'World-class' facility upgrades at Vet Med campus are nearly complete
When seven years of phased construction and an investment of nearly $120 million in the College of Veterinary Medicine campus wraps up later this summer, the college will have added about 40 percent more space to its 1976 facility and renovated more than a third of existing space. Dean Lisa Nolan says the facilities are second to none.

No cygnets for Iowa State's iconic swans
Despite the active nesting behaviors displayed by Lake LaVerne's swans, no baby Lancelots or Elaines are in the future for Iowa State's famous feathered duo.
Search begins for next Engineering dean
Associate provost David Holger and College of Design dean Luis Rico-Gutierrez will co-chair a 20-member committee tasked with finding a successor to Engineering dean Jonathan Wickert, who becomes senior vice president and provost on July 30. The committee is accepting nominations now.

Back from D.C., exhibit headed to state fair
It was a busy couple of weeks for Iowa Staters staffing the university's Smithsonian Folklife Festival exhibit on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Next stops for the high-tech exhibit are the Iowa State Fair in mid-August and the Farm Progress Show in Boone in late August.
Wanted: Your old Tidy Cats containers
Tidy Cats cat litter users can help pilot a glass recycling effort on campus this summer simply by bringing in their empties. Officials hope the pilot program will prove to be an effective way to keep broken, discarded glass from Iowa State labs out of the Ames Resource Recovery Plant.