Huddled against the snow
A tulip bed near Agronomy Hall had an unusual look -- for May -- last week.

David Spalding named next Business dean
Dartmouth College senior VP David Spalding will begin at Iowa State on Aug. 1.
Harmon named associate vice president for student affairs
Martino Harmon will become Iowa State's next associate vice president for student affairs. He currently serves as executive director of student success and retention at Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, Ohio.

Service learning
Class credit for campus improvement
A service learning project provided hands-on experience for a landscape architecture class and much-needed attention to erosion issues near College Creek.
Provost's office selects faculty fellows
Professors Cinzia Cervato and Mack Shelley will begin two-year, part-time fellowships in the provost's office in August.
Eduroam: Wireless access feels like home
At thousands of universities, worldwide, Iowa Staters can now hop onto the campus Wi-Fi, using just their ISU Net-IDs and passwords.
Senate business concludes with policy changes, P&T report
Senators approved a formal dead week policy and revised the excused absence policy at the final Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year. Senior vice president and provost Jonathan Wickert also shared a report on this year's promotion and tenure results.

Sandbag training
The art (and science) of sandbags
About 50 Iowa State employees received training in filling and stacking sandbags during a first-of-its-kind event on April 30.
Council approves salary statement
Professional and Scientific Council members pushed through a motion outlining priorities -- rather than a specific percentage recommendation -- for salary decisions. The salary statement was overwhelmingly approved at the council's May 2 meeting and will be distributed to university leaders.
ISU Dining announces summer schedule
Dining services will implement summer hours at campus cafés and markets beginning May 11. Check out these lists to know when and where you can grab some grub.