Nonsupervisory merit employees may review and change their benefits during the annual open change period, Oct. 31-Dec. 1.
Dates to remember
- Oct. 31: Open change period begins at 8 a.m.; participation statements available on AccessPlus
- Nov. 11: Live webcast, 9 a.m.
- Dec. 1: Open change period ends at 5 p.m.
- Dec. 5: Benefit confirmation statements available on AccessPlus
- Dec. 19: Final benefit statements available on AccessPlus
What's new for 2015?
Health and dental benefits for nonsupervisory merit employees will remain the same for 2015. The cost for family dental coverage will continue to be $39.14 per month. Employees may not make changes to their dental plans for 2015, unless there is a qualifying event (i.e., marriage, birth of a child, etc.) Employee costs for the Iowa Select and Program 3 Plus family health plans will bump up slightly for 2015. Iowa Select family coverage will increase to $288.32 monthly (a $17.68 increase); the Program 3 Plus family coverage will rise to $294.32 per month (a $17.90 increase).
How to make changes to your benefits
Nonsupervisory merit employees may alter their medical, flexible spending and Avesis (eyewear/contacts/Lasik) coverage online through AccessPlus (dental coverage also may be dropped). Enrolling in or increasing employer-sponsored basic or voluntary life insurance will require paper forms. If you prefer to make all your benefits changes on paper forms, contact university human resources (UHR) at 294-4800. If you aren't making changes to your benefits, you do not need to complete any forms.
More information
UHR is hosting a live, interactive webcast for nonsupervisory merit employees Nov. 11 at 9 a.m. To participate, log on, enter your name under the "Enter as a Guest" heading, then click "Enter Room." A recording of the broadcast also will be available on the UHR website.