Associate professor of chemical and biological engineering Nigel Reuel (center) received Iowa State's Early Achievement in Research award from vice president for research Peter Dorhout and President Wendy Wintersteen. Reuel also received the university's award this year for Achievement in Intellectual Property. Photos by Christopher Gannon.
More than 70 Iowa State faculty and staff, recipients of the university's most prestigious awards for members of the campus community, were honored during an in-person ceremony Oct. 25 in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Pictured on the Inside homepage is animal science professor Daniel Loy receiving the Distinguished Service in Extension and Outreach award from vice president for extension and outreach John Lawrence and President Wendy Wintersteen. Loy, who also directs the Iowa Beef Center, was one of two double honorees this year, also receiving promotion to University Professor.
The full lineup of award recipients was announced in April.

Kathleen Ross (center), a research scientist at the Nanovaccine Institute, received a Professional and Scientific Outstanding New Professional award from senior vice president for operations and finance Pam Cain and President Wendy Wintersteen.

Physics professor Frank Krennrich (center) accepted Iowa State's Departmental Leadership award from senior vice president and provost Jonathan Wickert and President Wendy Wintersteen.