Loyal fans
The university's main exhibit at the Iowa State Fair is attracting thousands of visitors. The fair runs through Sunday, Aug. 17.
Council update spans new hires, HR and network upgrades
Administrators briefed the P&S Council on a variety of issues -- from the regents' efficiency review to recent upgrades on the university network -- during the council's first meeting of the academic year.
Options that help your department vehicle work better for you
Transportation services has added another service for campus clients: upfitting vehicles leased to Iowa State departments.
Student move-in begins this weekend
Fall semster is about 10 days away, but students are returning to Ames. The pace accelerates this week, with the opening of ISU apartments (on Saturday) and residence halls (Tuesday).
New faculty: CELT offers workshops just for you
The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) is offering workshops for new faculty and teaching assistants Aug. 19 and 20.