Spring semester slots are available for the Morrill Road banners on central campus. Coordinated by the Office of University Marketing, the banners are intended to help promote public events sponsored by the university or any of its units -- including student organizations, academic departments and colleges. The banners present another way to reach the small army of pedestrians that navigate central campus every day. Display periods run from two weeks to a month and – unlike the University Boulevard banners -- are available year-round.
Groups are welcome to use either four or all eight of the banner spots (the northernmost five of the 13 poles are reserved for Morrill Hall's Christian Petersen Art Museum and outside Anderson Sculpture Garden). Estimated costs range from $1,900 to $2,600 for four banners, $2,400 to $3,100 for all eight spots, which includes artwork design, banner production and installation and removal expenses.
More information about the Morrill Road banners is online, or contact University Marketing, 4-9624. Photo by Bob Elbert.