Test your architectural IQ on student-made birdhouses
What bird wouldn't give up the old plywood triangle for a French Gothic or Italian Renaissance home? Check out the historical bird dwellings that students built in their history of architecture class. And while you're at it, test your architectural IQ with a short quiz.

Underground research
ISU physicist loans expertise to national program
After four years on the front lines of national physics research with the U.S. Department of Energy, Eli Rosenberg is back on campus.
ISU hopes to replace three of five coal boilers
Officials will ask the state Board of Regents next week for permission to replace coal-fired boilers with natural-gas fueled models.
Digital repository offers a campus portal to global publishing
The library's new online digital repository gives faculty, staff and students a free tool to publish their research, creative and scholarly works for a global audience.
ISU Foundation names new president
Roger Newhouse will become the Iowa State University Foundation president on Jan. 23. He comes to Iowa State from the University of Arizona Foundation, where he served as senior vice president for development and university campaigns.
Recycle phonebooks, mixed paper Dec. 19-21
A great opportunity to find your office floor again, the annual phonebook recycling project will be combined with the second mixed paper recycling of 2012.
Lost and Found: How it works here
Faculty and staff play a key role in reuniting lost belongings with their owners. These guidelines will help you decide what to do with lost items that you find yourself as well as those that are turned in to your department.