A Cyclones Care sign hangs in the Memorial Union. Photos by Christopher Gannon.
It might a surprising sight for anyone back on campus next week for the first time since spring. At every turn, there's a reminder of how Cyclones can help make the return to in-person instruction successful. The Cyclones Care campaign provides coordinated behavior messaging centered around four key behaviors: wearing a face covering, staying 6 feet from others, washing hands and staying home when ill. The city of Ames and Story County are partners in the campaign. You can be, too. For PDF and social media downloads, videos, email signatures, style guides and links to ordering signs from printing services, check out the Cyclones Care website.

A sign notes the reduced capacity in a collaborative room in Parks Library.

Signs establish that it's one-way traffic on Memorial Union staircases.

In classrooms and other spaces across campus, some seats have to be marked off-use to allow for distancing.

A Cyclones Care sign directs traffic on a Parks Library staircase.

ISU printing services has produced a wide variety of signs and decals for the Cyclones Care campaign.

ISU printing services director Nathan Thole lifts one of many signs cut to size on a large flatbed cutter.

Steve Miller of ISU printing services peels floor decals from a large sheet of printouts.