Student designers make adjustments to their Fashion Show entries during "Fit Night" in early March, leading up to judging last weekend. Photo courtesy of Human Sciences communications office.
Tickets still may be purchased for Iowa State students' 34th annual Fashion Show on Saturday, April 9 (7 p.m., Stephens Auditorium). Tickets are $22 ($16 for students) at the Stephens box office; an additional fee applies to online Ticketmaster purchases.
This spring's show will feature nearly 140 student-created entries. Runway models will wear about 75 percent of those; the rest will be displayed as mounted exhibits at Stephens. Fashion Show co-producer Kate Bruce said student designers submitted a total of 175 entries in 16 categories.
Judging was completed Saturday, April 2, by a guest panel that included Jackie Hasek, ISU alumna and buyer for Steve Madden Ltd; Ardith Singh, design director for Lou & Grey; Greg Rosborough, design director for Abasi Rosborough; and Lorynn Divita, a Baylor University faculty member and coauthor of the textbook, Fashion Forecasting.
More student scholarships
The winner of the show's top prize, Best in Show, receives $1,000. In past years, winners in other categories received $300 or $500, depending on the category's competitiveness. Lesser cash scholarships were awarded for second and third places in each category. But, in February, a successful crowdfunding campaign through the ISU Foundation's FundISU raised nearly $27,000 for the Fashion Show's operating expenses, exceeding its goal of $20,000. Organizers are using some of the funds to set consistent award levels, with the goal of $500/$300/$200 for 1st/2nd/3rd place entries in each category. Student winners this weekend will share more than $13,000 in scholarship prizes, about 25 percent more than last spring.
Morrill Hall exhibition
Some of the winning entries from the show will become part of "The Fashion Show Exhibit 2016," scheduled for April 27-Aug. 28 in the textiles and clothing program's Mary Alice Gallery, 1015 Morrill Hall. Gallery hours are 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday.