Senior perk
Graduating seniors were invited to enjoy a hot breakfast as part of senior week, April 22-26. About 35 faculty and staff volunteers contributed to this annual event.
Congratulations, faculty promotion recipients
Promotions were announced April 25 for 122 Iowa State faculty -- 56 term faculty and 66 tenured faculty.

Lake LaVerne
Planning begins to improve Lake LaVerne
On the heels of a six-month study of the lake, a plan to restore and improve Lake LaVerne would remove decades of sediment buildup, stabilize the erosion-prone shoreline and address the areas immediately surrounding the lake, where runoff is one contributor to water quality.
National association honors innovators for advancing science
Five more Iowa State researchers have been named AAAS Fellows for their individual contributions to physics, agriculture, chemistry and engineering.
Federal changes increase minimum threshold for overtime pay
A U.S. Department of Labor rule change increases the minimum salary threshold to $43,888 on July 1. University leaders are reviewing the change and will make plans to be in compliance by then.
Senators learn more about Cyclone Support
The initiative provides help for a range of student issues -- for example, academic, mental health and food insecurity. It also aims to assist faculty and staff define reporting responsibilities and help direct students to resources that best deal with their issue.
P&S CYtation recipients recognized for extraordinary service
At a March 26 ceremony, 47 professional and scientific employees received the CYtation Award for exemplary work in calendar year 2023.
Innovation at work: By the numbers
Key data points that illustrate how Iowa State's focus on innovation and economic prosperity for Iowa extends to all 99 counties.