Let's get started
Spring semester is underway. We'll learn the size of our student body after Jan. 22, the 10th day of the term.
Team responds to bias incidents
About 50 bias incidents were reported to the campus climate response team in the fall semester. Vandalism, such as unwanted messages posted on residence hall whiteboards, is a common offense.
Governor's budget includes cuts this year and next
Under a state Board of Regents decision, Iowa State and University of Iowa would share most of the funding reduction.
Quick switch as gas prices soared saved ISU big money
Utility crews scrambled to take advantage of the university power plant's new flexibility during the recent cold snap, temporarily reducing reliance on natural gas as its price skyrocketed -- a move that saved Iowa State nearly half a million dollars.
New tax law: A primer for employees
Find out how individual taxpayers, including Iowa State employees, are impacted by tax law changes that went into effect Jan. 1.
P&S Council approves FY19 salary recommendations
The Professional and Scientific Council approved its FY19 compensation and benefits recommendations Jan. 4. Among them is a 3 to 5 percent average salary increase for P&S employees with a satisfactory performance appraisal.
Grawe named interim director of Study Abroad Center
The appointment, which is in addition to Scott Grawe's current duties in the College of Business, will extend through June 30.