Opening routine
The opening day of a semester inevitably creates a few lines as students scramble to take care of numerous back-to-school tasks.
Three finalists named in VP for student affairs search
Three finalists for Iowa State’s senior vice president for student affairs post will interview on campus in late January and early February.
Incremental appropriations would address growth needs
A quick look at Iowa State's state funding requests as the 2016 Legislature convenes.
Council seeks answers about leave policies
Members of the Professional and Scientific Council are asking university administrators to help clarify the use of vacation/leave policies and flex hours program during a partial campus shutdown. Proposed changes to the employee tuition reimbursement program also were introduced at the council's Jan. 7 meeting.

SMART campaign
Police urge walkers, drivers and bicyclists to look out for each other
Police, volunteers launch SMART campaign along Lincoln Way on the first day of the semester.
ISU Police: If it doesn't seem right, report
ISU police would rather investigate dozens of suspicious incidents that turn out to be nothing than miss the one thing that could prevent a tragedy. Here's how we all can help.
New year, new (and old) scams
It's that time of year when cyber criminals start looking forward to other people's tax refunds. Here are some tips for thwarting identity thieves.