With innovative effort, beat goes on for marching band
It took months of planning, collaborating and adjusting, but the Cyclone Marching Band was able to perform at the football team's home opener Saturday. Here's a look at the effort it took to pull it off.
Spring semester will start two weeks later, with no break week
At last week's Professional and Scientific Council meeting, senior vice president and provost Jonathan Wickert discussed the changes to the 2021 spring semester. The council also got an update on the classification and compensation system set to launch Sept. 20.
Wintersteen answers questions at first senate meeting
President Wendy Wintersteen answered questions about the pandemic and the university's response during the first Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year.
ISU honors 36 faculty for their teaching innovation during spring semester
The provost's office created the award to recognize individuals who "went above and beyond" to modify their courses and pedagogy in novel ways and still achieve strong learning outcomes.
Regents will review state funding requests, ISU building proposals
When it meets next week, the state Board of Regents will vote on a proposal to ask for $18 million in new state funding next year -- Iowa State's portion would be $7 million -- and also ask to restore the $8 million cut from this year's operating appropriation to the three public universities. Iowa State's portion of the cut was $3.2 million.

Course asks students to rethink leadership
A new leadership course aims to help first-year female students in a STEM field work more effectively with people who have different identities than their own.
Why virtual ombuds-ing could be a great fit
The lack of daily contact when colleagues are working remotely due to the pandemic can compound workplace issues an ombuds officer could help with. At the same time, contracting for distance ombuds service adds a layer of privacy to all the conversations.