Be prepared: Severe weather season is here
Lightning. Flooding. Tornadoes. Read these tips to prepare yourself (and your coworkers) for a severe weather emergency.
Regent Lang sends off graduates
Craig Lang of Brooklyn, an Iowa State alumnus and recently re-elected president of the State Board of Regents gives the May 5 commencement address to 3,000-plus graduates in Hilton Coliseum.
Five finalists named for registrar post
An open forum will be held May 3 for the first of five finalists named in the search for Iowa State's next university registrar. Forums for the remaining four finalists are next week.
Instructors invited to apply for electronic textbook pilot this fall
Instructors who are selected to participate in an eText pilot on campus this fall will earn free electronic textbooks for their students and likely gain insights into the feasibility of offering course materials in this electronic format.
Senators receive promotion and tenure report
An analysis of this year's crop of promotion and tenure reviews was among the agenda items for the Faculty Senate's final meeting of the academic year. A multidisciplinary Ph.D. program in wind energy science, engineering and policy also was introduced and will be the first piece of business next fall.
College of Design reorganization clears final hurdle
The Board of Regents approved the College of Design's reorganization plan and how mandatory student fees will be spent next year, and received an annual update on student retention and graduation rates.
Regents approve 68 ISU faculty for promotion and tenure
The board also reelected Lang and Rastetter to leadership posts, received employee comments on salary policy for next year, approved parking permit rates and laid groundwork for June discussion of its tuition set-aside policy.