Tackling the Super Bowl storm
What does it take to clear a foot of snow from campus? Take a look at the numbers -- and the game plan -- for cleaning up after the weekend snowstorm.

Eric Olson
Five questions for a professor from the happiest place on earth
Eric Olson, assistant professor in apparel, events and hospitality management, left the wonderful world of Disney to follow his true passion: Teaching.
Sunset on ISU strategic plan extended six months
Set to expire at the end of this calendar year, the university's five-year strategic plan instead will be used through June 2016.

Satellite removal
So long, satellite
A pair of satellites were dismantled and removed from the corner of Pammel Drive and WOI Road last week. The analog equipment, considered state-of-the-art technology when installed in the 1980s, was salvaged and recycled.
Paper, food container recycling needs new service provider
The unanticipated closing last week of Ames Area Redemption Center has Iowa State searching for another provider for white paper, mixed paper, newspaper and food/beverage container campus recycling.