Contributed photos.
More than 750 items ranging in cost from 50 cents to over $1,000 will be on sale at a unique public sale Friday and Saturday in the Scheman Building. Proceeds from the art and antique sale go to university museums.

Betsy Grabinski, communications specialist for university museums, said many coins, medals and paintings are for sale. Jewelry, decorative arts, silver service ware, plates, textiles, furniture, books and other collectibles also will be available.
Among the most expensive items are three art glass pendant lamps, including French art nouveau works from the Daum and Gallé studios established in the late 1800s in Nancy, France. Rare coins and seldom-sold medals associated with the Schlaraffia international fraternal organization also top the list of notable objects.

Grabinski said many objects are under $50. ISU surplus also is providing sale items, including copper roof tiles from the campanile. Any unsold items will be offered at future sales. University museums will use the proceeds to conserve its permanent collection. Thousands of dollars were raised at the inaugural sale in 2015.
The sale runs from noon to 6 p.m. Friday, May 31, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 1, in 004 Scheman. All items will be sold as marked on a first-come, first-served basis. Cash, checks and credit cards will be accepted; all sales are final. Questions can be directed to Jared Hohanshelt, interim director of logistics and support services (294-1873, jho@iastate.edu).