Road section closes July 1 for LeBaron project

On Monday, July 1, Morrill Road (between Osborn and Union drives) will close to through vehicle traffic for about two years, while LeBaron Hall is demolished and replaced. Two-way traffic will be allowed on the south end of the road, up to a short closed section of Morrill adjacent to LeBaron. A turnaround at the Morrill Hall and Hub service driveway will be available for drivers making deliveries and employees who park along Morrill Road. Morrill Road's westside sidewalk will remain open for pedestrians and bicyclists. CyRide's orange route/campus circulator was rerouted May 13 and travels south on Bissel Road instead. Morrill Road closure map and project details.

Sign up to help out at College Creek cleaning

In recognition of June as National Rivers month, you're invited to volunteer at the 15th annual College Creek cleanup on Saturday, June 22 (10 a.m.-2 p.m., check-in begins at 9:30 a.m. in the Forker Building parking lot). Small groups will walk designated sections of the creek and pick up trash along the banks. No time commitment is required, and all help is appreciated. Volunteers should dress for the weather and wear closed-toe shoes. Supplies (bug repellent, sunscreen, gloves, bags and trash grabbers) will be provided (or bring your own if you prefer). Refreshments also will be provided. Pre-registration is requested to ensure adequate quantities of supplies. This event is hosted by the Live Green! initiative in the office of sustainability.