Produce website brings new dimension to hort class
A produce sales website connected to a horticulture course has attracted more than 50 campus buyers in its first four months.
Performance-based funding: What it is and why it's important
A new funding formula that will move tens of millions of state dollars from the University of Iowa to Iowa State and the University of Northern Iowa has generated some controversy. This Inside Q&A summarizes the new model and the funding inequity it corrects.
Post-tenure review, NTE hires among topics at Faculty Senate
Changes to the post-tenure review process were introduced at the Nov. 11 Faculty Senate meeting to address issues found in a review of policy changes approved in 2011. Senators also heard about non-tenure eligible faculty numbers and reports on future plans for the both the library and the university's wellness initiative.

Marlene Strathe
Strathe named School of Education director
Marlene Strathe, an alumna who has served as provost and vice president for academic affairs at three universities, will direct Iowa State's School of Education, effective Jan. 1.
Surplus equipment auction is Saturday
Vintage books, fireproof file cabinets, office and exercise equipment, oak doors and windows, overhead projectors and a forklift are just a few of the items ISU Surplus will auction Saturday morning.