A scorching start
An estimated 175 faculty and staff volunteers welcomed students back to fall classes this week.
President's annual address is set for Sept. 13
Leath will take a quick look back and then share his goals and priorities for the year ahead.

Construction near Haber Road
Parking project incorporates storm water management
A student-led landscape design will help improve the green space and manage runoff and erosion issues along Squaw Creek as part of a construction project that adds resident parking for the Frederiksen Court expansion.
Ames Laboratory director search is under way
The preferred deadline for applications is Oct. 9; both internal and external candidates are sought.

UBS textbook site offers Half, Amazon price comparisons
Bargain-hunting textbook buyers have it easy on University Book Store's online site. The site automatically provides textbook cost comparisons for UBS, Amazon.com and Half.com.
Enrollment, student demand fuels growth for online courses
Enrollment among ISU students taking a mix of on-campus and online courses increased by nearly 40 percent in fiscal year 2012, and enrollment in online-only classes jumped by more than 25 percent.
Employee vanpools have open seats
Current vanpools come from Boone, Roland, Story City, Ankeny, Des Moines and West Des Moines.
A look back at summer 2013
Here's a look at some of the campus news you may have missed this summer.
Flu shot clinic planned for Oct. 7-18
Flu season is closer than we think, so mark your calendar for this fall's flu shot clinic.