Back to school
Some faculty and staff members shared their back-to-school selfies, class photos and videos to document the start of the fall semester.

MacKay auditorium
New meets old
Modern technology mixes with historic architectural details in MacKay Hall's newly renovated auditorium, which seats 271 students.
PeopleAdmin upgrade enters home stretch
The new online classification and hiring system goes live in less than two weeks. Here's what you need to know prior to Sept. 9.
President's annual address is Sept. 12
The president's theme is "Taking the University to the Next Level." The address will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Refreshments will be available, starting at 8 a.m.
Summer 2014: A look back
Revisit (or learn for the first time) the top news stories from summer 2014, including faculty/administrative changes, construction updates, technology improvements and other tidbits of must-know information.