Tweaking the student experience for spring semester
How instructors deliver their courses this semester will resemble the fall, but the university is expanding opportunities and spaces for students to interact with each other.
'It had to be done': Devotion fueled effective contact tracing
Many ISU employees embraced new roles and spent long hours to create, run and refine the university's highly effective contact tracing system.
Faculty, student freedoms discussed at Faculty Senate
For the second time in two months, university counsel Michael Norton and senior vice president and provost Jonathan Wickert addressed faculty academic freedom and student freedom of expression. They also talked about the rise in cases of trolling and doxing impacting faculty.
All leftover flex money from 2020 can be used in 2021
The normal use-it-or-lose-it rules of flexible spending accounts for health and dependent care are suspended for 2020 contributions, due to a temporary change in federal law.
Multi-phased revitalization of Iowa State Center launches next month
A sweeping plan to revitalize the Iowa State Center as an arts, culture and entertainment district anchored by Stephens Auditorium takes a first step next month when the university sends to the state Board of Regents a proposal for a pedestrian gateway bridge across University Boulevard.
Faculty asked to complete two surveys this semester
The COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey assesses satisfaction across nine broad areas such as promotion, mentoring, shared governance and institutional leadership. The state Board of Regents' Faculty Activities Survey illustrates a typical faculty work week -- both how many hours and how they're divided among teaching, research, outreach, clinical work and administrative service.
New work-life sessions scheduled for employees
ISU WellBeing added several programs to help people cope during the ongoing pandemic and look after their physical and mental health.