
January 2025

Submit online help ticket for Workday questions

Faculty and staff seeking help with Workday for Student tasks can use the Workday Get Help form, available on the WorkCyte website. The form connects you with the campus specialists who support your specific issue. Currently, about a dozen common topic areas populate the form -- or you can fill in your own. You'll receive notifications about changes in your ticket status as team works to resolve your issue. Changes to the form, including topics supported by various teams, are added as Workday for Student users' post-implementation needs change. Remember, Workday for Student training resources, organized by role and by topic, are organized on single website.

Judges needed for high school state science fair in March

ISU Extension and Outreach seeks judges for the State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa, Thursday and Friday, March 27-28, at Hilton Coliseum. An anticipated 650 students in grades 6-12 will present an estimated 500 projects in 17 categories during the exhibition. Judges will evaluate the projects and provide constructive feedback to the students. Lunch and refreshments are provided. Individuals can sign up to judge in the junior high or senior high divisions. No special training is required, but an advanced degree or industry experience is preferred for judging senior high projects. Fair organizers will determine judges' assignments based on their category preference(s), level of education, field of study and professional experience. The first step is to sign up online.

Gymnastics tickets $3 for faculty, staff

Iowa State faculty and staff can purchase $3 tickets for the gymnastics team’s Big 12 Conference opener against Arizona State on Friday, Jan. 31 (6:30 p.m., Hilton Coliseum). All tickets are general admission.

Hort Club's Valentine bouquet sale is Feb. 13-14

The Horticulture Club's floral bouquet Valentine's Day sale returns Feb. 13-14 (9 a.m.-3 p.m. daily while supplies last, Union Drive Community Center lobby). Preorders can be made through Feb. 7. Select from roses, carnations and spider mums ($3-$4.50 per stem) and various fillers and greens ($5). Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted payment.

Mushroom certification class offered this spring

ISU Extension and Outreach's Wild-harvested Mushroom Certification Class will return this spring. The class, led by plant disease diagnostician Chelsea Harbach, includes an online lecture (via Zoom) and a mandatory in-person workshop (where the certification exam occurs) offered three times: March 15, March 29 and April 12, all in Ames. Participants receive the link for the Zoom lecture when they register for a workshop. The class costs $60 and is particularly relevant for those hoping to sell wild-harvested mushrooms, since sellers in Iowa are required to complete a certification workshop to sell eight varieties of wild-harvested mushrooms.

P&S research project managers will gather Feb. 11

The Research Project Management Council, supported by the office of the vice president for research, will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 11 (2 p.m., 1116 Sweeney, light refreshments provided). Registration is requested. The council is open to all P&S staff who manage sponsored research projects or programs. Connect with fellow research project management professionals and learn more about how the council can support you. 

The council is a collaborative forum to recognize and enhance the role of research project management at the university. It brings together project management professionals to share best practices, address common challenges and foster a supportive network that advances the success of research initiatives. The group's direction is guided by the needs and priorities of its members, ensuring that the council remains responsive to emerging challenges and opportunities. Contact Nicole Scott or Stacy Renfro with questions.

Fall Honors seminar proposals due Feb. 21

The University Honors Program invites proposals for Honors seminars in Fall 2025. These one- or two-credit courses, offered for a half or full term on a pass/fail basis, allow Honors students to examine topics of current or special interest. Enrollment is usually limited to 17 students. Honors allocates $500 per seminar for the professional development (e.g. professional subscriptions, membership fees, travel) of the instructor(s). Proposals are due Friday, Feb. 21. Details and guidelines are on the Honors website; the proposal form also is online. Questions may be directed to Laurie Smith Law.

Feb. 4 fair emphasizes consent in relationships

ISU's Green Zone team invites students, staff and faculty to stop by the Green Zone Fun Fair on Tuesday, Feb. 4 (10 a.m.-2 p.m., Great Hall, Memorial Union). Grab a snack, play a game and win some prizes. Most importantly, learn how consent in relationships is connected to well being, how to practice consent across different kinds of relationships, and how to build communities into green zones where consent is normalized.

Nominate an individual or team for a sustainability excellence award

Nominations are due by 5 p.m. Feb. 12 for the 2025 Live Green! Excellence Awards in sustainability. Recognize an individual, team, organization, initiative, department or college that impacts campus sustainability through initiatives that focus on teaching, research, outreach or operations. A nomination must include a letter of support from project partners, collaborators or beneficiaries. Selection criteria (PDF) are online; download and complete the nomination form and email it to

VPN update coming soon

The effort to move the university's virtual private network (VPN) to a new login provider, scheduled for this week, has been postponed to a later date. Iowa State's VPN allows employees to securely connect to resources only available on the campus network -- even when not physically on campus. VPN use is intended for a secure access to ISU apps and data that generally are not available from the internet when working remotely. Employees can continue to access the VPN at

MU's winter poster sale runs Jan. 27-31

The Memorial Union's annual winter poster sale will be held Jan. 27-31 (10 a.m.-6 p.m. daily, Campanile Room). Find an extensive collection of imagery, ranging from classic posters to fresh-off-the-press artist prints. Hundreds of choices are priced from $8 to $15. Enhance your decor while supporting the Memorial Union Art Gallery. The sale is open to the public.

Service for emeritus faculty member Howard Shapiro is Feb. 2

A memorial service for emeritus faculty member and former administrator Howard Shapiro will be held Sunday, Feb. 2 (1 p.m., Temple B'nai Jeshurun, 5101 Grand Ave., Des Moines). Shapiro died Jan. 17 in Des Moines. He was a member of the mechanical engineering faculty from 1975 to 2005 (when he received emeritus professor status) and returned as a lecturer from 2013 through spring 2024 semester. He held several administrative roles during his first span, including assistant dean for undergraduate programs in the College of Engineering (1997-98) and the inaugural vice provost for undergraduate programs (1998-2004), where he helped advance initiatives such as Project LEA/RN, learning communities, WiSE and the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching. Obituary.

Fee waiver requests for P&S conference due Jan. 24

The Professional and Scientific Council is hosting its annual professional development conference, "Charting the Future," on Thursday, Feb. 27 (7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Gateway Hotel and Conference Center) for P&S employees. A limited number of conference fee waivers are available for employees whose departments can't cover registration costs. The application deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24.

Student club taking orders through Jan. 31 for Valentine fudge

Members of the Food Science Club are making and selling fudge by online preorder in time for Valentine's Day. The group will accept preorders for 250 pounds of fudge through Friday, Jan. 31, or until it has sold out. This year's six flavors are: chocolate, peanut butter, cookies 'n cream, chocolate mint, orange cream and Cardinal & Gold (formerly Cyclone: chocolate fudge with peanuts and mini marshmallows, topped with Cyclone M&Ms). Prices for a half-pound container are: $7 each, two for $12, $6 for each container after two. Orders can be picked up on Tuesday-Wednesday, Feb. 11-12 (10 a.m.-3 p.m. daily, 206 MacKay). Any extra fudge will be sold on Thursday, Feb. 13 (10 a.m.-1 p.m., same location). Proceeds will help cover club expenses and industry trips.

Athletics offers ticket special for Oklahoma State dual

Iowa State wrestling fans can purchase a four pack of general admission tickets to the Jan. 26 dual against conference foe Oklahoma State (4 p.m., Hilton Coliseum) for $25. The Cyclones ask all fans to wear cardinal colors, and the first 200 fans entering Hilton receive a wrestling T-shirt.

Get help for your ISU Sites faculty website

ISU faculty members in all colleges can get support for their free ISU Sites faculty website at two walk-in workshops in 206 Durham Center:

  • Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2-3 p.m. 
  • Thursday, Feb. 6, 10-11 a.m. 

Whether you're establishing your website from scratch or enhancing your existing one, staff can guide you through creating an accessible and effective digital showcase of your research, teaching and achievements. Drop in at your convenience and leave with a polished, professional website hosted on the ISU Sites platform. These workshops offer:

  • Personalized support to build your site, whether it be simple, advanced or full-scale.
  • Guidance on accessibility standards so your site reaches all audiences.
  • Strategic content planning to improve your potential reach.
  • Professional templates optimized for academic profiles.

 For more information contact

Funeral is Friday for former Extension leader Barbara Woods

The funeral service for former longtime Extension and Outreach employee Barbara Woods will be held Friday, Jan. 24 (11 a.m., First Baptist Church, 200 Lynn Ave., Delta Sigma Theta sorority's Omega Omega service begins at 9 a.m.). Visitation will be held Thursday, Jan. 23 (4-6 p.m., Grandon Funeral and Cremation Care, 414 Lincoln Way). Burial will be Jan. 30 in Flint Hill Baptist Church Cemetery, Alexander City, Alabama. Woods died on Jan. 19 at Israel Family Hospice House, Ames. She retired (PDF) from the university in October 2023 after a 42-year career with ISU Extension and Outreach in a range of leadership, communications and programming postions. Obituary. Her family encourages memorial donations to area organizations such as ISU Human Sciences Extension and Outreach (ISU Foundation), Habitat for Humanity of Central Iowa, Reiman Gardens or Brunnier Art Museum, and Delta Sigma Theta's Research and Educational Foundation.

Employee W-2 forms for 2024 are available in Workday

The payroll staff announces that Form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement) for calendar year 2024 is available in Workday. Employees need this document to prepare and submit their 2024 income tax return to the Internal Revenue Service. To access your W-2:

  • Log in to Workday and click on the Benefits and Pay application.
  • Select "My Tax Documents" under "Tasks and Reports" at the top of the page.
  • Click the view/print button to see your W-2.

For additional information, see the W-2 Knowledge Base Article.

Reminder: Nominations close Jan. 31 for student employee and supervisor awards

Nominations close Jan. 31 for two 2024-25 awards from the office of student financial aid. Follow each link for more information about the award criteria and nomination form.

  • Student Employee of the Year. Recognize the outstanding efforts of hourly undergraduate student employees who are making a difference as leaders and innovators in their roles. 
  • Student Employee Supervisor of the Year (in partnership with university human resources). Recognize the exceptional supervisors of hourly student employees for their mentorship and professionalism.

Iowa State Singers perform Friday in Beardshear rotunda

Join the Iowa State Singers for a concert of 10 Renaissance madrigals on Friday, Jan. 24 (7:30 p.m., second level of Beardshear Hall, enter at the south doors). This informal event, which evolved when the music and theatre department ended its Madrigal Dinner tradition during the pandemic, provides the student vocalists an opportunity to perform in small chamber groups, which are led by student leaders. The students will sing in the rotunda area on the second level; audience members are welcome to join them there. The concert is free and short -- about 30 minutes -- and seating isn't provided (pack a folding chair if you'd like).

Reminders about combining business and personal travel

As part of its ongoing commitment to provide clarity and streamline processes, the controller's office team reminds all employees about university guidelines for combining personal and business travel.

Employees who combine personal and business travel must ensure that all expenses are well documented. Total reimbursable expenses should not exceed the lowest available cost of travel on the most direct or uninterrupted route. Any expenses exceeding the lowest available cost will be the sole responsibility of the traveler. When comparing flight options, be sure to compare for the same date, time and carrier prior to booking the travel.

Before they travel, employees are expected to review the policy carefully to ensure a more efficient reimbursement process when they return. For questions or clarification, contact the Financial and Accounting Compliance staff at

Regents amend their strategic plan; universities' plans are on February agenda

At its Jan. 15 meeting the Iowa Board of Regents approved updates to its 2022-27 strategic plan (PDF). The edits address three key changes since the plan was approved: 2023 transfer to the state Department of Education of oversight for the state's services for K-12 sight-impaired and hearing-impaired students, 2024 law that removes a gender balance requirement for state boards and commissions, and a 2024 law requiring the regent universities to eliminate all functions and positions related to diversity, equity and inclusion. DEI-related edits primarily impacted the vision statement, board "dispositions" and its strategic priority #1 (related to student success and the academic experience), eliminating references to opportunities for underrepresented students and underserved populations.

Campus groups at Iowa's three regent universities have reviewed their respective strategic plans for compliance with the law restricting DEI efforts. The regents will review those recommendations at their Feb. 27 meeting.

Jan. 22 women's basketball tickets discounted for faculty and staff

ISU faculty and staff can purchase half-price tickets ($5) -- and share the invite with family and friends -- for the Cyclone women's basketball game against Big 12 Conference opponent Brigham Young University on Wednesday, Jan. 22 (6:30 p.m., Hilton Coliseum).

Health insurance coverage form goes paperless for 2024

For the 2024 tax year, 1095-C forms (Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage) will be available only in Workday; paper copies no longer will be mailed. Employees can view their form in Workday at the beginning of February and will be notified when the form is available. Employees who have questions or who wish to receive a paper copy should submit a request to

Study Abroad Fair is Jan. 30

The Study Abroad Center will host its next Study Abroad Fair on Thursday, Jan. 30 (10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., MU Great Hall). Learn about interning or studying abroad in experiences ranging from one week to one year. Students can enter their names for a chance to win study abroad scholarships. All ISU community members are able to apply for a U.S. passport during the fair (schedule an appointment in advance). More information is online.

Nominations due Feb. 15 for annual alumni awards

The ISU Alumni Association is seeking nominations by Feb. 15 for four awards to be presented during Homecoming 2025 that honor alumni. Award descriptions and nomination forms are online. Questions may be directed to Katie Lickteig. The awards are:

  • Alumni Medal, recognizes long, loyal service to the university through alumni-related activities
  • Alumni Humanitarian Award, recognizes humanitarian efforts that transcend professional accomplishments and bring honor to the university
  • Outstanding Young Alumni Award, recognizes alumni age 40 years and younger who excel in their profession and provide service to their community
  • James A. Hopson Alumni Service Award (2023 merger of the former Hopson and Alumni Service awards), recognizes alumni and friends whose volunteer activities and service support the work of the ISU Alumni Association in connecting alumni, students and friends to each other and the university

Smile and Write dates are set for spring semester

Smile and Write is an online program open to faculty and staff, designed to leverage peer accountability and help participants carve out space in their schedules to work on curriculum, manuscripts and other writing projects. Smile and Write connects peers across disciplines as they work together toward their writing goals to aid in career progression. During spring semester, the fixed time is Tuesday (11 a.m.-1 p.m., Jan. 21-May 6); 17 sessions on the other four days of the week also are scheduled. The Smile and Write format is:

  • Register ahead of time for as many sessions as you want. Upon registration, you'll be sent a Zoom link for each session.
  • Once logged in, keep your video turned on. Doing this helps assure accountability and prevent distraction.
  • At the start of each session participants state their goals, and at the end of each session they briefly share the progress they made.

Clothing closet seeks business attire in advance of career fairs

Iowa State's free Business Attire Pop-Up Shop, which has a permanent space in the east Memorial Union, is accepting new or gently used business attire to share with students in preparation for the spring career fairs (Feb. 11-March 10). Items sought most frequently by students are blazers, suits, slacks, large and tall menswear, loafers, flats, dress shoes, ties, laptop bags, purses and accessories. All donations can be dropped off at the Memorial Union Multicultural Center (around the corner from the information desk) during open hours. Monetary donations can be contributed to the professional attire closet fund at the ISU Foundation. Questions can be emailed to More information is shared on Instagram @isupopup.

The Pop-Up Shop in the MU Multicultural Center will be open for all ISU students:

  • Wednesday, Feb. 5 (9 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m.)
  • Thursday, Feb. 6 (9 a.m.-noon and 1-3 p.m.)

Early registration for P&S Council conference ends Feb. 2

The Professional and Scientific Council is hosting its annual professional development conference, "Charting the Future," on Thursday, Feb. 27 (7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Gateway Hotel and Conference Center) for P&S employees. The day includes a keynote address, three breakout sessions and lunch. Early registration ($130) ends Feb. 2 and regular registration ($150) closes Feb. 19.

CyTown development contracts are on regents agenda

Iowa State will request approval of two CyTown development contracts (PDF) when the Iowa Board of Regents meets Wednesday, Jan. 15 (9 a.m.), at the board's Urbandale office. The first is a 30-year management agreement among the university, ISU Research Park and Goldenrod Companies, the master developer for CyTown, regarding development of about 48 acres in the CyTown district immediately south of the Iowa State Center. The second is a 30-year ground lease agreement between the university and research park that grants the overall construction and operation oversight of the project to the research park.

The meeting will start with a closed session, during which the regents complete semiannual performance reviews for the three regent university presidents and the board's executive director, Mark Braun.

Register for February civics conference for all employees

Registration has opened for Civics Across the Curriculum and Co-Curriculum, a professional development conference for faculty, staff and administrators on Wednesday, Feb. 19 (noon-4:30 p.m.,  Memorial Union). Participants will hear from national experts and campus practitioners on ways to narrow gaps in civic literacy, skills and disposition among Iowa State's students. Registration, which will remain open through Feb. 3, is free and includes lunch.

Council seminar takes a look at Ames Lab

Adam Schwartz, director of Ames National Laboratory, will present at the P&S Council's monthly seminar on Thursday, Jan. 23 (2-3 p.m., virtual presentation, register in Workday). For more than 77 years, Ames Lab has partnered with Iowa State to lead in the discovery, synthesis, analysis and use of new materials, novel chemistries and transformational analytical tools. The partnership led to technology-relevant materials like lead-free solders, new catalysts for biofuel production and analytical techniques that make our lives healthier and safer. Schwartz's overview will highlight recent progress in critical materials challenges and future directions for Ames National Laboratory.

Success center offers workshops for your classroom

The Academic Success Center offers workshops for the classroom. In addition to a 20-minute "Intro to Our Services" workshop, a variety of 45-60-minute workshops cover writing, communication and academic skills including public speaking, bullet journaling, study skills and more. To submit a workshop request, use the center's webform.

Further Jan. 1 revisions for travel reimbursement

A Dec. 12 story in Inside shared changes to Iowa State's travel reimbursement policy and procedures that took effect Jan. 1. Based on employee input, a couple of the changes were further tweaked for clarity. The story site is updated with these changes:

  • Travel status for meal reimbursement: To receive reimbursement for dinner, the required time for in-travel-status was changed to 6:30 p.m. (from 4 p.m.).
  • Travel duration: Travelers should arrive no earlier than 24 hours (domestic) or 48 hours (international), based on the destination time zone, before a business event. (Original language required travel to begin no earlier than 24 hours for domestic, 48 hours for international travel.)
  • Non-employees traveling for Iowa State business must provide receipts for reimbursement (they no longer receive a per diem but rather are reimbursed for actual expenses).

Matt Mathews stand-up comedy show stops at Stephens

Comedian, Alabama native and social media sensation Matt Mathews brings his national stand-up comedy tour, "Boujee On A Budget," to Stephens Auditorium on Friday, Jan. 24 (7 p.m.). Tickets, starting at $33.50, pay be purchased online via Ticketmaster and at the Stephens ticket office.

Next Goldfinch Room show is Jan. 19

The next performance in Stephens Auditorium's Goldfinch Room series will feature Evander Ellsbury and Kelli Rae Powell on Sunday, Jan. 19 (5 p.m., doors open at 4:15 p.m.). Table tickets (admission for up to four people) may be purchased online for $40. Food and beverages may be pre-ordered online or purchased at the show.