First day
We'll know more about Iowa State's 2022-23 student body after Sept. 2, when the official fall count is taken.
What instructors have learned about a classroom-in-the-round
Room 3204 in the Student Innovation Center is a one-of-a-kind general university classroom, built in the style of a theater-in-the-round stage. Instructors who taught there last year shared some tips and observations about teaching while encricled by students.
A very good reason Lake LaVerne looks a bit soupy
As part of a study, the lake has not received its usual treatment to reduce algae growth.
Success apparent as inclusive classroom training enters third year
ISU's third year of inclusive classroom training is underway, focused on supporting students via the syllabus. After the first two years, 94% of instructors identified course-specific improvements they've made to foster inclusive teaching.
Remote work certificate pays off for a range of Iowans
ISU Extension and Outreach has partnered with Utah State to offer a certification in remote work to Iowans. After they complete the course, extension staff help individuals with their job search and further development of desired skills.