Try something new
ISU faculty and staff may purchase rec passes -- by the year, semester, month or week -- and use any of recreation services' facilities. Membership includes access to group fitness classes.
Visits scheduled for library dean finalists
Four finalists for Iowa State's University Library dean post will interview on campus between Feb. 26 and March 10. Each visit will include a public forum for the university community.
Employee input is key piece of services assessment
University employees will be invited yet this month to share their insights on service processes – in the areas of human resources, information technology and internal financial transactions – as part of the state Board of Regents' TIER project.

Ernst visit
Senate work
U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst stopped on campus Wednesday as part of her 99-county tour. Faculty and students gave the senator a tour of the Biorenewables Complex.
Grants will help 'flip' 80 courses
ISU's Presidential Flipped and Hybrid Course Initiative is providing nearly $262,000 in one-time grants to help faculty/staff teams convert traditiona lecture courses to a variety of flipped formats.