March 2016
April 14 hearing precedes regents' Council Bluffs meeting
If you'd like to comment on any items scheduled for discussion at the state Board of Regents April 20-21 meeting in Council Bluffs, you have several options:
- Attend one of six public hearings held at the regents institutions and board office April 14-15. Iowa State's hearing is Thursday, April 14 (5-6 p.m.), Gold Room, Memorial Union. All public hearings will be video recorded and posted to the regents' hearings website. Transparency officer Shirley Knipfel will preside at the meeting.
- Provide written comments to regents transparency officer Josh Lehman,
Meeting materials and an agenda for the April meeting will be posted to the regents homepage by April 12.
Take this short survey; help improve Lincoln Way
Pedestrians, drivers, and bicyclists who frequent Lincoln Way in the campus and Campustown area can help the university and city by answering this very short online survey. The survey is part of an ISU/Ames study focused on identifying safety and traffic flow issues and, more importantly, effective solutions along the road from Sheldon Avenue to University Boulevard.
Youth program leader training is April 13
The offices of risk management and conference planning and management, and ISU Extension and Outreach are hosting training for youth program leaders, administrators and student organization officers on April 13 (1-3 p.m., 1155 Administrative Services Building). The training will cover the policies, procedures and forms necessary to conduct youth programs at Iowa State. Preregistration is required. To register, email by April 12.
Register for biennial faculty conference
The spring faculty conference, "Ethical Research in the Age of Open Access," will be held Tuesday, April 26 (7:30 a.m.-3 p.m., MU Great Hall). The event will include presentations by three invited guests, two panel discussions and opening remarks by senior vice president and provost Jonathan Wickert. Registration is free but required and includes breakfast and lunch; email Sherri Angstrom in the Faculty Senate office (include whether you will stay for lunch). Questions about the conference may be directed to conference chair Jonathan Sturm.
Forum on strategic plan March 31
The draft of ISU's next strategic plan is ready for review and will be the topic of a public forum Thursday, March 31 (4:30-6 p.m., Memorial Union Gallery). Those who want to find out more about the plan or offer suggestions are encouraged to attend the March forum or a second forum on Tuesday, April 5 (noon-1:30 p.m., MU Oak Room). Comments also can be submitted through an online comment form. Input on the plan will be collected through May 10 and a final version will be submitted to President Steven Leath in June. The plan, which needs final approval from Leath and the Iowa Board of Regents, goes into effect July 1 and runs through June 30, 2022. For details on the planning process, see the strategic plan development website.
Ames-ISU trail survey underway
Those who have an interest in Ames-area trails are asked to share their opinions and suggestions through an online survey. This year's Leadership Ames Class is collecting info on shared-use trails -- those that serve walkers, runners, bicyclists, rollerbladers, skateboarders and others. Survey results will be shared with university and city planners. Those who complete the 7- to 12-minute survey will be entered into a drawing for one of four $50 gift certificates from Jax Outdoor Gear. Start the survey.
Severe storm spotter training is April 14
Environmental health and safety will host a training session on spotting severe storms on Thursday, April 14 (1-3 p.m., 1230 EH&S Building). Highlights include severe weather climatology, the different weather threats and how to identify them, types of severe thunderstorms, severe weather communications and how to report severe weather, and spotter safety. Register via Learn@ISU. This is open to all university employees and students, and especially encouraged for those who work outdoors.
Workspace to host visioning board workshop
The Workspace, in the east basement of the Memorial Union, will host a visioning board workshop with Jana Berghoefer, founder of Leading Insights, on Tuesday, April 5 (6:30-8:30 p.m.). Berghoefer is a Certified Life Coach. Participants will will learn to tap into their intuition by observing the subtle aspects of their experiences to guide their choices, and then create a vision board -- a collage of images of the things one wants in his or her life to serve as a visual reminder of goals and desires. The workshop is $30 for the public, $20 for ISU employees and students. Register online at Midwestix.
Poetry reading features English faculty member
As part of National Poetry Month, English department faculty member Jennifer Knox will join poet and 2015 National Book Award finalist Ada Limón, Queens University of Charlotte, North Carolina, in a poetry read on Tuesday, April 5 (7 p.m., Ames Public Library, 515 Douglas Ave.) It is free and open to the public. Each has authored four books of poems, most recently Bright Dead Things (Limón) and Days of Shame and Failure (Knox). The U.S. Latino/a studies program and Latina/o Graduate Student Association are among the event's sponsors.
Construction begins next week to add parking north of Insectary
Work to expand parking lot 33 (north of the Insectary) is set to begin the week of March 28. The project will add approximately 140 parking stalls as well as a sidewalk along the west side of Winlock Road, and should be completed this August. ISU employees and students will see heavy construction traffic on Winlock Road from crews on both this project and the biosciences building construction east of the Insectary. For their safety and to avoid further congestion on Winlock Road, drivers who park in nearby lots are asked to comply with these suggestions:
- Lot 35 (north of the biosciences building site): Use the marked pedestrian route on the west side of Stange Road to walk to campus buildings, avoiding Winlock Road.
- Lot 30 (north of the Genetics Lab) and Lot 31 (at Printing and Publications): During the heart of the work day (8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.), drive to your lot via Morrill Road, avoiding Winlock Road.
Look for 1095-C form in your home mail
With the help of an outside vendor, Iowa State recently finalized 1095-C forms for all employees. This form provides the Internal Revenue Service with proof that ISU has offered its employees health insurance. Employees will receive printed copies of the form through the mail at home within the next couple of weeks. This form is not required to file your income taxes. If you have questions or concerns once you receive the form, contact
Extension and Outreach Week focus: A strong Iowa
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Week is March 27 through April 2. County offices will host activities to acknowledge the many ways they build a strong Iowa. They also will be tagging and sharing #StrongIowa examples on social media and encouraging volunteers, partners and friends to do so as well.
Register to volunteer at Special Olympics summer games
Special Olympics Iowa is seeking volunteers for its annual summer games, held on campus May 19-21. Volunteer duties include escorts, parking, awards and more. Information about volunteer positions can be found at Half-day shifts are available; registration is online. Contact Jordan Allen (515-986-5520, with questions.
IRS warns against phishing scheme to get W-2s
HR and payroll professionals. Be on the lookout for anyone requesting personal information – even if it’s from your boss. Earlier this month, the IRS issued an alert following reports that phishers were creating spoofed emails targeted toward HR and payroll staff. These emails appeared to be from company executives or the recipient’s supervisor, requesting personal employee data like W-2s. Emails of this variety have been received at Iowa State, and other companies have fallen victim to this scam. Should you receive this type of request, verify the request before complying – no matter how legitimate it looks. And as always, never use email to exchange sensitive information.
'Peppa Pig' show coming to Stephens in October
Tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. Friday, March 25, for an Oct. 19 (6 p.m.) performance of "Peppa Pig's Big Splash" at Stephens Auditorium. The stage show is based on the animated TV series for preschool children that airs on the Nick Jr. channel. Tickets are $29-$59 and available via Ticketmaster, including the Stephens box office and by phone, 800-745-3000.
Lawnmower service days are April 1-2
Members of the Agriculture Systems Technology Club will hold their annual lawnmower service days Friday, April 1 (1-6 p.m.) and Saturday, April 2 (8 a.m.-3 p.m.) on the west side of Sukup Hall. Drop off your mower anytime during these hours. The service provided is a routine service; no major repairs. Cost is $35 for push mowers, $50 for riding mowers, and $15 for weed eaters. Pickup and delivery service is available (Ames only) for an additional $15 (push mowers) or $20 (riders). To request pickup, call (515) 708-8672 or send an email by 2 p.m. on March 31.
Seminar on publication and peer review is March 24
Professor of plant pathology and microbiology Mark Gleason will give a seminar, "Navigating the Maze of Publication and Peer Review," on Thursday, March 24 (3:40 p.m., 2019 Morrill). His talk is part of the computer science seminar series.
Project LEA/RN workshop is May 10-11
Are your students doing the kind of thinking required by professionals? Are your clients processing the information needed to solve complex problems? At an ISU Project LEA/RN workshop on Tuesday-Wednesday, May 10-11 (9 a.m.-4 p.m. daily, 0760 Lagomarcino), participants will share insights about the brain based on current research, engage in strategies that promote interaction and deep thinking, and apply their new understandings to situations in which they facilitate learning (classes, orientation sessions, extension meetings and more). Make your leadership more effective for improving learning. Enrollment is limited to 20; RSVP to the project's associate director, Jan Wieresma.
Cyclone Cinema adds 'Star Wars' film to spring lineup
Cyclone Cinema has added three midnight (11:59 p.m. actually) screenings of the December blockbuster, Star Wars: The Force Awakens to its spring lineup. The feature film will be shown Thursday-Saturday, March 31-April 2, in 101 Carver. As with all Cyclone Cinema shows, admission is free and the public is welcome. Concession prices range from $1 to $2.
Statewide tornado drill moved to March 24
A statewide tornado drill, originally scheduled Wednesday as part of Severe Weather Awareness Week, has been postponed to Thursday, March 24. Iowa State's outdoor warning sirens will be set off at 10:15 a.m. as part of the drill. Ames police will set off the sirens, which will issue the test message: "This is a tornado warning; please seek shelter immediately." The National Weather Service will conduct drills throughout Iowa from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. March 24. Severe Weather Awareness Week is March 21-25.
First Human Sciences dean finalist to visit campus next week
Cheryl Hanley-Maxwell, associate dean at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Education, is one of three finalists in the search for the next dean of the College of Human Sciences. She will visit campus March 21-22 for interviews and will conduct a public open forum March 21 (4-5 p.m., 2019 Morrill Hall.) Hanley-Maxwell is the first finalist to interview on campus. The second and third finalists will be announced March 24 and 31. Information on the finalists will be available on the Provost’s Office website.
Library workshops focus on humanities, digital files
These upcoming library instruction workshops require preregistration. All are scheduled 3-4:30 p.m. in 134 Parks Library. Follow the link for more information and registration.
- What are the Digital Humanities and Why are They Important? intended for graduate students and faculty in the social sciences and humanities, March 24
- Making Your Case in the Humanities: Increasing the Visibility and Documenting the Impact of Your Scholarship, April 1
- Private i: The Mystery of Managing Personal Digital Files, April 7
Conference seeks support for low-cost housing
Identifying and building support for low-cost housing in Ames and Story County is the focus of conference Wednesday, March 23, in the Scheman Building. Speakers, panelists and ISU student exhbits will be part of the day-long conference (8 a.m.-3 p.m. with lunch included). ISU faculty, staff and students are invited to attend the event, where public officials, non-profits and social service agencies, developers, real estate agents, educators and others will learn more about housing challenges facing Ames and the surrounding area. Registration is $25 for ISU employees and students. More information and online registration is available on the conference website -- A Place to Call Home. The conference is sponsored by the city of Ames, Story County and Iowa State University.
Science fair for elementary students is April 9
Iowa State's student chapter of the American Meteorological Society is hosting a science fair for first through fifth graders on April 9 (1-5 p.m., 1420 Molecular Biology). Students may create a poster or presentation about a science project (does not have to be meteorological) to present before a panel of judges. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place finishes; all entries will receive a participation award. Presentations are scheduled as follows:
- First and second grade, 1-2 p.m.
- Third grade, 2-3 p.m.
- Fourth grade, 3-4 p.m.
- Fifth grade, 4-5 p.m.
Register online by April 3. Email questions to
Wellmark offers free identity theft protection
Wellmark recently enhanced the value-added benefits for its health-care members by offering free identity protection services through ID Experts. Services include:
- Credit monitoring
- Cyber monitoring
- Fraud detection
- Complete identity recovery
- Reimbursement insurance
Eligible employees may enroll online through their myWellmark account or by calling 866-486-4812. To enroll, you'll need your Wellmark ID card and this enrollment code: 4170999624. More information is available online.
Comedian Bill Burr to have Stephens show
Comedian, actor and writer Bill Burr will stop in Ames for a single show on Sunday, April 24 (7 p.m., Stephens Auditorium). Tickets, $29.50-$49.50, go on sale at 10 a.m. March 11 via Ticketmaster, including the Stephens ticket office. Burr broke out in 2004 on Chappelle's Show on Comedy Central. He launched a popular twice-weekly rant, Monday Morning Podcast, in May 2007 that continues today.
Spring ahead; daylight saving time begins Sunday
Daylight saving time returns at 2 a.m. Sunday, March 13. Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before turning in Saturday night. Initially, we'll lose an hour of daylight in the morning but gain it back in the evening.
Regent committee to review four new ISU programs
The academic and student affairs committee of the state Board of Regents will meet in Ames Wednesday, March 9 (1-3 p.m., Horton room, ISU Alumni Center), to complete five-year reviews of four Iowa State programs created in 2010. The committee will receive the review reports and vote on requests regarding the future of the four programs, which are:
- Bachelor of Science in event management
- Master of Engineering in civil engineering
- Master of Engineering in information assurance
- Master of Engineering in materials science and engineering
Youth program leader training is March 22
The offices of risk management and conference planning and management, and ISU Extension and Outreach are hosting training for youth program leaders, administrators and student organization officers on March 22 (9-11 a.m., 1020 Extension 4-H Building). The training will cover the policies, procedures and forms necessary to conduct youth programs at Iowa State. Preregistration is required. To register, email by March 21.
Apply soon: Writing teams for early-career faculty
The provost's office is organizing a new round of writing accountability teams, a year-long initiative for faculty in their first 3-4 years on campus aimed at helping them find time to write. Up to three teams of 3-7 early-career faculty (across various disciplines) will work with a senior faculty writing coach with an outstanding publication record during the 2016-17 year, starting after spring semester. The coaches will be: Christina Bloebaum, aerospace engineering; Suzanne Hendrich, food science and human nutrition; and Steve Rodermel, genetics, development and cell biology. Those interested should contact Cinzia Cervato or Megan Peterson in the provost's office by March 25 to receive the application form. Applications are due Friday, April 2.
Veenker golf course opening March 7
Veenker Memorial Golf Course will opening for play on Monday, March 7. Call 294-6727 for a tee time. More information is online.
Expect construction traffic around ATRB site
Drivers and pedestrians should be alert to increased truck traffic around the Advanced Teaching and Research Building (biosciences) construction site, at the corner of Osborn Drive and Stange Road on the north side of campus. Contractors have started excavating in preparation for building footings. Winlock Road and parking lot 35 (north side of the construction site) will close during spring break week (March 14-18) to extend construction and permanent power from the north substation to the site.
Teacher career fair is Friday
The second annual Teacher Education Career Fair will be held Friday, March 4 (1-5 p.m., ISU Alumni Center). It is hosted by the College of Human Sciences' career services office, School of Education and Teacher Education Services. More than 40 school districts have preregistered to participate.
Nominations for Honors teaching, mentoring award due March 25
The University Honors Program seeks nomination letters (including self-nominations) for two annual awards of $500 that recognize general excellence in the teaching of Honors courses or seminars, or the advising or mentoring of Honors students. Anyone who has taught or mentored in the Honors program at least once is eligible. Letters and optional (but desirable) supporting materials (for example, syllabi, student letters) are due in 2130 Jischke Building by 5 p.m. Friday, March 25. Recipients will be recognized April 27 at the University Honors program's convocation.
Chicago concert at Stephens set for Aug. 10
Tickets go on sale Friday, March 4, for an Ames concert by the iconic band Chicago on Wednesday, Aug. 10 (8 p.m., Stephens Auditorium). Tickets, ranging from $50.50 to $126 ($30.99 for students), go on sale at 10 a.m. March 4 via Ticketmaster, phone (800-745-3000), or at the Stephens Auditorium ticket office (10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Friday).