What you'll see and hear at the installation
Iowa State history will be written Friday morning, when Steven Leath is installed as the university's 15th president. The 90-minute ceremony in Stephens Auditorium will include a colorful procession, Leath's vision for Iowa State and beautiful music that strikes a few Cyclone-pleasing chords.
Report to regents: Replace tuition set aside with state grant program
First funding pitch to the state will be included in board's appropriations request for FY14.
A guide to political activity on campus
Eight months after the caucuses, candidates still are lavishing attention on Iowa. In this rerun of an article that ran in Inside Iowa State a number of months ago, university counsel Paul Tanaka answers questions on campus political activities.

Design studios in the Armory
Armory upgrades mean better access, more space
Student team leads effort to reconfigure the College of Design's studio space in the Armory.
University awards ceremony is Sept. 21
Recipients of the university's most distinguished awards for faculty and staff will be honored; a reception will follow.
Wind energy degree approved by senate
A multidisciplinary doctorate in wind energy, science, engineering and policy was approved at the Faculty Senate's first meeting of the academic year Sept. 11.
Time for a flu shot
Iowa State's occupational medicine staff will administer flu shots at no cost to employees (while supplies last) weekdays from Oct. 3 to Oct. 19.