Mike Murray, senior managing engineer in utilities distribution, points out features of a steam tunnel during the Wednesday morning tour. Photos by Christopher Gannon.
Many faculty and staff are making time this week to participate in events for the university's Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week, organized just before spring break to show appreciation for employees' commitment to the university during a two-year pandemic. As of early Wednesday afternoon, about 930 employees had registered for at least one experience. All events are free to participants. The project and registration websites will remain open through Friday (April 1) to allow employees to participate as their schedules change.
Utility services' steam tunnel tour proved to be like the elusive Willy Wonka golden ticket. The four scheduled tours had limited capacities and filled quickly (so Inside begged a spot on one and university photographer Chris Gannon captured some images for those who missed out). Power plant, brewing lab and letterpress lab tours also reached capacity, and the two announced happy hours -- Tuesday afternoon at Johnny's in Hilton Coliseum and Thursday midday at the ISU Book Store -- also drew lots of participants. Bowling at CyBowl, a craft project at the Workspace and a scoop of ice cream at the ISU Creamery with the completion of a selfie assignment, none of which had daily limits, also were popular.
Thank you to the units, teams and individuals who are hosting appreciation week events.
Supervisors are asked to permit their employees reasonable participation in appreciation week while still meeting office needs. Nonexempt staff should remain on the clock if they participate in events during their normal work hours.

Kyle Martin, contract associate at the ISU Research Park, bowls under the black lights of CyBowl & Billiards in the Memorial Union Tuesday afternoon.

Participants in Wednesday's steam tunnel tour hug a dry stretch of floor while they listen to tour guide Mike Murray, utilities distribution.