The guide wires connecting the carillon to its bells will be replaced as part of the project. Photo by Dave Olson.
Step out onto central campus for the lunchtime carillon concerts now, because the bells will be silent this summer. Beginning Monday, May 22, parts of the Stanton Memorial Carillon will be dismantled for maintenance and construction work within the campanile.
Stanton Memorial Carillon
"This project will repair building components and prevent water damage in the structure," said Dave Blum, project manager for facilities planning and management.
The work, which will close the building for most of the summer, includes replacing the waterproof membrane within the bell chamber and installing new wire guides that connect the carillon to its 50 bells. The roof access hatch also will be replaced and the carillon's steel structural support will be repainted.
Blum said the work is scheduled for completion by Aug. 18, just in time for the start of the fall semester. The project budget is $240,000.