Cavannah Yap, a senior genetics major, plays during the Oct. 16 student concert in the Sukup atrium. Photo by Christopher Gannon.
Carillon students studying with university carillonneur and Cownie Professor of Music Tin-Shi Tam will perform during a Nov. 13 concert. The one-fifth scale campanile and carillon model on display in the Sukup Hall atrium will be used for the 12:30 p.m. recital.
Spectators may attend in person while observing face covering and physical distancing requirements. The performances also will be livestreamed on Facebook by the ISU Society of Carillon Alumni and Friends.
Carillon concert program
Carolyn Riedel, graduate student, aerospace engineering
"Prelude from Cello Suite No. 1, BWV 1007," Johann Sebastian Bach
Rebekah Veldboom, freshman, environmental science
"Clock Music, Set 2, No. 6," George Frideric Handel
Variations on "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," arranged by Leen 't Hart
Ola Carnahan, senior, aerospace engineering
"Tranquility," an Appalachian folk song
Cavannah Yap, senior, genetics; with Aaron Eckley (vocal) and Jim Wang (vocal percussion)
"Don't Stop Believin'," Journey