Five questions for a Cyclone aide
It's the busiest month of the year for those red-shirted Cyclone aides, as they help shepherd nearly 6,000 orientation visitors around campus. Luckily, we nabbed one of them last month and got some insights on what the Cyclone aides are doing right about now.

Suski named admissions director
Katharine Johnson Suski, director of admissions at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, has been named ISU director of admissions. She starts at Iowa State on July 8.
Marston tenants are starting to move
In preparation for a $24 million renovation of the entire building, employees working in Marston Hall have begun relocating for what is expected to be 18-20 months.

National Safety Month
Caught in the act of safety
A team from Environmental Health and Safety will be handing out prizes to individuals "caught in the act" of safety on campus this month as part of its celebration of National Safety Month.
Regents endorse new state funding formula
Beginning next summer, 65 percent of the appropriation – which totaled about $479 million this year – will be allocated according to enrollment. The remaining 35 percent will be tied to performance outcomes. The change will transfer millions of state dollars from the University of Iowa to Iowa State and the University of Northern Iowa.
Football stadium plans clear final hurdle
The regents approved the budget ($46 million), financing plan and schematic design for plans to upgrade the south end of Jack Trice Stadium, clearing the way for construction to begin in July.