Study break
It's been one of those October weeks where you need to make time for even a few minutes outdoors.
Faculty asked to assign intellectual property rights
Addressing the Faculty Senate on Oct. 20, university counsel Paul Tanaka discussed why faculty and research staff should assign intellectual property rights. An initiative to inform current employees about the process and obtain agreements is under way.

Arts, antiques and owls
Art and antique sale to benefit University Museums
Paintings by a longtime Iowa artist, collector plates and glass, antique furniture, a Civil War-era sword and owls by the hundreds will be part of Iowa State's Art and Antique Sale Oct. 29-Nov. 1. Proceeds from the sale will support University Museums.
Work begins on the next strategic plan
In a little over eight months, the university's next strategic plan will come together. The steering committee is forming six subcommittees to focus on key parts of the plan and seeks your help in nominating people to serve on those groups.
Regents receive recommendations for two academics-related TIER cases
Pappas consultants share ideas for improving distance learning and enrollment management efforts. Biennial faculty activity survey results also are on the agenda.
Easy fix for wrong numbers
Changing old phone numbers or addresses on the online directory is easily accomplished through AccessPlus.