Senior Lindsay Greifzu studies for her summer biochemistry course earlier this week in Parks Library's periodical room. Just under 11,000 students are enrolled in summer classes. Photo by Christopher Gannon.
On the heels of Iowa State's record-setting spring graduating class, summer enrollment dipped below 11,000 this year for the first time since 2012, to 10,806 students. It includes 7,612 undergraduates and 3,053 graduate students. Overall, the summer student body is 524 students (4.6%) smaller than last summer. Iowa State's summer enrollment record, 12,060 students, was set in 2017, following its highest fall enrollment on record.
The overall decline in enrollment is predictable as large classes from four to six years ago move through the university and are replaced by smaller classes, said Jennifer Suchan, interim university registrar and senior associate registrar.
"It's wonderful students are progressing through and graduating," she said. "This spring marked our sixth consecutive record in the number of students graduating from Iowa State."
Students who enroll only in online courses continue to account for a significant portion of ISU summer session students, a phenomenon unique to summer, Suchan said. This year, 3,643 students (33.7%) are online-only learners.
The summer census day is the 10th day (June 28) of the second session. The count reflects all registration through that day, so it includes classes that concluded prior to it as well as courses -- about 30 -- that hadn't begun yet.
Summer enrollment
Students |
2019 |
2018 |
Undergraduate (subtotal) |
7,612 |
8,049 |
Agriculture/Life Sciences |
853 |
950 |
Business |
1,037 |
1,157 |
Design |
363 |
366 |
Engineering |
2,462 |
2,398 |
Human Sciences |
1,091 |
1,231 |
Liberal Arts/Sciences |
1,806 |
1,947 |
Graduate |
3,053 |
3,126 |
Vet Med Professional |
141 |
155 |
Total |
10,806 |
11,330 |
Sought-after courses
Twelve of the 15 undergraduate courses with the highest enrollments this summer also made the list a year ago; the top four (which includes an internship) remain unchanged from last summer. Five of the 15 are internships: mechanical engineering, civil engineering, construction engineering, apparel and technology systems management.
Summer 2019 highest enrolled courses
Course |
Total enrollment |
Subset: online enrollment |
Business Communication (ENGL 302) |
357 |
305 |
Mechanical engineering summer internship (ME 396) |
331 |
-- |
Technical Communication (ENGL 314) |
250 |
206 |
Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 101) |
172 |
125 |
Mechanics of Materials (EM 324) |
152 |
109 |
Technology Internship (TSM 397) |
131 |
-- |
Human Sexuality (HD FS 276) |
130 |
130 |
Calculus II (MATH 166) |
124 |
98 |
Supply Chain Management (SCM 301) |
122 |
79 |
Civil engineering summer internship (CE 396) |
122 |
-- |
Principles of Finance (FIN 301) |
121 |
80 |
Principles of Marketing (MKT 301) |
114 |
80 |
Construction engineering summer internship (CON E 396) |
113 |
-- |
Calculus I (MATH 165) |
111 |
71 |
Apparel professional internship (AESHM 470N) |
109 |
-- |