W. Samuel Easterling
W. Samuel (Sam) Easterling from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University has been named the next James L. and Katherine S. Melsa Dean of Engineering.
Easterling, Montague-Betts Professor of Structural Steel Design and head of the Via department of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech, will begin at Iowa State July 15.
"Dr. Easterling is an accomplished educator, scholar, and administrator, and has long been a leader in his discipline of structural engineering," said President Wendy Wintersteen. "He is a great choice to build on the College of Engineering's excellence and national prestige, and we are proud to welcome him back to campus."
Welcome reception
April 26, 10-11:45 a.m.
Harpole Welcome Center, Marston Hall
The campus community is invited to an informal welcome reception for Easterling Friday, April 26, from 10 to 11:45 a.m. in the Harpole Welcome Center on the first floor of Marston Hall.
Easterling holds bachelor's and master's degrees in civil engineering from West Virginia University and a doctorate in structural engineering from Iowa State. A registered Professional Engineer, he joined the Virginia Tech faculty in 1987 and is a former president of its faculty senate. Easterling also is active within the American Institute of Steel Construction, the American Iron and Steel Institute and the American Society of Civil Engineers. He has won numerous awards for his research and professional service.
"It's an incredible and humbling opportunity to come back to Ames and lead the college where I earned my Ph.D.," Easterling said. "I look forward to working with our students, faculty, staff and alumni to build upon the legacy of those who came before me and, with their support, helping the college climb to even greater heights."
In making the announcement, senior vice president and provost Jonathan Wickert thanked retiring dean Sarah Rajala for her leadership and members of the campus community for their thoughtful consideration of candidates.