Odyssey finals return to campus
More than 15,000 visitors from around the world will visit campus next week for Odyssey of the Mind's world finals competition.
Nine faculty honored with special promotions
Three faculty members each have been named Distinguished, University or Morrill professor for the 2014-15 year.
Funding task force report is posted in advance of regents' June meeting
The state Board of Regents is expected to act on six recommendations in the report at its June meeting in Ames.
New tools for turning lost into found
The lost-and-found website has been revamped, just in time for summer visitors and conferences.
East vanpool is gaining momentum
Employee vanpool could start in Marshalltown or State Center and follow the Highway 30 corridor to Ames.
Memorial Day ceremony is May 26
ISU employees, retirees and spouses who have died during the past year will be remembered at the university's annual Memorial Day ceremony.