Great cold-morning jobs
Campus services teams reserve the coldest winter days for jobs that keep them working inside -- or at least inside a warm vehicle.
Proposed 2021-22 calendar includes a winter session
Senior vice president and provost Jonathan Wickert told the Faculty Senate the 2021-22 academic calendar will be adjusted to include another winter session, pending state Board of Regents approval.

Laboratory safety
Engineering solutions to keep labs, learning going during pandemic
Engineering lab supervisor Michelle Grawe and teaching laboratory specialist Ryan Braga had to innovate to keep students, instructors and researchers safe during a pandemic.
New central portal connects ServiceNow content across campus
A new campuswide portal allows the ISU community to query in a single search all of the self-help articles and other information on the ServiceNow platform, including material from ITS and the HR and finance service teams.
What our undergraduates are studying
One-third of Iowa State undergraduate students this spring are concentrated in 10 majors. That doesn't include nearly 1,200 freshmen and sophomores currently enrolled as pre-business students.
25 Year Club takes individual approach for this year's honorees
Due to the pandemic, the 25 Year Club won't hold its 86th annual banquet to honor Iowa State employees who have worked at the university for notably lengthy and continuous stints. But the honorees still will have a chance to enjoy a meal acknowledging their service.
ISCORE eyes growth in virtual format
The 21st annual Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity moves to a virtual platform next month to keep presenters and attendees safe, but its director also sees the change as a solution to the event's capacity constraints the last two years.
New ombuds officer joins team serving ISU employees
Jai Calloway joins Chuck Doran at the mediation firm providing virtual ombuds services to Iowa State employees.