Stadium project is cruising toward football home opener
Fall weather, not supply issues, temporarily slowed progress on a new south end for Jack Trice Stadium. But the project is "generally on schedule" for completion by Sept. 5, the date of the football team's home opener.
Alternative admissions index, more student apartments are on regents' agenda
An admissions index that doesn't include HS class rank and additional leased apartment buildings for the ISU residence department are on the agenda when the state Board of Regents meets Feb. 4-5 in Cedar Falls.
Tips for getting started in the new vehicle reservation system
Transportation services' new vehicle reservation site goes live on Feb. 1. Here are a few tips to help users acclimate to the new system.
Overcoming password overload
Still using a couple of passwords for dozens of sites? Hiding your password list behind the credit cards? There's a better way and it doesn't require a photographic memory.