Engineering college will reclaim Marston Hall next month
After two years in temporary locations, units will return to the college's renovated administrative home in July.

Building signs replaced
Online directory to include street addresses
The directory database will be populated with street addresses by this weekend, one of the final implementation pieces of a broader campus street address project.
New delivery plan means fewer semis on campus
The number of semis on campus will drop sharply next week, when central stores staff begin ferrying goods to campus on their own trucks. Semis and other large trucks will stop at an ISU facility on Airport Road to deliver and pickup university items. The new delivery plan will keep 10 to 12 large vehicles a day off campus.
Student wellness finalists on campus
Four candidates for a newly created director of student wellness position will participate in public forums as part of their interviews beginning Friday, June 10.

The art of alt text
Alternative text errors are often the culprits behind accessible websites. Here's how to get your alt text in shape and open your website to larger audiences.