A floral entry – and the painting that inspired it – in the 2011 edition of Brunnier in Bloom. Submitted photo.
The fourth annual Brunnier in Bloom -- University Museums' pairing of beautiful art and cut flowers -- will be held the weekend of March 23-25. Ames-area floral designers and garden clubs put their talents to work to create arrangements inspired by works of art currently on exhibition in the Brunnier Art Museum.
At a Friday evening opening event, a guest judge panel will select winners in "Best in Show" and honorable mention categories. There will be live music by ISU alumnus Clayton Severson and floral-inspired treats from the Ames Cupcake Emporium. The floral designers will be available to talk about their entries.
Judges this year are Letitia Kenemer, coordinator of the Memorial Union art collection; Janet Leath, spouse of president Steven Leath; and Deb Lewis, curator of the Ada Hayden Herbarium in Bessey Hall. The opening night event will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Brunnier Art Museum, 295 Scheman.
If you're unable to attend Friday, the show continues Saturday and Sunday (11 a.m.-4 p.m. daily). Visitors may cast their vote for the People’s Choice award and participate in a $2 raffle for donated prizes, with proceeds supporting educational programs at the museums. The People's Choice recipient will be announced at 3 p.m. Sunday.
Admission is free all three days, though the museums encourage visitors to consider a $3 donation.